聯合國的秘書長 Kofi Annan 的肺腑之言


  他於 Sep. 5, 2000 提出警告,有關戰爭、疾病、貧窮、污染這些燙手的問題,至今無法解決,除非世界所有的國家能摒棄成見,攜手合作,聯合國組織好像是要應付所有的這些問題,但是這種事件能夠得到滿意的處理方式,必須全世界共同來 努力。

  聯合國舉辦無數次的世界各國領袖的高峰會,一方面為了解決問題,另方面做國際交流,但是交流卻成為政治角力的鬥爭,而問題依然無法解決,所以 Kofi Annan 就說:“美、英、法、蘇、中國為常任理事國,常因為政治立場的差別,使得真正救人的行為,無法即時得到妥協,這種情況,讓聯合國的功能越來越脆弱”。“當今世界上的武力衝突兵紛四起,聯合國的維持和平力量,必須做即時與明確的行動。”

  故 Annan 很接受英國的建議,期望成立軍事和平學院,訓練和平專家,以化解各地的軍事衝突,更能有效建立和平捍衛力量。他強調,如果要有效達到和平的目的,必須建立有打擊力的機制,適時介入武裝衝突的事件中,以防滅種之殺戮一再重演。

  Annan 的說辭,表明一件具體的事實,台灣之想進入聯合國組織,無非是想突顯主權獨立國家的地位,而聯合國效力不彰,使得其中許多強國自組團隊,如 NATO 或華沙集團或小地區聯盟以求自保,台灣在無法順利加入聯合國之時宜以“人權、民主、人道救援”為主軸,積極展開台灣向國際揚威的實力。

Annan Says All Nations Must Cooperate to Solve Problems


  United Nations, Sept. 5, Secretary General Kofi Annan warned today that the perennial problems of war, disease, poverty and pollution will never be resolved unless all countries cooperate, and he stressed that neither they nor the United Nations can accomplish the tasks unaided.

  “I do not believe that the United Nations should be seen as doing everything, or that it should attempt to do everything by itself,”Mr. Annan said.“The issues we are dealing with from the elimination of poverty to the fight against AIDS and the protection of the environment are issues that require all hands on deck.”

  He called the gathering a“defining moment for the world's leaders and for the United Nations.” The secretary general spoke at a news conference before a three-day meeting of about 150 heads of state and other leaders here, which its United Nations organizers are calling the largest gathering of political leaders in history.

   Mr. Annan first suggested the gathering three years ago, he said,“to harness the symbolic power of the millennium to the real and urgent needs of people everywhere.”

   He said he had tried to encourage a partnership of governments, international organizations, private businesses and foundations to bring their“collective impact”the bear on the world's ills.

  “It is everyone's responsibility,”Mr. Annan said.“We will play our catalytic role. We will press. We will advocate the issues. We will use the little money we have to help. But everyone has to do their bit.”

   The meeting of world leaders here will open on Wednesday and conclude on Friday with a joint declaration, a draft of which began circulating here on Monday.

   The draft commits nations that sign it to“spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war,”and to promote democracy, expand respect for human rights and ensure access to economic development to every country.

   Other resolutions call for ridding the world of poverty, promoting education and ending the spread of AIDS.

   “I think these are big issues,”Mr. Annan said.“This is also why I am challenging everyone to make a contribution. This is why I am telling the world leaders not only to come here and approve a plan of action, but that I would expect each and every one of them to go back home and begin to do something about it.”

  When a reporter pointed out that talk of ringing in peace and ending cruelty dated back to biblical times, Mr. Annan said: “The fact that the poor have always been with us does not mean we should not try to improve their lot and their conditions. Yes, you may think I am a dreamer, as some have called me, but without the dream you do not get anything done.”

   Closer to home, Mr. Annan was asked about prospects for expanding the 15-member Security Council, which many nations are seeking. He said he believed that an expansion was possible, though he doubted it could be achieved this year.

  On Monday, Britain proposed increasing the overall size of the council and the number of permanent members. The United States' ambassador to the United Nations, Richard C. Holbrooke, also spoke last spring of expanding its membership even beyond 20 or 21 nations, which the United States had previously considered a maximum. Britain and the United States are now permanent members, with veto power, as are China, France and Russia.

   Some Western critics of expansion argue that too many members would weaken the council and make decisions harder. But Mr. Annan said it ought to be possible to expand the council and make it more democratic and representative of the United Nations.

  “I reject the idea that the expansion will necessarily lead to a confused, ineffective Security Council, which fudges all issues,”he said.“I do not think, if there is a problem of that kind, that it is necessarily one of size.”

   Mr. Annan also welcomed an offer by Britain to establish a military staff college to train peacekeepers from around the world to serve with United Nations missions, calling the idea“ something that I endorse whole heartedly.”

   He also said he supported a new report recommending an overhaul of United Nations peacekeeping operations, which have stumbled in Sierra Leone and Congo, among other troubled countries.

   “If we are going to conduct peacekeeping operations, we must do so effectively,” he said.

  “Otherwise, we just stand with our arms crossed. But we cannot continue to work as we are doing now.”