May 25,1998---Al Gore

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
May 25, 1998.

Dear Mr. Vice President Al Gore,

The House of Representatives voted Wednesday(May 20, 1998) to ban exports of satellites and missile technology to mainland China amid a growing probe into whether the White House allowed the export of sensitive missile technology.

And the next issue is; more than 150 members of Congress demand Thursday(May 21, 1998) that President Bill Clinton cancel his June trip to mainland China in the wake of allegation that Washington exported sensitive missile technology to Beijing.

At the same time (May 21, 1998); communist China urged the United States government to block resolutions that could halt the transfer of sensitive and missile technology to Beijing. "We ask the U.S. government to take effective measures to block these anti-Chinese resolutions from becoming laws, to prevent damaging Sino-U.S. relations".

Mainland Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bang-zao told a news briefing.

It is not a fresh news. A serials of gun-fire misery was exploded at Tibet( May 16, 1998).

Chinese police shot at Tibetan prisoners to quell a pro-independence demonstration inside Tibet's most notorious prison, a Tibetan rights group said that.

The India-based Tibetan Center for Human rights and Democracy said it was not known how many prisoners were killed or injured by the police in stopping the protests on May 1.

Unfortunately; Beijing would not be willing to negotiate a peace pack with Taipei if Taiwan's pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party comes to power, a Hong Kong newspaper reported(May 21, 1998).

We have known it; U.S. Senator Frank Murkowshi urged President Bill Clinton to resist mainland Chinese pressure to reduce America's commitment to Taiwan's

security, and more of it, a U.S. Senate Panel released CIA materials underscoring similarities between Chinese satellite launchers and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

However it had done or not, that could hurt U.S. security. As we have known it, Beijing have a routine of "negotiation", is that's stronger can speak.

United States is stronger than Beijing in the recent time, Taipei weaker than mainland China. In recent periods, if Taipei have added Washington's support, so that; Beijing's government, would urgently negotiate Taipei under the joyful condition of U.S. government.



Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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