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總統 Franklin D. Roosevelt 於建國獨立時,有四大自由的昭示,以實踐美國立國的精神。

•(一) 發表言論的自由。 
•(二) 信仰的自由。 
•(三) 擁有所需的自由。 
•(四) 避免恐懼的自由。 

        換句話說:人權是超乎國家力量之上,所以人道主義亦是聯合國憲章的首要,現在聯合國交雜在政治糾纏之中,中國與蘇俄為聯合國的常任理事國,對於世界性災難的人道援助,常就政治考量為第一要件。以致於有許多待援的國家,喪失第一時間的救援,淪為政治角力的犧牲者。 西藏領袖達賴喇嘛於 2000.09.30 聯合國千禧年大會邀訪,就受到中國無理的阻撓。自從1912年中華民國就已經存在的事實,的確無法否認,今日的中華民國更進化為亞洲最穩定的民主國家,創造政治和平轉移與經濟繁榮的奇蹟,台灣更願意為世界人道救援付出心力。 


Four Freedoms On United Nations


1940 --- U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt defines the American gold of the“Four Freedoms”

Freedom of Speech, 
Freedom of Belief,
Freedom from Want, and 
Freedom from Fear. 
  The four Freedoms are the basic Human Rights in every world countries, that whole members of United Nations was asked for achieving this lowest need. 
  On the other hand; Human Rights is superior to country's power in which humanitarian is U.N.'s first choice.
  But the political aspects of humanitarian intervention remains complex in the crisis there was no serious talk of a foreign intervention force.
  The only reason is that some countries' nuclear missile system and big business deal threat most western democratic country. 
  On August 30, 2000; a representative of the Dalai Lama read a statement on his behalf to the Millennium World Peace Summit. Since Mainland China rejects his call for an autonomous Tibet, the Nobel Peace laureate was not invited to the U.N. portion of the conference for fear of offending China --- a veto-wielding member of the U.N. Security Council. 
  Since 1912, the Republic of China has been an independent sovereign state, and that's an indisputable fact, that ROC in Taiwan is a mature country in Asia-Pacific region that the model of democratic system created its political and economic miracles.   
  We respect Human Rights and urge to help weak or poor countries because of our people's humanitarian minds. 
  We wondered about the justice spirits was down on the powers' conflict over U.N. affairs, but as to a member of global village, please let Taiwan join United Nations that Taiwan experience of political 
and economic would help other countries for its crisis urgently. 



天聽自我民聽,天聲就是人語,一切的一切,由全民參政,決定國家的前途與未來,民主國家何懼“全民公投”之法,其實由全民意識來行使國家立場與重大事項,乃民主國之基本精神,哈統者可美其名曰“統一公投”,哈獨者亦可謂之“獨立公投”,這種大事絕非立法院吵吵鬧鬧就可以算了,二仟三佰萬人口,有其歷史偏好,亦有些族群情結,彼此必須相容各自表述的異音,學習寬恕,方是國內政壇亂相的第一要務,民主就是一切tolerant spirit (容忍共存的精神)。