Saturation Missile Strikes Called Most Serious Threat 請密切注意中共的導彈面對台灣的事實
評曰:在中共未能宣佈不以武力攻台之時,卻有一群人附和中 共的言論,趁台灣經濟不振之時,打壓政府,這反應出 某些人〝要錢不要命〞的茍安心態。 現在中共正逐步增加瞄準台灣的導彈,由現有 400 顆 到 2005 年的 600 顆。 The biannual white paper released by the Ministry of National Defense (on Aug 9, 2000 ) said China has deployed more than 400 missiles, many of them capable of striking Taiwan, and that the number is expected to exceed 600 by 2005. "Together with ground-attack cruise missiles now near completion, they can be employed for multiple-wave and multidirectional saturation attacks," the report says of China's missiles. The document, titled "2000 National Defense Report," said such attacks would be "the most seroiusly threatening from of a PRC (People's Republic of China)military invasion." 評曰:請勿輕言放棄台灣的防衛能力,兩岸制度差異極大,中 共對自由集會與群眾運動,多黨政治民主化的顧忌,會 造成兩岸人民在未來的衝擊與敵對。 At the same time, Defense Minister Wu Shih-wen said in the preface to the 250-pagebiannual report that the military now has "active" strategic combat capability andcan launch counterattacks. "Therefore, the military strategy has been adjusted to 'effective deterrence and strongdefense posture,' " he added. "This does not mean the R.O.C. hopes to engage in an arms race with the PRC, and so the report introduces a vision for developing military exchanges and building up mutual trust," he added. 評曰:眼前的對岸呈現榮景,但隱於其後的危機卻是〝解放軍 〞出頭的隱憂。 According to the report, mainland China's air force could win air supremacy over the Taiwan Strait after 2005. It further said the PLA may set up special military units to invade Taiwan. If mainland China finally decides to take Taiwan by force, the report said, it will first launch a maritime blockade and conduct air bombardment and missile attack. The report said China's current missile deployment along its southeastern coast is completely targeted at Taiwan, and the number of its missiles deployed in the region will exceed 600 by 2005. 評曰:在福州軍區有解放軍七萬人,而有一戰立可動員的四十 萬軍人對台登戰,台灣對大陸的武力威脅不可稍縱。 The report further said the PLA currently deploys 70,000 troops in the Fujian area, which is directly opposite Taiwan, and can move an additional 250,000 troops to Fujian from its other military regions in a very short period of time. According to the report, the PLA can mobilize up to 400,000 troops for a landing attack on Taiwan and its air force can airlift two parachute regiments to Taiwan. The PLA can also launch multi-dimensional and multiple rounds of missile attacks on Taiwan, the report said. In the face of mainland China's mounting military threat, the report said, the R.O.C has also upgraded its overall defense capability with the completion of various arsenal replacement and modernization plans. The information and data compiled in the report spanned from January 1, 1998 through June 30, 2000. 評曰:台灣連談兩國論就被鬼哭神號似的打壓,其主權何在? 如果因經濟而喪失〝民主自由〞與囚中之犯人能吃飽, 無憂無慮,有何不同?台灣人應在制度上影響中共,才 不會成為〝飼料雞〞。 The report reviews how relations across the Taiwan Strait became strained last summer after then President Lee Teng-hui defined cross-strait ties as a "special state-to-state" relationship. In retaliation for Lee's remarks, the report notes, the PLA conducted Taiwan-targeting combined services landing drills in its Guangzhou and Nanjing military regions. The report comprises seven chapters: International security environment and the military situation; national security and defense policy; defense resources; armed forces; defense management; important national defense programming; and the armed forces and the people. |