CHINA: Freedom from Fear Victims of human rights
violations in China are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Torture is endemic. So is ill-treatment. Thousands of political prisoners are in jail, after trials at which the verdict was decided in advance. Countless numbers of people are held in administrative detention without being charged. Each year thousands of people are sentenced to death. In 1994 Amnesty International recorded three times as many executions in China as in the rest of the world put together.
No one is safe in China. Repressive legislation and the widespread abuse of power mean that everyone --- not just political dissidents --- is at risk. Some violations are committed with the full backing of the law; others, such as torture, continue in breach of the law.
China has undergone an economic revolution in recent times. This has significantly improved the quality of life for many people. However, economic reforms have not been matched by reform of a legal system that fosters gross human rights violations.
Dissent and any activity perceived as a threat is repressed. Independent human rights organizations in China are suppressed. International human rights organizations are not permitted to investigate abuses in China.
China's leaders stress the need to expand international cooperation as a step towards solving the world's problems. Such cooperation must be extended to human rights issues. China was one of the governments which adopted, by consensus, the Vienna Declaration of the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights. The Declaration reaffirms that “the promotion and protection of all human rights is a legitimate concern of the international community.” The world cannot ignore a fifth of its population just because they happen to live within China's border.
這篇 “中國!免於恐懼的自由”,是世界特赦組織的聲明,我們這裏還有數 不清的待援名單,在六四天安門事件後,一部份民運學生逃往國外,他們做的是中 國民主化的夢想,與本基金會的宗旨相當符合。
他們給我一份名單,希望公佈出來,以備援助,現在我把名單再列出以為參考 ,希望台灣人能圓中國民主期望,祈求美夢成真。
Jul-18 6:08 pm
To: TATI5 unreadCHINESEBOY55 來函:
Please Releasing Arrested Leader's of China Democracy Party (CDP)
Name list ( 36 people )
The principal aim of China Democracy Party serve as“ the public spirit is the most supreme, for the masses serves”. The political principle of China Democracy Party serve as“makes public, the rational, the peace which mean the non- violence”.
Xu Wenli One of Four Chairman of CDP in Beijing under sentence of 13 years.
Qin Yongmin One of Four Chairman of CDP in Wuhan under sentence of 12 years.
Wang Youcai One of Four Chairman of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 11 years.
YuXinjiao Chairman of China Nation Revival Party in Shanghai under sentence of 15 years.
Cha Jianguo Executive Chairman of Unites Headquarters of CDP in Beijing under sentence of 8 years.
Gao Hongmin Execution Committee Member of Unites Headquarters of CDP in Beijing under sentence of 7 years.
Wu Yilong The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 11 years.
Mao Qingxiang The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 8 years.
Zhu Yufu The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 7 years.
Zhu Zhengming The member of whole nation preliminary committee of CDP in Zhejiang under sentence of 10 years.
Xu Guang The member of Zhejiang preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 5 years.
Ye Youfu The member of Zhejiang preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 3 years.
Yang Qinheng The member of CDP in Shanghai under sentence of 4 years.
Fan Yiping The member of Guangdong preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 4 years.
Yang Tao The member of Guangdong preliminary committee of CDP under sentence of 7 years.
Liu Xianbin Chairman of Sichuan headquarters of CDP under sentence of 9 years.
Yu Wanbao Vice chairman of Sichuan headquarters of CDP under sentence of 8 years.
Chen Zhonghe Chairman of Hubei headquarters of CDP under sentence of 10 years.
Xiao Shichang Hubei Secretary-general of Hubei headquarters of CDP under sentence 7 years.
Liu Shizun Chairman of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence of 12 years.
Wang Zechen Vice chairman of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence of 12 years.
Wang Wenjiang Vice chairman of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence of 11 years.
Tong Shidong Chairman of Hunan headquarters of CDP under sentence of 8 years.
Guo Chengming Committee member of Liaoning headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Cai Guihua The member of Shanghai preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Yue Tianxiang Chairman of Gansu Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly. Guo Xinmin Committee member of Gansu province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Wang Fengshan Committee member of Gansu headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Yu Feng Chairman of Hebei Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Zhang Youju Committee member of Hebei Province of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Li Zhiyou The member of Guangxi preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Fu Shenping The member of Shanghai preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Han Lifa The member of Shanghai preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Liu Jin Vice chairman of Hebei Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Zhang Jian Vice chairman of Hebei Province headquarters of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Liu Xianli The member of Anhui province preliminary committee of CDP under sentence not clearly.
Wang Xizhe
The Standing Chairman of unites headquarters of CDP
Putting in order issues
On June 13, 2000 San Francisco United States