

  於1996年3月8日到15日,有中共對台於北、高兩地飛彈試射,此時正是台灣總統選舉期間,講明的要給台灣與美國警告,是一種向國際強權示威的行為;結果引起台灣人民反感,李登輝高票當選。在2001 年的今天,中共又向蘇俄購買足以對付第七艦隊的軍艦,再度駛入海峽中線,表明 Bush 政府不可支持台灣防衛性武器。

  台灣靠的是民主、自由、人權,得到世界各國的讚許與支持,但是在全球經濟掛帥的今天,商業利益大於人權道德,政治之美只供純粹欣賞,國際的讚嘆,只堪玩味,故有十足可以支撐民主台灣安危的利器,就是“經濟實力”與“軍事力量” 。



  1. 強調台灣是自由民主法治的主權國家,不容威脅與侵犯,將不惜一切力量來捍衛台灣人民的安全與福祉。
  2. 利用各種機會把台灣的現況與意願廣傳世界各國。
  3. 積極參予人道救援組織,展顯台灣人道救助的能力。
  4. 不斷的加強軍備與演習,訂定各種操演訓練,與由軍武的研發到自製自 用的自足能力,必傾力以赴。

  有這封民間自發性的國民外交信函,是針對1996年3月事件的英文信,要求全 民一人一件寄到對台有幫助的組織、單位、國家、元首,其內容大要為:

  1. 身為台灣人,堅持和平與中共解決台灣問題,中共無權宣佈擁有台灣。
  2. 我們相信大部份的中國人不想用軍力來威脅台灣,因為未來會是兩敗俱 傷的場面,中共應該加緊國內的體質改善才對。
  3. 中共演習示威,只會引起國際緊張與不安,對兩岸的事務反而得不到真 正的解決。其產生之亞太不安定情勢,皆不利於未來中共經濟、政治、軍 事的展望。

  Regarding the military maneuver that is to be exercised by the People's Republic of China from March 8 to 15, 1996 in the seas very close to Taiwan (The coordinates for two areas in which the tests would be held are: one about 50 km (30miles) west of Kao-hsiung city, and the second in an area about 20 km (12 miles) off northeast Taiwan), We express our greatest concern and protest. Evidence has established that the PRC's series maneuvers, including the missile test held last July and August, have the purpose of demonstrating to the world its military muscles and forcing Taiwan to accepting its political blackmail. Yet we believe those hostile maneuver will benefit no party other than the belligerent wings in the PRC. We would therefore like to bring to the attention of the world the serious impact of those events.

  First, as the citizens of Taiwan, we would like to restate out insistence on the peaceful solution to the dispute of Taiwan's international status. Yet, we also believe that the PRC is not entitled the right to claim sovereignty over Taiwan. The PRC's military action against Taiwan should therefore be regarded as a common threat by the people in Taiwan, regardless of difference in political believes.

  Second, we believe that those military maneuvers are against the majority interest of the PRC citizens. We are deeply sympathetic with the people in the mainland for the natural and political disasters they have been suffering from. Yet military action creates the effect of shifting attention away from those domestic problems, and instituting an undemocratic regime buttressed by military power. It is also irresponsible for the PRC government to indulge on military build up while domestic problems, such as deteriorating income distribution, crime and corruption, are erupting.

  Finally, to the people of the world, we must emphasize the damage done to the international community by those military operations. The target area of the maneuver marks an important fishery for the fishermen in Taiwan, China, Korea, and Japan. More importantly, military threat against Taiwan not only not helpful to the peaceful way to resolve issues of disputes between across the strait but also brings the danger of disturbing the political stability in East Asia, casting a shadow over the steady development and regional integration in this area.

  We therefore invite you to join us to tell the world how we think, and what we are protesting about.

George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C 20500

Colin Powell
Secretary of State
State Department
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, D.C 20500 U.S.A.

Trent Lott
United States Senate
Office of the Majority Leader
Washington, DC 20510-7010

Kofi A. Annan
General Secretary
The United Nations
New York, NY 10017

Monsieur Jacques Chirac
President de la Republique Francaise
Palais de l'Elysee
55 et 57, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore
75008 PARIS

Rt. Hon. Tony Blair
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street,
London SW1A 2AA

Mr. Gerhard Schroder
Federal Chancellors
Adenauerallee 139-141
53113 Bonn

Mr. Walter Schwimmer
Secretary Gereral
Council of Europe
Point Ⅰ
F67075 Strasbourg Cedex