

  中共派遣數千員秘密情報人員滲透到香港各地方,以監督政治異議份子,這是由香港人權組織的人員所發現的消息,並加以說明,這許多情報人員運用高科技, 收集各種通訊資料與通話紀錄、銀行財務報表…。


PRC sends thousands to spy on dissidents in HK

Jan. 17, 2001 ---

  Mainland China has dispatched thousands of secret agents to Hong Kong to keep watch on political dissidents, a human rights group claimed here Tuesday. Since the 1997 handover of the former British colony, the mainland Chinese Security Ministry's activities in Hong Kong have been “rampant,” the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said in a statement. It said 1,000 surveillance officers were being sent annually to settle in the territory. “They (security agents) collect stolen telephone bills and bank statements and use hi-tech innovations to eavesdrop on telephone conversations” of activists considered a danger to state security, center head Frank Lu told AFP.


  台灣人喜歡如此嗎?三通之後,台灣不知會有多少中共特務來台潛伏,我們國安局不是已發佈消息,已列管知悉的中共來台情報員有數千員之多,更甚的是台灣居然有人主動向中共通風報信,擔當中共在台的“正牌”情報大員。事實上,中共正好可以運用台灣民主制度,享人權而缺乏“間諜”與“國家安全”意識的形態中 ,在台吸收各方人才,加以運用,自然可以不費一兵一卒之力,和平解放台灣。
