Chapter 7



1. 愛錢-享受台胞特權,到中國賺些錢。

2. 愛命-認為台灣成為中共的省份,接受招安,自然和平,可是卻未能想一想,台灣人真的能忍受再一次的白色或赤色的恐怖。

3. 愛中國-在台灣的老外省族群,重新燃起回歸大陸的期待,乃因為國民黨失去政權之後,曾喊獨立的阿扁成為台灣總統,很多老外省人很感冒,因為有莫名的不安全感。




















  於 Taipei Times March 16, 2001 的一篇報導中,就明白指出台灣人的困境,它說中共欺侮阿扁為弱勢總統,不理會其友善的招手,反而運用急統的台灣立法委員來對付阿扁,要以自己人打自己人的方式,不費一兵一卒,就能夠收服台灣,故一方面收買台灣生意人,另方面友善於統派人士,在短期間,阿扁政府就受到極大的傷害,而台灣人亦陷入恐慌之中,其文攻侵蝕台媒體界,而武嚇更造成隨時可以攻台的效果,有不少人向美國政府告狀,希望美方能夠放棄支持台灣,不要賣武器給台灣,否則嘿!嘿!嘿!有一天中國的軍隊操控美式先進武器,打美國人,造成美國政府對台灣當局防衛台灣的決心,產生疑慮。





Taiwan needs its own 'united front'

Publish: March 16, 2001
Source: Taipei Times

  Ever since the Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) government came to office, Beijing has been practicing a united-front "besiege" strategy of ignoring Chen's numerous goodwill gestures and talking instead only to Taiwanese business leaders and opposition politicians. Beijing's blindness to the political reality in Taiwan has even prompted former US assistant secretary of state Stanley Roth to suggest that China change its strategy and talk directly to the Taiwan government.

  China's strategy sows discord and creates confusion here. Abandoning existing contact channels such as the Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) and the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS), China is hiring pro-Beijing legislators in Taiwan to handle civic exchanges, thereby letting them gain political and economic benefits. In tasting those benefits, these legislators have forgotten the constituencies and voters they are supposed to represent. They shuttle between China and Taiwan and view themselves as Beijing's spokespeople. Even former American Institute in Taiwan chairman Nat Bellocchi has been puzzled by this development. Why are so many political figures running to China, asking to meet with its high officials?

  In Matsu, local officials have even signed an agreement with the other side of the Strait -- without authorization from the central government. Other local chiefs, including the deputy mayor of Taipei City and the mayor of Hsinchu City, have visited China for city-to-city exchanges. All this activity has prompted SEF Chairman Koo Chen-fu (辜振甫) to express concern over the "localization of cross-strait affairs."

  China's tactics may cause temporary distress in Taiwan, but Beijing will eventually find out that those politicians on the cross-strait shuttle do not have public support. They are political brokers at best. Nevertheless, China may be able to cause trouble in Taiwan by relying on this group of Uriah Heep-like toadies. They can only harm cross-strait relations because they can only cause misconceptions in China about Taiwan.

  Wang Jin-pyng (王金平), speaker of the Legislative Yuan, may lead a team of lawmakers on a visit to China in June or July. If he goes, he will be the highest-ranking Taiwan official to visit China. Not only does he represent Taiwan's highest-level elected body, he is also a KMT vice chairman and is a core figure in the political maneuvers of the opposition alliance. Wang has, however, dutifully sought approval for the trip from the president.

  While we would be happy to see a successful visit by Wang's delegation, we also have a few suggestions for him. Because Wang will be traveling in his capacity as Legislative Yuan speaker, he should select members of his delegation according to the proportion of seats held by each political party in the legislature, so as to reflect the plurality of political opinions in Taiwan. This way, the delegation can avoid the appearance of partisanship, which would undermine Wang's representativeness. Wang should also avoid being forced by pro-China lawmakers to say or behave inappropriately during the visit.

  Wang's meeting with Chinese leaders will provide a unique opportunity, since in many ways they could be viewed as quasi-negotiations. Whatever Wang says will have to represent both official and public opinion in Taiwan. The Mainland Affairs Council will have to make good preparations for Wang's visit and the SEF should also send out people to help during the trip.

  Wang's trip could herald the start of a new trend. Taiwan should be sending people across the Strait who can better represent the country and accurately present its opinions, instead of allowing political wanna-be's to be the only ones shuttling back and forth. Such a deployment could help reduce misunderstandings and perhaps even break the ice that has kept the Strait frozen for so long.