Chapter 18


  於 2001 April 13 的紐約時報報導,覺得很有意義,亦值得大家來深思,我給內容的重點做敘述,以提供各位參考。


(A) 中共依靠美國甚多,包括貿易、高科技、消費龐大的市場需求。
(B) 中共對寄望美國的持續支持,包括WTO後的千億美元商機、2008年奧運同意權與在美國就讀的五萬四千員中國留學生。

  專欄作家 THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN 就認為中共留機放人是因為人道理由的說法,讓人笑掉大牙,事實上,中共此刻尚不想得罪美國。

(A) 中共領導階層有非時之交替,權利內鬥的情形難料。
(B) 中共新興的大中國民族意識,會是可怕的力量。 
(C) 中共對台灣的威脅,並未稍減。




One Nation, 3 Lessons

April 13, 2001

So what are the lessons from this latest China-U.S. crisis? They are: (1) When dealing with China, carry a big stick and a big dictionary. (2) This is an inherently unstable relationship. (3) Get used to it ?it's going to be this way for a long time.

Let's start with Lesson 2, because it's the crux of the matter. We learn from this incident that the U.S.-China relationship has within it two highly stabilizing and two highly destabilizing elements, and the future will be shaped by the balance between them.

The two stabilizing elements are China's economic dependence on U.S. trade, technology transfers and the American market, and China's more general, but steady, integration into the world. When China's foreign minister declared that China was releasing the U.S. surveillance plane's crew for "humanitarian reasons," I burst out laughing. One thing the Chinese are expert at is calculating their interests. And they had clearly calculated that dragging this affair on another day could imperil China's entry into the World Trade Organization, its $100 billion in trade with the U.S., its application to be host to the 2008 Summer Olympics, its 54,000 students studying in America, etc. etc.

These things matter. They matter to a regime whose Communist ideology is largely defunct and whose only basis of legitimacy is its ability to keep incomes rising. And they matter deeply to the people of China, who see themselves as a rising power and want to be accepted as such. The more China is integrated with the global economy and international rules-based systems like the W.T.O., the more these will be a source of restraint on the regime.

But they are not foolproof, because these stabilizing elements in the relationship are counterbalanced by two highly destabilizing ones: the authoritarian character of the Chinese regime, and China's rising popular nationalism and unquenchable aspiration to absorb Taiwan into one China.

Authoritarian regimes, having little legitimacy, can almost never admit a mistake. That's why you need a big stick and big dictionary when dealing with them. The idea that a slow-moving, propeller-driven surveillance plane, flying on autopilot, rammed into a Chinese fighter jet is ludicrous. But since China's leaders lacked the self-confidence to admit this, the Bush team wisely found a way to apologize without really apologizing.

The same tools need to be applied to Taiwan. Taiwan's character ?the fact that it is a country that has built itself in America's image, economically and politically ?mandates that we defend it. We cannot shirk that responsibility. But Taiwan's history and geography mandate that Taiwan find a way to accommodate with mainland China ?without sacrificing its de facto independence or character. China has actually shown a lot of flexibility in proposing different formulas lately, and Taiwan needs to respond. Pass the dictionary.

We need to keep our eyes on the prize here, folks. Those voices in the U.S. now calling for America to "stick it to China" and to "teach them a lesson" sound as silly as the China People's Daily hectoring America. China is a unique problem. It represents one-fifth of humanity. It threatens us as much by its weaknesses as by its strengths. We may be doomed to a cold war with China, but it is not something we should court. A cold war with Russia, a country that made tractors that were more valuable as scrap steel and TV's that blew up when you turned them on, was one thing.

A cold war with one- fifth of humanity, with an economy growing at 10 percent a year, is another. At the same time, trying to collapse the Chinese regime overnight would produce a degree of chaos among one-fifth of the world's inhabitants that would affect everything from the air we breathe to the cost of the clothes we wear to the value of our currency.

Our strategy toward China needs to remain exactly as it was: Build bridges to China everywhere possible, because they have clearly become a source of restraint on the regime; and draw red lines everywhere necessary, because China's rising nationalism and insecure leadership can produce irrational behavior that overrides all other interests. Do this, and hope that over time China continues, as it slowly has been, becoming a more open, legalized, pluralistic society, with a government more responsive, and less threatening, to its people and neighbors. Lurching to any other extremes with China would be utterly, utterly foolhardy.


  引述自由電子報於2001 April 5 的報導,亦甚為可取,其文如下:






  凡是有基本常識 的人都能看出,近來轉向正面的國家外部環境,是台灣在致力發展產經、鞏固民主政治的同時,必須倍加珍惜的國家總體戰略優勢。不過,過去一年期間,少數親中人士和紅頂商人為了自己的政經利益,不惜施壓政府走到與台灣長遠利益背道而馳的方向,而部分政府官員也被其不一而足的論調蠱惑,不事挽救產業凋敝、經濟衰退,反而在推動三通、鬆綁戒急用忍、追求一中共識上面白費工夫,施政作為偏離了最有利於台灣生存與發展的正途。結果,不到一年的短短時間內,台灣居然出現了政經逐漸向中國傾斜的現象,連美國智庫、日本人士都公開對此提出警告!  

  在此期間,有 些蓄意與新政府唱反調的在野人士,為了虛張自己的聲勢竟然頻出下策,與中國當局一搭一唱鼓吹一個中國原則,完全不顧台灣的主權尊嚴和二千三百萬人民的福祉。甚而,在江澤民蠻橫宣稱一國兩制是台灣唯一的選擇之後,還一廂情願地賣力推銷九二共識。另外,更有在野立委三不五時組團赴北京朝貢,以獲得中國領導人接見而沾沾自喜,而不用心於探究台灣經濟危機的根源所在,致力於改善投資環境與解決失業問題。這幾天,某在野黨在北京的立委訪問團,似乎對中美軍機碰撞所牽動的國家情勢正面轉向渾然無知,在北京向中國官員卑躬屈膝地探問,中國 過去所說統一後中國人不到台灣當官、台灣人可以到中國當官的話是否依舊有效?我們實在想問,立委如此喪權辱國,是否也應交由立法院的紀律委員會嚴予議處?而先前該黨領導人不顧中國積極擴張軍備,批評美國軍售台灣會引起軍備競賽,難道是為了準備到中國去當官?  

