Chapter 21

















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China Buildup Has Taiwan on Edge

April 8, 2001

  CHIAYI AIR BASE, Taiwan-The collision between an American spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet has focused attention on China's military buildup. But none of the pilots at this air base in southern Taiwan need any reminders.

  With the Chinese mainland just 100 miles away, Taiwan's F-16 fighter aircraft roar into the air to patrol the uneasy Taiwan Strait. Their Chinese counterparts, in turn, take to the air in SU-27's and other Russian-designed fighters.

  "We have a fuzzy peace," said the deputy commander of the F-16 squadron here, who asked to be identified only by his pilot's call sign, "Benson" Kao. "Recently, they have been flying a lot."

  China has steadily expanded its arsenal of missiles, aircraft, submarines and destroyers over the last several years as its economy has grown. Much of that buildup is aimed squarely at Taiwan. In fact, the midair collision near Hainan island arose in the context of Beijing's efforts to extend its reach in the air and seas around the Taiwan Strait and beyond, and the intensified American efforts to monitor the Chinese buildup.

  Whatever the outcome of the dispute over the collision, China and the United States are increasingly likely to jostle for dominance in the region, and in particular over Taiwan's fate.

  China has objected vociferously to the United States' sale of sophisticated weapons to Taiwan, which it considers a renegade province. The Bush administration is scheduled to decide on a package of arms sales later this month.

  President Bush, in his campaign for the White House, put Beijing on notice that the United States would come to Taiwan's assistance if it was attacked, going far beyond the ambiguous assurances made by previous presidents. "It's important for the Chinese to understand that if there's a military action, we will help Taiwan defend itself," Mr. Bush said.

  China's strategy behind its buildup along the Taiwan Strait is two-fold. First and foremost, it is a form of political pressure to compel Taiwan to accept Beijing's sovereignty. And it is also a way to frighten the United States from coming to Taiwan's aid by raising the specter of American casualties.

  But there is also a military strategy that draws on lessons China absorbed from the United States' success in the Persian Gulf war. If Beijing decided force was needed, the aim would be to use long-range weapons to shock Taiwan into submission and win decisively at a low cost. The victory also has to come quickly ?before Washington can decide whether it wants to take the risk of intervening militarily.

  "China would not try to destroy the economy or kill the population, and it is unlikely they would launch an all- out amphibious attack," said Parris H. Chang, a defense specialist and legislator in President Chen Shui- bian's Democratic Progressive Party. "They would try to destroy our will to resist and then call for negotiations."

  The centerpiece of China's new arsenal is its force of short-range ballistic missiles, which are at three bases in or near Fujian province along the Taiwan Strait: Yongan, Leping and the newest at Xianyou.

  American intelligence officials estimate that there are about 300 CSS-6 and CSS-7 missiles, which have the range to blanket the island. Taiwanese military officials put the number of missiles higher, at 400 or more. The main targets would be Taiwan's radars, command posts, airfields, ports, fuel depots and power plants.

  The weapons, however, are very inaccurate and would do well to land 300 to 600 meters from their target. Still, the Chinese are beginning to incorporate improved guidance systems that rely on information from satellites.

  According to American intelligence, China only has about 50 mobile launchers, which limits the size of each salvo and could leave an hour or more between each. That could be enough time for Taiwan to repair its runways and keep its air force flying, assuming its military made the necessary but unglamorous investments in such maintenance programs.

  In addition to missiles, China has more than 4,000 warplanes. But few are modern fighters. China has acquired about 50 SU-27 fighters from the Russians and is planning to buy almost 200 more. It has also deployed about 10 SU-30 Russian-made attack planes and is expected to deploy as many as 50.

  But Chinese pilots have never practiced flying in formations greater than 20 planes, and in general China's pilots receive far less training than those in Taiwan, which also has a greater number of top-line fighters.

  Other military options are more problematic. China does not have a convincing capability to conduct an amphibious assault across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan's coastline is unsuitable for such a landing, and China has only enough military craft to move about 10,000 troops, far too few to seize the island.

  Nor would it be easy to mount an airtight blockade. China has only two supply vessels that can carry fuel and water to the ships that would be enforcing the quarantine, and only one ship that can transport munitions. And the longer a blockade takes to put in place, the more time the United States has to intervene.

  Still, Taiwan's military experts worry that a missile attack could frighten and demoralize the population while China's submarines and ships placed added pressure on the island by mining harbors.

  Tyson G. Fu, the director of the Institute of Strategic Studies at the National Defense University in Taiwan, said the Chinese People's Liberation Army was "good at finding its enemies' weak points and exploiting them."

  Aware that Taiwan lacks an effective missile defense, the Chinese are brandishing their missile threat. "China's missiles may be more of a psychological threat than a military one," Mr. Fu said, "but sometimes psychological threats can be more powerful."

  A senior Taiwanese official said the island's best hope would be to defend against China's first blows and hold out until the United States had time enough to decide to intervene ?perhaps several weeks.   

  Much of China's buildup, then, has been acquired with the intention of making the United States at least think twice about getting involved in a fight over Taiwan.

  To deter Washington from dispatching carrier battle groups to the region, China has bought four Russian Kilo-class submarines. The submarines can operate using their diesel engines or batteries, which makes them quiet and hard to detect.

  China has also bought two Russian-made Sovremenny-class destroyers. The ships are equipped with a sea-skimming antiship missile, a major worry for both Taiwan and the United States. But China has little capability to find targets at sea at long-range, and the Sovremenny destroyers have no real way to defend against submarines.

  While most analysts believe the United States Navy could decisively defeat the Chinese fleet, Beijing is calculating that the prospect of American casualties would temper Washington's commitment to Taiwan's security.

  Nobody in the region is eager for a war, least of all the Chinese, who are intent on developing their economy, absorbed with internal political struggles and hopeful of winning international acceptance by hosting the 2008 Olympics.

  "China has a political strategy toward Taiwan with a military component, not vice versa," said James Mulvenon of the Rand Corporation. "The best option for the Chinese military is to win without fighting. The second best is to win by brandishing the swords or with low levels of military activity. The next to worst option is to fight an all-out war and win, and the absolute worst is to fight a war and lose. That would mean de facto independence for Taiwan and the end of the regime in Beijing."

  Still, Beijing has not hesitated to rattle its sabers to press Taiwan to accept that it is part of China. During Taiwan's 1996 presidential election campaign, when China believed that the island was beginning to drift away politically, China fired missiles close to Taiwan's two major ports: the northern port of Keelung and the southern port of Kao-hsiung, where most of Taiwan's fleet is based. And many analysts believe that Beijing is prepared to attack Taiwan should it declare its independence.

  Taiwan's leaders say the island needs to have a credible military force and close ties to the United States to stand up to Beijing's pressure. An acceptable political arrangement leading to greater integration between the two sides may eventually be possible, they say, but not at the point of a gun and only if Beijing moves toward democracy.

  The result has been a slow-motion arms race as China buys arms from Russia and Taiwan seeks to counter by buying weapons from the United States. And as the United States' commitment to Taiwan's defense has become less unambiguous, Taiwan's leaders have begun to argue that Washington's credibility in the region is linked to Taiwan security.

  "There is no one-shot solution," said Pi-chao Chen, Taiwan's vice defense minister, of Taiwan's relations with China. "There is only an evolutionary process with an open-ended outcome. If we can succeed in deterring China from ever taking a punch, that will not only serve our interests. It will also serve the interest of China, Japan and America."