Chapter 34




  • 台灣的政治玩危險遊戲。
  • 台灣向美國求購軍武,只會引起動盪不安,威脅區域的安全與穩定,會遭致反擊。
  • 台灣購越多的武器,越是鼓動分離份子。
  • 如果以為買到武器就可以決定台灣的命運,我可以告訴他們,任何人絕無法與12億中國人民對抗。
  • 台灣購買武器的行為,是妄圖破壞中國主權與領土的完整,我們絕不容許一寸土地被分離。
  • 美國惹火的決定,是破壞中美的關係。

Beijing, Apr 25, 2001 ---

China on Wednesday kept up its angry response to new U.S. weapons sales to Taiwan, with the hawkish military warning the weapons build-up could spell disaster for the island and the Asian region.

"The Taiwan authorities are now playing a very dangerous game," warned an editorial in the People's Liberation Army Daily, the armed forces' mouthpiece."

"Arms purchases can only make the Taiwan Straits situation more turbulent, increase the threat to regional peace and stability, and backfire."

"Arm purchases will not only be unable to genuinely guarantee Taiwan's security, it may also bring disaster to the people of Taiwan."

China regards Taiwan as a renegade province that must be brought back under its rule, by force if necessary, even though the island has been separated from the mainland since the end of a civil war almost 52 years ago.

Despite strong editorials in several leading newspapers, there were signs the Chinese leadership may be trying not to whip up incendiary nationalist sentiment which has already been agitated by the Sino-U.S. spy plane crisis.

Most state-controlled media carried straight reports on the arms sale and the foreign ministry's condemnation, while state television was also restrained.

Although the U.S. government rebuffed Taiwanese requests for Arleigh Burke class destroyers mounted with state-of-the-art Aegis radar - the item that had worried China the most - the media said any weapons sales were unacceptable.

"The more arms the Taiwan authorities import, the bolder the separatists on the island will become," the PLA paper said. "But if conflict breaks out with the mainland, the ones who will experience the misery of war will necessary be the Taiwan people."

The editorial concluded by promising never to permit a formal separation of Taiwan from the mainland.

"If anyone thinks that with mere weapons he can decide the fate of a nation, we will tell him that no one can stand in the way of the 1.2 billion Chinese people, and the PLA," the editorial said.

China's armed forces, which have "the sacred mission of safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, will not permit one inch of land to be split from China," it concluded.

The English-language China Daily focused on the U.S. role, saying the "inflammatory decision" to sell arms to Taiwan "could destroy the premise for Sino-U.S. relations."

It suggested the arms sale could turn the clock back to the time before 1979, when the United States and China established diplomatic relations and Washington terminated a mutual security pact with Taiwan.

"Selling more advance weapons to the island is tantamount to restoring the military alliance between Taiwan and the United States," it said.

The editorial acknowledged the United States was holding strong cards in the form of China's wish to join the World Trade Organization and Beijing's ambition to host the 2008 Olympics, but said threats would only trigger a strong reaction from the Chinese people.

"The parties involved should not throw a tantrum too soon and make blackmailing utterances in an imperious tone," it said.

The editorial appeared to blame the worsening of the atmosphere in bilateral relations on the attitudes of members of the new U.S. administration of President George W. Bush.

"We can smell the McCarthy style of the provocative stance the Bush administration and some hawkish U.S. politicians have taken in the past weeks," it said, referring to Joseph McCarthy, a U.S. senator notorious for his communist witch hunts in the early 1950s.


  • 想分食中國經濟開放的市場。
  • 中共、北韓、伊拉克...皆是集權非民主國家,強調民族主義,自我防禦很強,其等擁核自重,會有失控的演出。
  • 中共為世界恐怖主義國家的核武輸出國。
  • 中共增強的軍力,逐漸打破亞太均衡。
  • 容忍中共坐大的因素,乃希望中共成為先進民主大國。


Australian Prime Minister calls for calm over Taiwan

Australia's Prime Minister John Howard has called for calm, in response to comments by US President George W-Bush that the United States would come to the defence of Taiwan, in the event of a Chinese invasion.

Mr Bush made the comments a day after announcing a major arms deal with Taiwan.

Mr Bush later said his comments should not be seen as an endorsement of independence for Taiwan, and said he supports the one China Policy.

Mr Howard has called for restraint.

to see any wider tension escalate between the United States and China, so from our point of view, we would like calm and restraint on all sides.
