Chapter 35
台灣人閉嘴 靜觀美中論戰



(一) 台灣增購武器,亦無法確保台灣安全,豈能抵擋十二億人口的憤怒。
(二) 美國必自食惡果。
(三) 有極嚴重的後果,美國與台獨份子必須負全責。
(四) 嚴重違反一中原則,而助長台獨勢力與分裂主義。
(五) 美國已經走向危險的道路。
(六) 美國挑起新的衝突。
(七) 美國不得干涉中國內政問題,台灣是中國的一部份。
(八) 為維護國土完整,中國必得完成統一大業。


(一) 美國支持一中政策。
(二) 美國不希望台獨。
(三) 美國信守台灣關係法。
(四) 美國為確保亞太安全,依法使台灣得到足以防衛的武器。






China blasts Bush on Taiwan

Beijing, April 26 - China's Foreign Ministry accused President Bush on Thursday of heading down a "dangerous road" with his blunt warning about America's will to defend Taiwan.

The Erroneous actions and statements by the United States have seriously violated the principles" of U.S.-Chinese relations and "represent a flagrant provocation against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said at a news conference.

"The Chinese government and people are strongly indignant and opposed" to Bush's comments, Zang said.

Zhang noted that Bush's "mistaken remarks" came on the heels of an American offer Thursday of arms to Taiwan, which China strongly opposes.

"This shows that it has drifted further on a dangerous road," Zhang said, referring to the United States.

Taiwan remained generally low-key in the wake of the favorable developments, although its Foreign Ministry affirmed U.S. efforts to safeguard regional stability and said "we must build up our own defenses."

In strong remarks aimed at Beijing, Bush said in a series of interviews on Wednesday that U.S. military force is "certainly an option" if China acts on long-standing threats and strikes Taiwan. The two sides split amid civil war in 1949, and China doesn't rule out using force to assert control over the island it claims as a breakaway province.

Bush issued a bolder warning in an earlier TV interview with ABC's "Good Morning America," saying America has an obligation to defend Taiwan if China attacks.


While Bush denied his remarks signaled a policy shift, his explicit public remarks ventured beyond traditional U.S. policy, which has been strategically vague and avoided specifically describing what America would do if China invaded Taiwan.

The goal of U.S. policy has been to keep Taiwan from provoking China by declaring independence, and to keep China worried about the possibility of American forces defending the island from Chinese attack.

Some China watches expressed alarm that Bush might be indicating a change away from the "constructive ambiguity" of the last 20 years. The policy neither commits Washington to come to the defense of Taiwan nor rules it out.

To scrap this policy, "would be a big mistake," Nicolas Lardy, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told's Kari Huss.

Conventional wisdom is that if Taiwan has guarantee of U.S. backing in a conflict, it may be emboldened to declare independence, which could prompt an attack from China.

"The dilemma is that ... by helping Taiwan in this particular way (with an ironclad guarantee), we may precipitate the very thing that were trying to avoid," Lardy said.

The White House and the State Department insisted Wednesday that Bush's comment represented no change in policy toward China and Taiwan.

"The Taiwan Relations Act makes very clear that the United States has an obligation that Taiwan's peaceful way of life is not upset by force," said Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser. That 1979 law is the basis of the one-China policy and specifies how it is to be carried out.

"What (Bush) said clearly is how seriously and resolutely he takes this obligation. A secure Taiwan will be better able to engage in cross-strait dialogue," Rice said.

But China spokeswoman Zhang said Bush's comments violated China-U.S. communique in which Washington acknowledged Beijing's claim to Taiwan. She said his comments would inflame China-Taiwan tensions "and will create further damage for China-U.S. relations."

Washington must "correct its mistakes and stop interfering in China's internal affairs with the question of Taiwan," she said. "We are deeply concerned."

In Taiwan, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Catherine Chang read a brief statement over the phone and would not respond to questions.

"We affirm the United States' effort and determination to safeguard the security across the Taiwan Strait and in the Asian Pacific region. But we Taiwanese must understand that to enhance our security, we must build up our own defenses," the statement said.

Bush's remarks made the front-pages of Taiwan's leading papers and were broadcast at the top of television newscasts.

"Bush: If communist China attacks Taiwan, the US won't rule out getting involved," said the Chinese-language China Times, a Taiwanese daily.

In Tokyo, Japan's defense chief, Toshitsugu Saito, said of Bush's comments: "It shows strong commitment to defend Taiwan."

Australian Prime Minister John Howard urged calm and restraint.

"We don't want to see any aggression by China against Taiwan," Howard said. "We don't want see any wider tension escalate between the United States and China."


Bush's comments and his arms offer to Taiwan added to tensions sparked by an April 1 collision of a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet. The Chinese pilot is believed dead, and China detained the U.S. plane's 24 crew members for 11 days after they made an emergency landing on southern Hainan Island. China is still holding their plane.

Last week, Washington also angered China by approving a visa for former Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui, who is despised by Beijing as a barrier to Taiwan's unification with the mainland.

Washington said its offer to sell Taiwan destroyers, submarines, anti-sub planes and other advanced weapons was necessary to ensure that the island could meet the rising military threat from China.

China accuses the United States of violating a 1982 joint communique under which Washington pledged to gradually reduce the numbers and quality of weapons it sells to Taiwan.

Beijing has reminded Washington to adhere to its commitment not to have official relations with Taiwan and not to challenge Beijing's claim that the island belongs to China.

Taiwan must concede it is part of China and take "quick steps to ease and improve relations," the paper said.


A new NBC poll released Wednesday found support for the president's dealings with China. By a significant margin, more of those surveyed - 51 percent - graded Bush's low-key response to the detention of the 24 Americans in China this month as "excellent" or "good" than gave the same grades on any other issue they were asked about.

The strong support drove up public support for his handling of foreign policy by a full 10 points from the same poll in March - from 53 percent to 63 percent.

But while Americans strongly supported Bush's dealings with Beijing, they just as strongly disagreed with his decision to sell weapons to Taiwan, Forty-eight percent said the decision was "unwise and goes too far," while only 29 percent described it as a "good step and important signal." The poll was taken before Bush made his comment on defending Taiwan.

  再回憶布希的先剛後柔的表現,亦可以見到美國小心應付中共的方式,自有其妙處,現在布希要修飾前言之堅定,解釋柔性意義,故其不提「協防台灣(defend Taiwan)」,而是反覆重申「協防台灣自衛(help Taiwan to defend herself)」。他一方面強調台灣關係法,強調「台海任何爭議必須和平解決」,但一方面也表示「強力支持『一個中國』政策」。被問到「假如台灣宣布獨立...」,布希重申「一個中國」,並且表示「台灣獨立就不是『一個中國』政策」。換言之,那不符美國政策。
