Chapter 38








  台灣人必須支持布希的明確保台聲明,與全球聯盟的飛彈防禦系統,台灣除了買安全,亦要買與中共對等談判的籌碼,大家應該知道,凡民主國家的媒體提到台灣時,皆會加一句「民主國家」的雅號(Democratic Taiwan)以區隔共產國家Communist China,這是為什麼?此乃台灣人民主成就得到普世讚揚。



即使中美開戰 俄羅斯未必出兵援中共













Bush Calls for Replacing ABM Treaty

May 1, 2001 ---
Washington (Reuters) - President Bush on Tuesday called for replacing the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, a bedrock of U.S.-Russian nuclear stability for three decades, to allow deployment of a missile defense system strongly opposed by Moscow and Beijing.

He said he planned to make unilateral nuclear arms cuts in what amounted to a sweetener for financially strapped Russia, which is struggling to afford the upkeep of its nuclear arms.

"This treaty does not recognize the present or point us to the future. It enshrines the past," Bush said, as the prepared to launch a high-profile effort to consult on the ABM treaty with wary U.S. allies and Russia and China.

Bush, in a major speech to a military audience at Fort McNair, said the 1972 ABM treaty between the United States and Russia needs to be replaced to permit a missile system that would protect the United States and its allies from attack from what Washington calls rogue nations or from accidental launches.

The ABM treaty was created just to prevent such a defense system during the Cold War when Washington and Moscow settled on an approach of "mutually assured destruction." A missile defense was forbidden because it could give one side or the other the ability for a potentially devastating first strike.

Addressing the topic for the first time at length since taking office Jan. 20, Bush said the treaty ignored technological breakthroughs of the past 30 years and prohibited the United States from exploring options to defend itself against threats facing America and its allies.

Work With Russia

"That's why we should work together (with Russia) to replace this treaty with a new framework, that reflects a clear and clean break from the past, and especially from the adversarial legacy of the Cold War," he said.

The president offered no specifics about his missile defense plans, saying they were still being worked out, and no indication of the cost or timetable for building a system.

Bush, who spoke to Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier in the day to brief him on his speech, directed much of his remarks to Moscow, the most vociferous opponent of the bold U.S. plan for a system to intercept and destroy incoming missiles from countries like Iraq-Iran and North Korea.

In what sounded like an incentive for Russia to go along with replacing the ABM treaty, Bush said in his speech he planned to make unilateral cuts in nuclear weapons in a way that "reflects the reality that the Cold War is over."

"I'm committed to achieving a credible deterrent with the lowest possible number of nuclear weapons consistent with our national needs, including our obligation to our allies. My goal is to move quickly to reduce nuclear forces. The United States will lead by example to achieve our interests," he said.

The United States has 7,295 deployed warheads compared to Russia's 6094. Russia has been looking for big cuts, while the Bush administration has been discussing making unilateral cuts down to 1,500 nuclear warheads.

New Nuclear Thinking

A senior .S. official said Bush was not offering to make nuclear reductions in exchange for Russia dropping its opposition to ABM changes but was seeking support for a "new framework" of security with limited defenses and lower levels of offensive forces.

"It's not an offer to the Russians ... It's really an entirely new way of thinking about the nuclear environment," the official said in a telephone interview.

In Moscow, Interfax news agency reported high-level sources welcomed Bush's remarks on nuclear arms cuts but warned against changing the ABM pact.

"Many in Washington understand that the destruction of ABM and deploying an anti-missile shield could undermine the system of strategic stability which exists in the world today and lead to a new arms race," Interfax quoted the sources as saying.

At home, Democrats questioned the high price tag of the missile defense system and its feasibility. In early tests the technology - missile interceptors homing in and destroying a fast-moving target - has not proved successful.

"We fear that the president may be buying a lemon here. I don't know how you support the deployment of a program that doesn't work," said Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota.

Stung by criticism that he did not consult with allies before dropping the Kyoto global climate change treaty, Bush is making a big effort to consult on the missile defense.

He outlined his plan to leaders of Britain, Canada, France and Germany on Monday and to the new prime minister of Japan, Junichiro Koizumi, last Friday.

In Brussels, NATO Secretary-General George Robertson welcomed Bush's arms speech. "The president is right to focus on these new challenges, and I welcome his commitment to close consultation with the allies," he said in a statement.

High Level Envoys

The president is dispatching three former campaign aides - Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Deputy White House National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz - overseas to explain U.S. views and seek support.

"The president really wants to know what people think," said a senior U.S. official familiar with his thinking. "He has made clear he is not making a unilateral decision, kind of 'take it or leave it." He wants to hear options."

Missile defense critics were quick to react.

"U.S. national missile defense deployment would prod Russia into keeping a larger number of its strategic weapons on hair-trigger alert, thus perpetuating the dangerous nuclear standoff and risk of accidental nuclear war," said Stephen Young of the Union of Concerned Scientists.



布希宣示部署飛彈防禦系統 象徵限武世紀結束




