Chapter 39




Australia Denies China Relations on Shaky Ground

CANBERA, Apr 30, 2001 - (Reuters) Australian Prime Minister John Howard denied on Monday relations with China were on shaky ground after two rebukes from Beijing in recent days, but he said he would not be "rendered mute" by China's diplomatic sensitivities.

Beijing lodged an official complaint on Sunday about after the Chinese embassy in Canberra rebuked Howard for statements made last week in support of U.S. President George W. Bush.

Howard said the two events were not related and did not indicate a deterioration in Canberra's relations with Beijing.

"I don't believe (our relationship) is shaky at all ... We've got to look at it in the context of an overall relationship which is quite good," Howard said in a television interview.

But he said while he understood there were sensitivities between the new U.S. administration and China, Australia was still free to voice an opinion on international issues.

"We can't ignore (the sensitivities). But equally you have to have a situation in international affairs where you're not struck dumb or rendered mute every time something involving another couple of countries occurs," Howard said.

China's embassy in Canberra rebuked Howard last week for comments he made in support of Bush, in which he also said he did not want to see any "aggression" by China against Taiwan. The embassy said the comments were "inappropriate" and confused right and wrong.

China regards Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary.

Communist China's sensitivity over democratic Taiwan was heightened last week following a blunt statement from Bush on military support for the island and the biggest U.S. weapons offer to Taiwan in a decade.

Relations between Washington and Beijing were already strained by the collision of a U.S. spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet and the 11-day detention of the U.S. crew in China in early April.

Howard said that while Australia had a national interest in maintaining a good relationship with China, its strategic association with the United States could not be forgotten.

We have more than a friendship with the United States. We have a defense alliance with the United States and the United States is our closest defense ally," he said.


