Chapter 42




  陳總統最近接受USA TODAY 的訪談,是一種很好的互動,陳總統表現得體,聲明有理,值得大家參考。以下是英文原文:


Taiwan President's Interview with USA Today

Washington, May 3 (CNA) Republic of China President Chen Shui-bian has said in an interview with USA TODAY that he hopes to have the unique experience of flying back to Taipei in Texas-style boots and hat after a transit stop in Houston late this month.

Chen gave the interview with USA TODAY reporter Paul Wiseman at the Presidential Office in Taipei Wednesday. The largest United States paper published the interview in its Thursday edition.

In the interview, Chen also urge mainland China to renounce its attempt to use force against Taiwan and reaffirmed his willingness to meet with mainland Chinese President Jiang Zemin or other Beijing leaders with no prior conditions.

Chen is scheduled to visit five ROC allies in Latin America later this month. He told the U.S. paper that he hopes to transit through New York en route to El Salvador. On his return trip from Honduras, he hopes to transit through Houston.

"If there are no surprises, I think it will be possible to transit through these two cities," Chen said, adding that if the transit through New York goes smoothly, it will be a historical first. "It will make a record for the first president of the Republic of China to transit through in New York City." Chen noted, adding that he hopes to have a two-night transit stop in New York.

Chen said many American friends have expressed an interest in meeting him. "And I have been very touched by such a reception," Chen said, adding that he wants to thank the Bush administration and other individuals for all the arrangements and assistance for his transit through the two U.S. cities.

Chen said he thinks the fact that so many American friends have expressed an interest in meeting him illustrates their high degree of concern and interest in Taiwan. The youngest-ever ROC president further said he hopes that during his upcoming U.S. transit some things that happened last August will not happen again.

During his transit through Los Angeles last August, Chen was banned from meeting some American congressmen who wanted to meet him. "I hope that this transit will be unlike my Los Angeles transit last year in the sense that I was only staying inside the hotel and couldn't go out," Chen said.

If the Bush administration changes those practices and restrictions, Chen went on, the new arrangements and assistance would reflect improvements in substantive Taiwan-U.S. relations.

Asked whether he would meet with Rep. Thomas D. DeLay (R-Texas) during his layover in Houston, Chen said: "I hope to see those who I want to see. I hope those who want to see me can also be satisfied."

Through press reports, Chen said he learned that DeLay has expressed an interest in meeting him, would invite him to attend a ball game and wanted to give him a hat and boots that represent the spirit of Texas. "I hope that this time I can have such unique experience, flying back to Taipei in Texas-style boots and hat. I hope to have an opportunity to be a Texan cowboy," Chen said.

Commenting on President George W. Bush's recent promise to do "whatever it takes" to help defend Taiwan, Chen said he doesn't think that U.S.-China policy will have any overnight dramatic changes.

Touching on differences between Bush's approach to mainland China and cross-strait relations and his predecessor Bill Clinton's, Chen said Clinton has described the U.S.-mainland China relationship as a strategic partnership, while Bush understands that their relationship is not one of strategic partnership but rather one of strategic competition.

"Of course, the United States will not see China as a complete enemy, but neither will China be a 100 percent cooperative partner," Chen said, adding that the United States and China will be competitors. And I believe this was indicated through the handling of the flight collision over Hainan Island."

Chen continued that Bush's decision to develop an extensive national missile defense (NMD) system is not without reason. "And the United States' decision to provide Taiwan with necessary defensive weapons is also to ensure peace in Taiwan as well as to enhance the democracy developed on this island." And the United States arms sales are also expected to give the 23 million people of Taiwan more confidence to engage in peaceful dialogue with mainland China, Chen said.

In the interview, Chen mentioned that the Hollywood movie Thirteen Days has been shown in Taiwan recently. The film depicted the 13-day Cuban missile crisis in the early 1960s.

"At the time the pressure on the American people was felt for a mere 13 days … while Taiwan faces the threat from the PRC day by day. It's a daily fact of life here," Chen said.

He further said Taiwan's arms procurement plan depends on the attitude of mainland China. "We hope that we will see a change in their military posture, a decrease in missile deployment in their coastal area aimed at Taiwan. If we can resume dialogue, if China will cease its military buildup and abandon the threat to use force against Taiwan, we can make our adjustments accordingly," Chen said.

He pointed out that it would be best if both sides of the Taiwan Strait could divert the funds and resources in arms sales to other areas like economic development, infrastructure construction, medical care, education and social welfare.

Chen also said he believes that the way the recent U.S.-mainland China plane collision happened as well as how mainland China handled the aftermath have led many people to believe that mainland China is indeed a threat to the Asia-Pacific region.

Meanwhile, Chen criticized mainland China's policy of not interacting with his administration and only choosing to dialogue with Taiwan's opposition parties and civic groups. Chen said the Beijing leadership should understand that Taipei's cross-strait policy is not decided by opposition parties nor by civic groups.

He stressed that Beijing's refusal to interact with his administration will not improve cross-strait relations. "I hope to have an opportunity to engage in direct communication, contact and dialogue with mainland China," Chen noted, adding that he hopes mainland China can sincerely join Taiwan in seeking permanent peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.




如果中共不再武力威脅台灣  陳總統:我可考慮調整軍購策略

  美中軍機擦撞事件、對台軍售等連鎖事件,使美中台關係益發敏感。陳水扁總統在出訪中美洲友邦前夕接受「今日美國報」(USA Today)專訪時強調,顯然布希總統已經知道,美國與中共不是戰略夥伴關係,而是戰略競爭關係。布希政府決定要發展NMD,他相信不是沒有道理的。











(一) 推崇布希總統的道德勇氣。
(二) 台灣買武器是為了亞太和平。
(三) 中共減少威脅台灣,台灣可以相對降低軍備。
(四) 希望美國能以公平合理方式對待台灣。
(五) 十分想彼此互訪,由政府與政府對等方式來和平協商。
(六) 不斷對中共釋放善意。























