Chapter 43
只因經濟沒有道德 中共大勝美國













May 5, 2001

Revolt at the U.N.

Thanks in part to the inattention of the Bush administration, the United States lost its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission this week for the first time since the panel was established in 1947. But the administration's failure to detect and defeat the brewing rebellion among other nations was only one element of an embarrassing defeat. Even more important was the rising resentment abroad about America's often patronizing treatment of the U.N. and Washington's disdain for international compacts on issues ranging from the environment to the use of land mines.

Critics of the U.N. in the administration and Congress will doubtless blame the world organization for the loss of the seat and cite it as another reason to withhold Washington's financial support and to take other punitive actions. Such a response would ignore the underlying issues that precipitated the revolt and only worsen American relations with the U.N., an institution with the potential to be a major asset to American diplomacy.

The Human Rights Commission itself is an example of the positive role the U.N. can play. The commission, which meets in Geneva, is often frustratingly bureaucratic, and counts among its members some of the world's most egregious violators of human rights, including Sudan, Pakistan and Togo. But this year the commission condemned human rights abuses in Cuba and Iran, and censured Russia for its actions in Chechnya. It sends special rapporteurs to investigate violations, a spotlight that is profoundly embarrassing to dictators. International human rights groups have correctly warned that the commission may be inactive without American leadership and that Washington's voice on human rights issues will be weakened.

The United States was dropped from the commission when the three seats reserved for Western nations in this year's balloting went to France, Austria and Sweden in a vote of the 54 members of the Economic and Social Council, the U.N. body that oversees the commission. American diplomats apparently complacently assumed the American seat was safe after 43 nations assured Washington of their support and did not realize a revolt was developing, encouraged by human rights abusers, including Cuba and China. Washington also failed to persuade Austria or Sweden to pull out of the race. The breakdown may be partly due to the absence of a new American ambassador to the U.N. The White House has selected John Negroponte, an experienced diplomat, but has yet to submit his nomination to the Senate.

President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell must be mindful of the erosion of international respect for the United States, even among some of its European allies. Not all the foreign complaints are justified. Washington has long been the commission's fiercest defender of Israel and the author of the most aggressive resolutions condemning nations such as China and Cuba. Those policies are entirely appropriate.

But other American behavior, including a tendency to treat the U.N. as a benighted and irritating stepchild, has needlessly provoked opposition. Washington's failure to pay U.N. dues is the most conspicuous example. But member states are also angry about the Pentagon's insistence that Americans not be covered by an international criminal court, the Bush administration's withdrawal from talks about global warning and even Washington's policies of pushing poor countries not to make copies of AIDS drugs. President Bush's open contempt for the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty has alarmed not only Russia, the other signatory to the accord, but NATO allies as well.

Until a new election next year when Washington can try to reclaim membership on the Human Rights Commission, the organization is likely to take a softer line on most nations, and a more aggressive one toward Israel. But the more important fallout from this week's vote will probably come in Washington. The Bush administration and responsible members of Congress must move quickly to prevent a backlash against the U.N.

Payment of Washington's back dues is vital to maintaining American influence at the U.N. The payment plan that was carefully negotiated by Richard Holbrooke in the last days of the Clinton administration remains a reasonable deal for the United States and should be approved by the House, where it has been stalled. The lesson of the commission vote is not that the U.N. is inherently inimical to American interests, but rather that Washington has to do a better job of working with other nations if it wants to retain its authority at the U.N.














U.S. Loses Seat on U.N. Committee

By Dafna Linzer, Associated Press Writer
Monday, May 7, 2001

UNITED NATIONS -- In another embarrassing blow, the United States lost its seat on an international drug monitoring body on the same day it was voted off the U.N. Human Rights Commission, U.S. officials confirmed Monday.

The United States had campaigned for a third term for American representative Herbert Okun, who has served as vice president on the International Narcotics Control Board. But he was voted off Thursday in the same secret-ballot procedure and by the same countries that cost the United States its seat on the human rights commission.

"That, we find, very regrettable," U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said in Washington on Monday. He said the United States would continue its "strong support" for the U.N. anti-drug programs.

The 13-member International Narcotics Control Board monitors compliance with U.N. drug conventions on substance abuse and illegal trafficking.

Seven countries - Iran, Brazil, India, Peru, France, the Netherlands, and Austria - were elected to the board Thursday. China, Russia, Nigeria, Turkey, Mexico, and Chile complete their current terms in 2005.

Boucher would not speculate as to why Okun lost re-election but, coupled with the loss of the human rights seat, he said "there's something happening out there."

"Clearly, I think it's fair to speculate there may be issues related to how we handled ourselves, to how we position," he said.

Former U.S. drug policy director Barry McCaffrey said American's absence would be felt more by other countries than by the United States.

"It's a great loss to the international community to not have us in a leadership position. We play a dominant role in the research and development of drug treatment programs in the world," said McCaffrey, who used to head the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington.

"The assistance that we are able to provide the United Nations, the Europeans and former Soviet Union states could be adversely affected," McCaffrey told AP.

The 54-member U.N. Economic and Social Council, the main U.N. body responsible for economic and social issues, cast secret ballots Thursday that led to the U.S. ouster from the narcotics board and the Human Rights Commission. The human rights vote spurred calls by some U.S. lawmakers to withhold $582 million in back dues for the United Nations and $67 million to rejoin UNESCO 17 years after the United States left over concerns about political polarization.

"We've put time and energy and money and leadership into these international (drug) programs," McCaffrey said, adding that another strike at the United States could "add to the sentiment in Congress that would say, 'Why should we support regional or multinational U.N. operations?' "

The 70-year-old Okun served as deputy U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 1985 to 1989 and has been on the narcotics board since 1992.

In the corridors at the United Nations, diplomats and U.N. officials said after the human rights defeat that the United States didn't lobby hard enough. The absence of a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations for nearly four months has exacerbated the problem.

Many nations - including the United States' European allies - are angry at the Bush administration's decision to pull out of an agreement to reduce global warming and to move ahead with a new missile defense system. President Bush has also refused to ratify the treaty creating an international criminal court and the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the nuclear test ban treaty.

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, asked about the U.S. ouster from the Human Rights Commission, said Monday that "member states, particularily those who have been very strongly supportive of the international criminal court, have been disappointed by the U.S. not coming on board."

The drug control board deals with aspects of legal and illegal drug control, including monitoring government controls over chemicals used in the illicit manufacture of drugs.

It also assists in preventing diversion of those chemicals into illicit traffic and identifies weaknesses in drug control systems.
