Chapter 45

























Taiwan harbours doubts about US military support

By Mure Dickie in Taipei
May 1 2001 04:44GMT

Shen Hsi-hsiang sips a McDonald's soft drink outside the "New York, New York" shopping mall in Taipei and waxes enthusiastic about the value of US friendship.

If Taiwan ever came to blows with mainland China, its only hope would lie in support from Washington, says Mr Shen, 68, a veteran of the Nationalist armies that were chased into exile on the island by Mao Zedong's victorious Communists in 1949.

"The US has always helped us in the past and I believe they would try to help us again," he says.

For all Mr Shen's faith, however, many in Taiwan harbour deep doubts about whether the US would really be willing to take on Beijing in the island's defence.

Such doubts linger even after the double reassurance provided by Washington last week in the form of the most impressive US arms sales offer in nearly a decade and an unprecedently forthright promise of support from George W. Bush, US president.

Asked in an interview if the US had an obligation to defend the Taiwanese against attack by China, Mr Bush said: "Yes, we do" and that Washington would do "whatever it took" to help the island defend itself.

That sounded like a firm commitment of military support for Taiwan and an end to the "strategic ambiguity" with which Washington has tried to convince Beijing that any attack on Taiwan would risk war, while making clear to Taipei that US backing is not assured.

Mr Bush's remarks were greeted with widespread enthusiasm in Taiwan but few read them to mean that full US support can be taken for granted.

"I don't think the US would send troops at all," says Yen Chen-shen, an expert in US policy at Taipei's Institute of International Relations. "When Bush says 'whatever it takes' I don't think its going to be troops - maybe logistics or air support."

No one questions that Washington has been the greatest ally of Taiwan's Republic of China government. The Nationalists would probably not have made it to the island without US help. US warships averted a Communist invasion in the 1950s and Taiwan's subsequent economic development was fuelled by US assistance. Even since it cut diplomatic ties in 1979, Washington's willingness to offer Taipei arms and international support has contrasted sharply with European reluctance to rile Beijing.

But many in Taiwan fear that the island is just a bargaining chip in the more important relationship between the world's most powerful nation and its most populous.

Such doubts are underlined by later comments by Mr Bush that military support for Taiwan was just "one option" and by his administration's insistence that its basic policy has not changed.

Continuing ambiguity will be welcomed by those who believe that keeping both sides guessing about US intentions is the best way to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Certainly, although Mr Bush's recent actions are undoubtedly a boost for Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan's president, there seems little chance they will prompt any attempt to formalise the island's de facto independence. Mr Chen put aside pro-independence rhetoric even before his election last year and has since worked hard to avoid antagonising Beijing.

Indeed, for many strategists the most pressing question is not whether the US would be willing to fight for Taiwan but whether the island would be ready to fight for itself.

Divided loyalties and the overseas bank accounts and US passports of much of Taiwan's elite added to a general lack of popular martial ardour, which makes some military planners fear morale could crumble in the face of a mainland missile attack or blockade.