Chapter 60










  美國已經派兵監督中共在東山島的演習,這次的程度為歷年來最威猛,台灣人裝作不知道而已,痲痺如是,亦無可奈何!看看外國 Washington Post的報導:

China Plans War Games Off Taiwan

By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, June 1, 2001; Page A01

BEIJING, May 31 -- Thousands of Chinese soldiers are massing opposite Taiwan for their biggest military exercises in several years, coordinated with amphibious tanks, fighter aircraft, submarines and missile batteries, an official Chinese Web site reported today.

The report by, a site run by leading state-owned newspapers in the Chinese capital, said the main goals of the exercises are to practice "attacking and occupying an outlying Taiwanese island and fighting off an aircraft carrier." The mention of an aircraft carrier was seen as a reference to the U.S. Navy; Taiwan has no carriers.

The United States has long been committed to helping Taiwan defend itself, although the commitment is deliberately vague. While declaring there was no change in policy, President Bush said April 25 that he would do "whatever it took" to defend the island from any Chinese attack.

At the Pentagon, officials expressed no concern today, saying the planned exercises appear no larger and no more significant militarily than similar efforts by the Chinese military in previous years.

"Just about every spring you can count on them to mass their amphibious units on their coast facing Taiwan," said a senior defense official. "Sure it looks like a lot, but it is everything they've got and it still, in our view, does not add up to a credible capability to invade Taiwan. . . . Does it signify some change in policy? Is it meant as a threatening gesture? Those are different questions."

The Beijing Web site, whose content is monitored and approved by government censors, said the exercises will center on and around Dongshan Island in the Taiwan Strait, about 98 nautical miles west of Taiwan's Penghu Island and 166 nautical miles west of Kaohsiung, Taiwan's main southern port. It said the railways and highways of Fujian province already are full of military vehicles and rail cars carrying amphibious tanks and other equipment in preparation for the exercises, dubbed "Liberation No. 1."

The report said the exercises, expected to begin in June, underscore China's "strong opposition" to the Taiwanese government of President Chen Shui-bian and what it claimed was Chen's failure to improve ties since he became president in May of last year. China's government is particularly incensed that Chen has so far refused to accept the "one-China principle," which holds that Taiwan is part of China and has served as the foundation for Beijing's troubled relations with Taipei for years.

It was unclear whether the upcoming exercises, which follow drills this month in the South China Sea of Chinese naval and air forces, mark a shift in China's recent tactics toward Taiwan.

China conducts amphibious exercises and attempts joint military exercises on a yearly basis. However, the pro-Beijing Wen Wei Po newspaper in Hong Kong said Tuesday the exercises will be the biggest since 1996, when China fired unarmed missiles near Taiwan's two ports in exercises that prompted the Clinton administration to dispatch two aircraft carrier battle groups to the region.

When asked about the exercises by reporters on Wednesday, Zhang Mingqing, a spokesman for China's Office of Taiwan Affairs, replied: "Undoubtedly, these exercises have a definite purpose."

The military maneuvers come during a period of tension between the United States and China. The April 1 collision of a Chinese fighter jet and a U.S. Navy surveillance plane off China's southern coast, the decision in April by the Bush administration to sell Taiwan a multibillion-dollar weapons package and visits to the United States by Chen and the Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, have soured relations considerably.

Douglas Paal, an expert on U.S.-China relations, said Beijing so far has responded in a "measured" manner to what it sees as provocations from the new U.S. administration.

However, the People's Liberation Army Daily on Wednesday attacked Bush's recent statements about his goals for the U.S. military, especially his support of a national missile defense system. The newspaper called Bush's statements about peace "nice packaging" but predicted that the policies behind them will "only pull the United States and the rest of the world into the nightmare of war."

The exercises are important for the PLA, which is the largest standing military force in the world but is still evolving from a peasant army to a modern fighting force.

James Mulvenon, an expert on China's military at the Rand Corp., said that in the past China's amphibious exercises were mostly show, designed to "rattle Taiwan." But lately, military analysts have noted that the PLA has begun to wrestle with real problems, "logistical problems, timing problems, command and control problems," he said.

In the past, for example, China's idea of joint exercises involved the four main constituent parts of its military -- infantry, navy, air force and rocket forces -- showing up at the same place and training separately. "Now we are looking for them to integrate their operations," Mulvenon said.

To that end, today's report said the Su-27, China's most advanced fighter planes, purchased from Russia, will participate in the drills. So far, military experts say, China has had difficulty integrating the aircraft into its arsenal.

China has vowed to attack Taiwan if it declares independence. Barring that, however, the prospect of a full-scale invasion is slim. However, China's military analysts in recent years have bruited the possibility that China would seize one of the dozens of islands that belong to Taiwan but lie near China's coast.

Since the Persian Gulf War and especially since the 1996 face-off between the two U.S. carrier groups and the Chinese navy, China also has devoted many resources to countering a U.S. response to any military moves against Taiwan. Its purchases of Russian-built destroyers, submarines and state-of-the-art anti-ship missiles are designed to give U.S. commanders pause before they enter a battle on Taiwan's side, Western and Chinese military analysts say.

Staff writer Roberto Suro in Washington contributed to this report.



  台灣由生產資源地到現在的金雞生產地,把台灣的土地資源浪費殆盡,成為污染之國,以前台灣資中以糧,現在台灣資共以錢,若糧與錢兩空,則台灣會只剩30% 的人口,在台默默耕耘,重新開始。觀國內之哈共氣候,尚難挽回,只好放手給他們去了,台灣有今日的民主成就,相信某些台灣人還是有他的韌性存在,就讓這些愛台的人民重新打造台灣,希望美國能堅強支持台灣民主自由。阿門!阿彌陀佛!太上老君!天公!聖祖…