Chapter 69


  台塑集團的王永慶是台灣有名的大富翁,他說的one China原則,要兩岸能各自表述,行嗎?


Government, DPP reject tycoon's 'one China' call

Published: June 20, 2001
Source: News reports

A call by Formosa Plastics Group Chairman Wang Yung-ching Tuesday for Taipei to accept Beijing's "one China" principle was rejected by government officials and Democratic Progressive Party lawmakers.

The Mainland Affairs Council issued a statement saying Taiwan could not agree to accept the "one China" principle.

"Under the Chinese interpretation of 'one China,' the Republic of China doesn't exist," the MAC's statement said.

The MAC said that handling the "one China" problem would require both sides to first temporarily shelve the dispute to create a more favorable atmosphere before mutual resolution of the issue.

Meanwhile, government spokesman Su Tzen-ping said that the ROC government has never shunned and will not shun the "one China" issue, although the issue itself has been defined and acknowledged differently by all parties concerned.

Su said the government's stance on cross-strait relations is that both sides should shelve the sovereignty dispute until such time as a "favorable" atmosphere is nurtured to allow both sides to jointly tackle the "one China" problem.

However, he pointed out that the vision of "one China" espoused by Wang himself in newspaper reports and books in the past as a "Chinese confederation" comprised of mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, is a concept unacceptable to Beijing.

Wang, one of Taiwan's richest industrialists, also repeated a call that all curbs on investment across the Strait be lifted to bolster the flagging local business environment. He backed his reasoning by saying present social and political conditions are more chaotic than the corruption of the Kuomintang government of 40 years ago.

"Taiwan's people should calmly accept the 'one China' principle and from this position of equality both sides can cooperate to enjoy long-lasting mutual benefits," said Wang, who was speaking at a biotech promotional event in Taipei. "There is no hatred between the two sides. ... both sides share common roots," the 84-year-old said.

Wang said Taipei's current "no haste, be patient" policy on investment in the mainland should be scrapped.

Currently, the Taiwan government imposes a limit of US$50 million on any single investment in mainland China, and totally bans investment in high-tech and infrastructure projects.

Wang drew criticism from independence-minded lawmakers for his remarks but also qualified support from the opposition.

Legislator Tsai Huang-liang, a DPP whip, roundly condemned Wang's remarks saying the "one China" principle equaled stripping Taiwan of its national sovereignty and status.

Tsai argued that the relocation of Taiwan businesses to mainland China, the opening of direct trade, travel and transportation links across the Taiwan Strait and the so-called "one China" policy are actually three different issues that are not necessarily logically linked.

Beijing's intentional linking of those issues is a deliberate attempt to make things difficult for Taiwan and thus create additional tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, Tsai added.

Tsai continued that Taiwan has never demanded prerequisites on the development of cross-strait relations and pointed out that President Chen Shui-bian has on many occasions stressed that cross-strait issues, including the "one China" issue as well as the "three direct links" issue, can all be discussed on a basis of equality.

Tsai added that if Wang is really concerned about Taiwan's future, he should play a different role in cross-strait relations and use his personal clout to urge the Beijing authorities to accept the fact of the ROC's legal and sovereign existence and resume cross-strait dialogue based on equality.

Wang's remarks received more favorable responses from among the generally pro-unification opposition parties.

Lee Cheng-chong, KMT party secretary, said that if Wang's "one China" comment was said in the spirit of the 1992 consensus of "one China, each to his own interpretation" the KMT of course welcomed the remark.

Lee stressed that the KMT has for long advocated that Taiwan openly recognizes the so-called "1992 consensus" of "one China, separate interpretations" and that this stance remains the KMT's set policy as far as cross-strait relations are concerned.

KMT Legislator Ho Chih-hui, a former KMT party whip, also called for the DPP to observe what he claimed is the "mainstream" opinion of the Taiwan public. "Only when both sides of the Taiwan Strait return to the "1992 consensus" can the cross-strait impasse start to thaw," Ho said.

People First Party convener Chou Hsi-wei said Wang's speech was "very rational," urging the "new government" to return to the 1992 consensus and "stop looking at Chinese people with hatred and causing ethnic rifts within Taiwan."






Thursday, June 21st, 2001

Editorial: Red fat cat or just tired old dragon?

When Hong Kong was still under British rule, residents often used the phrase "red fat cat" (紅色大肥貓) to describe pro-China capitalists in the territory, who always defended Beijing's communist regime in order to win exclusive distribution rights for Chinese products and other business opportunities. Among the more prominent red fat cats were Fok Ying-tung (霍英東), a former gang boss who has remade himself into vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and Tsui Sze-man (徐四民), publisher of Mirror magazine (鏡報) and currently a standing committee member of the CPPCC.

Beijing has apparently found a new candidate for the title in Taiwan, in the person of Wang Yung-ching (王永慶), chairman of the Formosa Plastics Group (FPG).

When Wang asked the Taiwan government on Tuesday to accept the "one China" principle, he was trying to give a political justification to Beijing for his several investment projects now underway in China.

Wang has always used a two-faced strategy whenever he has faced business difficulties in Taiwan. He has tried to win better deals from the government by publicly lambasting it and by stirring up fears that the Formosa group was about to leave Taiwan for greener pastures -- thereby putting tremendous pressure on the Ministry of Economic Affairs. He has also curried favor in Beijing to lay the groundwork for FPG's investments in China. His argument was that if the Taiwan government does not allow FPG to set up plants in China, then it must give the conglomerate the best deals possible at home in terms of loans and land prices. In this way, FPG managed to squeeze highly favorable investment terms from the KMT government for its Sixth Naphtha Cracker Plant project in Yunlin County.

Taiwan's businesses have been withering, Wang said, because almost nine out of 10 export processing businesses have moved to China -- even high-tech companies have been moving their production bases over the past few years. But he then paradoxically asked the government to encourage businesses to migrate to China.

Rapid industrial migration overseas, however, will only further aggravate the domestic economy, given the inevitable unemployment and capital outflows it will trigger. Perhaps only a muddled-headed old man like Wang could have uttered such contradictory remarks. Even more surprising was Wang's comment that "There is no enmity between Taiwan and the mainland; [the two sides] should treat each other on an equal basis." Wang appears confused about who his audience should be -- he should be trying that line out on the leaders in the Zhongnanhai, given China's military threats and its constant bullying of Taiwan on every front.

Ever since martial law was abolished, Taiwan has consistently worked to ease enmity across the Taiwan Strait by promoting various exchanges. What has China done? Launched missiles into the seas off Taiwan in the run-up to the 1996 presidential election and staged large-scale military maneuvers including practice invasions. And of course, it rants hysterically at almost any mention of Taiwan in the international arena. Would Wang just have the people of Taiwan give in quietly to such intimidation? The people of Taiwan would be better served by Wang going to Beijing and fighting there for an equitable status for Taiwan, instead of muttering into his teacup here in Taipei.

Wang is going to Beijing later this month. But he won't be fighting for Taiwan or its people. He'll just be looking for ways to fatten his profits. He will be negotiating for several FPG investment projects, including a US$5 billion petrochemical project in central China. His motives for saying what he did on Tuesday cannot be more obvious.






  東山島演習之際,中國展示 DF31新洲際彈道導彈,通過核心理戰,強調核威懾作用。

  在東山島演習的同時,中國再度對美實施一系列的核威懾動作,包括展示新的 DF31 洲際彈道導彈。中國的用意十分明確,即通過「核心理戰」對美國顯示不惜一切代價希望統一的決心。中美雙方在冷戰結束以後的「冷和」時代的核心理戰一直貫穿於九六年以來中美圍繞兩岸問題展開的明爭暗鬥。


  九六年以來,每當台灣海峽出現動盪,中國軍隊便主動展示其核力量,九六年三月,軍方通過中新社以發表 DF5洲際導彈圖片等方式試圖對美國進行「圖片核威懾」以牽制美對台態度。第二炮兵副司令在英文版的《中國日報》上發表談話指出:中國擁有足夠的能力反擊來自任何國家和地區的核攻擊。這一動向標誌著中國的「核威懾」理論有了概念性的突破,即超越核威懾遏制核戰爭的傳統定義,將核威懾作用於遏制對手以常規戰爭方式介入台灣問題。


  這在西方引起了極大關注。詹氏防衛週刊公開了 DF31的最新圖片及相關評論。來自 Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant的消息,若干年前他們幫助中國設計、製造供彈道導彈使用的運載車。可見中國的核武計劃發展,其各項支援分系統的確得到獨聯體國家的支持。剛剛亮相的 DF31發射車外形完全類似蘇聯 SS20IRBM使用的 12x12MAZ547V豎立發射系統 (北約代號SaberTEL)。 SS20/AZ547VTEL 的民用型稱作 MZKT79161,最大載重量 50噸,使用V58-7-MS 柴油發動機,出力 522kW。轉彎半徑 27米,最大時速 42公里, DF31使用的新發射車可能在武漢三江特種車輛技術中心研製。在 Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant的幫助下,前者還得到了 MAZ﹣543A8x8TEL的生產技術,用於 DF11。

  加拿大漢和情報評論對最新展示的 DF31進行了重新命名,以便同九九年閱兵式上出現的DF31相區別。為提高越野性,新的 DF31發射筒以十條左右的加強筋進行了加固。由輪胎直徑以及發射車長度推算,新 DF31發射筒在廿米左右。比九九年天安門展出的 DF31長度略長,因此漢和情報判斷它可能屬於改良型,也許就是傳聞已久的 DF31A。另一方面,DF31和 DF11兩種發射車可能還通過中國進入了巴基斯坦。後者的 ShackenA/B型短中程導彈使用 MAZ543A 和 MAZ547V變型。華盛頓高度重視中國的核威懾動作,並且進行了相應的反威懾造勢。包括聲稱要部署新一代的 B2隱型轟炸機以及戰斧遠程巡航導彈到關島。可見美國也在作軍事上的認真準備,並指望以高技術兵器必要時對中國的核設施進行反威懾。因此,以高精度打擊武器遏制核戰爭模式,可能成為廿一世紀軍事威懾的一種新方式。

  同時,華盛頓的情報專家分析,新的 DF31載車也許不具備機動豎立發射的能力,僅僅用於運輸。認為 DF31改良型目前還在試驗中,並未投入實戰服役,因此,圖片展示動機可能僅僅在於心理威懾。對於中國的核威懾動作,美國已經心領神會。但是,中美會為台灣進行核大戰?也許僅僅是威懾而已 。




China plays Taiwan wargames

June 1, 2001 Posted: 12:42 PM HKT (0442 GMT)

BEIJING, China -- China's army will practice capturing an outlying Taiwanese island and attacking an aircraft carrier this month, a state-run newspaper says.

The exercises, involving land, sea and air forces, will take place on and around Dongshan Island, off China's southeastern coast in the straits that separate China and Taiwan, the Beijing Morning Post said.

The maneuvers will be China's first large-scale war games since the election of Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian last May, The Associated Press quotes the newspaper as saying.

It said the combined exercises are one of the largest conducted by China's 2.5-million member People's Liberation Army, the world's biggest fighting force.

"The main military targets of these exercises will be attacking and occupying an outlying Taiwanese island and attacking an aircraft carrier," the newspaper said.

The exercises "demonstrate the Chinese government's determination to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity," it said.

Taiwan and China split amid civil war in 1949, but Beijing still regards the island as part of its territory. China has repeatedly threatened to attack Taiwan if its government indefinitely rebuffs Beijing's demands for talks on unification or if it declares outright independence.

The Beijing Morning Post said forces taking part in the exercises will include missile units, amphibious tanks, submarines, warships, marine soldiers and Russian-made Su-27 aircraft -- among the most modern and potent weapons in China's growing arsenal, according to A.P.

Nearly 10,000 troops have been taking up position on Dongshan Island since mid-May, the newspaper said.

"Dongshan Island is now full of all types of Liberation Army units. Troops that have reached the site of the exercises are intensifying training in order to prepare for the big maneuvers," the newspaper said.







  而愛國者飛彈試射成功也證明,我國具有防禦中國導彈攻擊的利器,對於維護台海和平的意義非同小可。 由於中國不斷增加對台灣的軍事威脅,有效防禦中國可能的各種軍事進犯,便成為我國國軍的建軍重點。


  我國一向主張國際和平共處,被迫持續強化軍事防禦能力,實在是因應中國軍事威脅的必要之舉。 然而,對於我國強化軍事防禦能力,少數人卻將之比擬為與中國進行軍備競賽,認為我國不應花費大量預算購買武器,而且我國強化軍事防禦能力會提高台海緊張。這種本末倒置的說法,完全罔顧我國雖然主張和平卻飽受中國軍事威脅,不得不建立起碼的軍事防禦能力以備不時之需的事實。


  在這種情形下,建立有效的軍事防禦能力,便成為台灣當前唯一的選擇。 不過,軍事防禦能力畢竟只是維護國家總體安全的一部分,我國的軍事防禦雖然基本上已能應付中國的威脅,但其他的因素仍然必須給予同等的重視。



