Chapter 70






李挺扁 重創中國扶植統派的戰略


  這篇來自北京的報導說,中國政府數個月來企圖孤立陳水扁,因為陳水扁過去有鼓吹台獨的紀錄,中國尤其希望國民黨與親民黨能利用在國會的優勢孤立陳水扁,迫使他採取更有利於中國大陸的政策。 不過在領導國民黨多年的李前總統表態,他與支持者將放棄國民黨,轉而支持民進黨後,中國對陳水扁的孤立策略現在遭遇麻煩了。

  郵報指出,上週六李扁首次在陳水扁就任後同台出現,李登輝且宣佈「新台灣的誕生」,兩人並在群眾歡呼聲中一起手牽著手,高舉過頭向群眾致意。 郵報說,李登輝不願說明他的意圖。

  不過他最近所「背書」出版的兩本傳記明確表達了他對國民黨主席連戰和親民黨主席宋楚瑜的不滿。 陳水扁為其中一本著作寫序,而且前內閣閣員和李的親信都在書中告訴記者,不少國民黨立委將出走與李形成新的政團。

  郵報指出,這個現象可能使台灣的統獨之爭更趨兩極化,李扁鼓吹放慢與中國談判統一的腳步,但連宋希望推動與北京更親密的連結。 學者楊念祖告訴郵報,這是台灣政治重組的開始,未來本土派與外省派的分歧將更嚴重。












  Washington Post的報導,就暗示李登輝站出來為阿扁講話,是要破解中共統戰反扁的陰謀,台灣中共派的立委太多,其行為已經到了公然無忌的態度,而台灣人之不知不覺亦是媒體暴力造成的隱憂,台灣人民已經在刻意打壓阿扁的非經濟因素下,造成急速下降的景氣失調中,喪失捍衛民主自由的勇氣。李登輝是以台灣民主自由為信念的堅強老者,管他什麼黨,理念的結合為保台第一要務。Washington Post揭發中共的計倆,亦是道德勇氣的表現,台灣的媒體要自省啦!

China Dealt a Blow on Taiwan

Taiwanese Ex-President Bolts Party to Back Chen

By Philip P. Pan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, June 18, 2001; 1:37 PM

BEIJING, June 18--China's dream of a strong, pro-unification political bloc emerging in Taiwan suffered a serious setback over the weekend when the island's influential former president signaled a break with his own party to support President Chen Shui-bian, who once advocated Taiwanese independence.

For months, the Chinese government has tried to isolate Chen by courting his rivals, and it has been counting on the opposition Nationalist and People First parties to strengthen their grip on Taiwan's parliament and oust Chen or force him to adopt more favorable policies toward the mainland.

But that strategy is in trouble now that former President Lee Teng-hui, who led the Nationalist Party for more than cade, has all but confirmed he will abandon the party and throw his support - and that of his many followers - behind Chen's Democratic Progressive Party during the legislative elections in December.

At a meeting of a pro-independence academic group on Saturday, Lee and Chen made their first joint public appearance since Chen took office. Lee delivered a speech calling for "the birth of a new Taiwan." Then, before a cheering crowd, the two men clasped their hands and raised them over their heads in a common Taiwanese campaign gesture.

The image was plastered on the front pages of several Taiwanese newspapers and shown repeatedly on the island's 24-hour cable news channels, and a possible "Lee-Bian" alliance is the talk of Taiwan now. "Political Focus Remains on Lee," read one large headline in Taipei today, while another writer described the development as "dazzling and dramatic."

Lee has declined to discuss his intentions, but he has endorsed two biographies published in Taiwan this month that make clear his disdain for Nationalist Party chief Lien Chan and People First leader James Soong. Chen wrote the preface for one of the books. In addition, a former cabinet member and Lee loyalist has been quoted telling reporters that several Nationalist lawmakers intend to quit and form a new political party with Lee.

Lee, 78, remains popular among many Taiwan residents, particularly ethnic Taiwanese in the island's south. His defection could reshape Taiwan's political landscape, strengthening Chen's embattled presidency and weakening the Nationalists, who ruled the island for more than 50 years before Chen was elected last year.

It could also further polarize public opinion in Taiwan over whether the democratic, self-governing island should move toward unification with or greater independence from China, which considers Taiwan part of its territory. Lee and Chen have advocated a go-slow approach to unification talks, while Lien and Soong have urged closer ties with Beijing.

"This is the beginning of an active political realignment in Taiwan, and this realignment will create more divergence between mainland factions and Taiwanese factions," said Andrew Yang, secretary-general of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies, a think tank in Taipei. "The process is a dangerous one, because it may induce Beijing to think it's impossible for them to take Taiwan back peacefully."

If China concludes its strategy to isolate Chen has failed and sees him gaining strength because of Lee's support, it may give up on a political solution and focus on its military options to recover the island, Yang said.

But he said China will probably wait for the results of the December elections before reevaluating its Taiwan strategy.

  Washington Post於June 18, 2001的報導中,更明白阿扁受統派圍攻與孤立的現象,李登輝的適時挺扁是自然的現象,台灣的政黨是否夠成熟,還是為反對而反對,必須反省懺悔。

Political Shift on Taiwan Hurts China's Unification Push

By Philip P. Pan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, June 19, 2001; Page A14

BEIJING, June 18 -- Taiwan's former president has broken with his own party to support President Chen Shui-bian, dealing a serious blow to China's dream of fostering a strong pro-unification political bloc on the island.

The Chinese government has tried for months to isolate Chen, who before taking office had advocated Taiwanese independence. It has been courting in particular the opposition Nationalist and People First parties, hoping they will strengthen their grip on Taiwan's parliament and oust Chen, or force him to adopt more favorable policies toward the mainland.

But that strategy is in trouble now that former president Lee Teng-hui, who led the Nationalist Party for more than decade, has all but confirmed he will abandon the party and throw his support -- and that of his many followers -- behind Chen's Democratic Progressive Party during legislative elections in December.

At a meeting of a pro-independence academic group on Saturday, Lee and Chen made their first joint public appearance since Chen took office last year. Lee delivered a speech calling for "the birth of a new Taiwan." Then, before a cheering crowd, the two men clasped their hands and raised them over their heads.

Lee has declined to discuss his intentions, but he has endorsed two biographies published in Taiwan this month that make clear his disdain for Nationalist Party chief Lien Chan and People First leader James Soong. Chen wrote the preface for one of the books. In addition, a former cabinet member and Lee loyalist has been quoted telling reporters that several Nationalist lawmakers intend to quit and form a new political party with Lee.

Lee, 78, remains popular among many Taiwan residents, particularly ethnic Taiwanese in the island's south. His defection could reshape Taiwan's political landscape, strengthening Chen's embattled presidency and weakening the Nationalists, who ruled the island for more than 50 years before Chen was elected.

It could also further polarize public opinion in Taiwan over whether the democratic, self-governing island should move toward unification with or greater independence from China, which considers Taiwan part of its territory. Lee and Chen have advocated a go-slow approach to unification talks, while Lien and Soong have urged closer ties with Beijing.

"This is the beginning of an active political realignment in Taiwan, and this realignment will create more divergence between mainland factions and Taiwanese factions," said Andrew Yang, secretary general of the Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies, a research group in Taipei. "The process is a dangerous one, because it may induce Beijing to think it's impossible for them to take Taiwan back peacefully."

If China concludes that its strategy to isolate Chen has failed and sees him gaining strength because of Lee's support, it may give up on a political solution and focus on its military options to recover the island, Yang said. But he said China will probably wait for the results of the December elections before reevaluating its Taiwan strategy.



Taiwan fires missiles

June 20, 2001 Posted: 5:36 PM HKT (0936 GMT)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan's military says it has successfully test-fired three U.S.-made patriot missiles.

In the first of a battery of trials, a private television station said Taiwan fired the missiles from a base in south Taiwan's Pingtung county.

This show of strength comes as China conducts war games at nearby Beijing-held Dongshan Island.

While China and Taiwan routinely carry out military drills, the tests are likely to inflame tensions between the two.

Taiwan split from China in 1949 and China considers the island a renegade province that must be reunited with the mainland.

Beijing opposes any sales of American weapons or weapon systems to the island.

But the testing comes in the wake of the United States signing off its largest arms deal with Taiwan in years.


In Wednesday's test, the first fired on Taiwanese soil, one missile downed a dummy target over the island's southeastern coast, according to media reports.

Television footage showed exhaust trails from a Patriot and the missile it was fired to intercept.

Eastern cable TV said the missile hit another fired from a mountain in southeastern Taitung County.

The military fired two other missiles as well but they were not aimed at dummy targets, the report said.

Bolster defense

The United States has supplied Taiwan with three batteries of Patriot missiles -- 200 in all -- designed to boost the island's defense against the growing number of missiles deployed on the Chinese side of the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan officials would not disclose the exact time or place of the missile tests, saying only that they will happen this week.

Taipei has downplayed the significance of testing the missiles this week, even as the Chinese People's Liberation Army conducts one of its largest war games in year across the Taiwan Strait.

They said the tests had been planned for some time and that the timing was simply a coincidence.

Missile attack

The tests underscore Taiwan's determination to bolster its abilities to protect itself against a missile attack from the mainland.

A spokesman with the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said any attempt to oppose reunification by force of arms would fail.

While Taiwan had asked the United States for a more advanced version of the Patriot missile, the Bush administration turned down the request.

The latest deal included Kidd-class destroyers, eight diesel submarines, and a dozen P-3 anti-submarine aircraft.

Senior Asian correspondent Mike Chinoy contributed to this report


  老外看得起台灣為民主自由投注的心力,在台灣卻有一批投降者,響應中共說辭,現在這些人在民主自由的保護下,已經語無倫次,胡說八道,且看看老共批判,愛國者試射之事,而中共 M 族飛彈又如何呢?




  對台灣試射飛彈,中國社會科學院台灣研究所副所長余克禮認為,台灣當局近來不僅購買大量先進武器,且還針對大陸加緊進行部署,其挾洋恃武、對抗統一的用心昭然若揭。他表示,中國的統一是無法逆轉的歷史大勢,決非靠幾件先進武器就能夠阻擋得了的,台灣當局此舉只會加劇台海的緊張局勢。他表示,台灣當局的一些人應認清形勢,不要甘為他人"馬前卒",將台灣拖入危險境地。 軍事科學院戰略研究部研究員羅源表示,歷史和事實都已證明,戰爭的勝負不是靠一兩件新式武器決定的。面對少數"台獨"分子的挑釁,解放軍有決心也有能力捍衛國家的統一。他認為,台灣當局因幾件洋武器而心存僥幸,進而公開挑戰兩岸的和平,這樣做的後果可以說是不堪設想的。他表示,花錢並不能給台灣買到真正的安全,只有承認一個中國的原則,走兩岸和平統一的道路,才是台灣的唯一前途。






  與布希總統關係密切的美國知名智庫「傳統基金會」亞洲政策中心主任伍爾澤 (Larry Wortzel) 十五日指出,台海兩岸復談的責任在北京,北京應該尊重台灣的民選元首,也就是陳水扁總統,並且必須直接向台灣表達善意,而不是繞過台灣「向華府強迫或勒索」。





