Chapter 76



China harvested criminals' organs

Thursday 28 June 2001

An exiled Chinese doctor said today he had been forced to skin corpses of more than 100 executed prisoners and one convict who was still alive before escaping what he branded China's "evil" but lucrative organ-harvesting trade.

Wang Guoqi, 38, a former army doctor and burns specialist, said in grisly testimony to a key US congressional committee that he was a member of teams of doctors who removed organs moments after convicts were put to death and passed them on for sale.

His testimony is the most public evidence yet presented in the United States by medical professionals and Chinese dissidents of a practice which Chinese authorities insist is outlawed.

"It is with deep regret and remorse for my actions that I stand here today testifying against the practice of organ and tissue sales from death row prisoners," Wang said in testimony one committee member said raised the horror of "Frankenstein medicine."

Wang said sales of skin and other human organs to patients in need of transplants and skin grafts netted huge profits for the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

His testimony came days after celebrated Chinese dissident Harry Wu released a major report claiming that organ harvesting was widespread in China, and that foreign patients had travelled to the country for kidney transplants.

China executes more people than the rest of the world combined, but does not publish detailed statistics, as the data is considered a "state secret."

Wu's report says that young and healthy death row prisoners often undergo preexecution health checks and then are shot in the head so that death will be induced through damage to the brain and leave the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys intact.

Wang told the House of Representatives subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, that before fleeing China in April, he was part of plain clothes teams of PLA doctors who went to work on fresh corpses near death row prisons in the northeastern city of Tianjin.

"We had to work quickly in the crematorium and 1020 minutes were generally enough to remove all skin from a corpse," he said.

Wang, who is seeking political asylum in the United States, said one particular incident in Hebei province in October 1995 "tortured my conscience no end".

He said he saw three doctors remove the kidneys of an prisoner who was not yet dead.

"When they finished the prisoner was still breathing and his heart continued to beat," he said.

"We burn surgeons remained inside the ambulance to harvest the skin ... we left our job half done, and the halfdead corpse was thrown into a plastic bag onto the flatbed of the crematorium truck."

As reports of organ harvesting in China have emerged, the government has consistently denied the practice exists and pointed out that it is prohibited under Chinese law.

But a senior US official, who also testified before the hearing, said that several times in recent months, US diplomats had expressed their disquiet over reports of organ harvesting in China, most recently with senior Chinese embassy officials yesterday.

"I noted that enforcement of Chinese regulations governing organ donations appeared to be woefully inadequate," said Michael Parmly, principal deputy assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labour.

"We informed Chinese Embassy officials of the increased level of attention being focused on this issue in the United States and urged China to work intensively to ensure that its organ transplant policies are consistent with international standards."