Chapter 79
















2001.07.02/ Ettoday 記者陳增芝專題報導

台海新變局 美國



  此外,由於台灣民主化的成就,特別是政黨輪替「終結」中國所謂國共內戰的定義之後,過去在美中三公報內 未曾被提及的「台灣人民意願」問題,也多次出現在美國官方的談話與學者討論的一致共識。


  更值得注意的是,相對於過去柯林頓在台海議題的談話,依序向為「一中政策」「兩岸對話」及「和平解決」三原則的說法;美國國務院東亞暨太平洋司台灣關係協調處主任凱根(David Keegan),在軍機事件告一段落後的5月中旬,卻公開表示內容更為擴充的美國對台海議題7項政策原則。





  1. 台海議題必須和平解決。

  2. 美國將依循一個中國政策。

  3. 台灣為民主政體,台海議題任何最終協議,必須為台灣人民接受。

  4. 台海議題由兩岸自行解決。美國自身的「一個中國」政策,並未指明實質的結果。美國鼓勵雙方對話,但無意充當調人或逼迫台灣談判。

  5. 中國近來行事改變,已經使外界對其和平解決爭端的承諾產生疑慮。為避免中國誤判情勢,美國需要再強調倘若台灣遭到中國威脅,美國絕對有能力馳援台灣。正如布希總統所言,一旦衝突發生,使用武力絕對為選項之一。

  6. 美國為了遵循台灣關係法,並因應中國行事改變,將依台灣的需要,持續對台軍售。最近的軍售決定,除將增加台灣的自衛能力、使中國武力行動付出代價外,亦使台灣更有自信與北京進行談判。

  7. 美國支持台灣參與如WHO(世界衛生組織)之類的國際組織,並支持台灣成為WTO(世界貿易組織)的會員。







2001.07.02/ ETtoday記者陳增芝專題報導

台海新變局/台灣/台獨黨執政 「中華民國」國號反成護身符














Communists mark birthday with calls to fight graft,
regain Taiwan

2001-07-02 / Reuters

Chinese President Jiang Zemin marked the Communist Party's 80th birthday yesterday vowing to fight rampant corruption threatening the regime and throwing open the party's doors to China's newly rich.

In a nearly two-hour speech, Jiang, who is also party general secretary, trumpeted the party's achievements in revolutionary warfare and in post 1980s economic development, but made no mention of party-led tragedies or of political liberalization.

Jiang's renewed pledge to clamp down graft drew the largest applause from party cadres, soldiers and ethnic minorities in national costume who filled the Great Hall of the People.

"Every corrupt act and every corrupt element must be thoroughly investigated without pause and without tolerance," Jiang said, stressing that members of the world's largest Communist Party must be accountable as public servants.

"The party must not be a haven for corrupt elements," he said to waves of applause. His speech was broadcast live on state television as part of an 18-hour party birthday marathon.

The crowd's enthusiasm for a speech largely devoted to justifying party rule in the 21st century also surged when Jiang said "no person or force can stop" China's reunification with Taiwan, the unfinished business of the civil war the Communists won in 1949.

Jiang repeated vows to recover Taiwan, the island Beijing views as part of its territory. The party wants to use peaceful means to unify Taiwan with the Chinese mainland "but we cannot promise to renounce the use of military force," Jiang said.

In the weeks building up to the anniversary of the founding of the party by Mao Zedong and others in Shanghai in 1921, state media and museum displays have selectively focused on the party's heroic early days and the economic achievements since the 1980s.

No mention has been made of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre of pro-democracy protesters. Also ignored were the Mao-inspired Great Leap Forward in the 1950s, when millions starved to death, and the tumultuous 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.

In a reminder of the Communists' penchant for ruthless campaigns against its foes, as Jiang spoke, outside at Tiananmen Square two Falun Gong protesters were detained after unveiling the banner of the spiritual group Jiang outlawed two years ago.

While avoiding reflection on party errors, Jiang made a clear effort to remove political hurdles to accepting as members private business owners, classified as "exploiters" under the Marxism-Leninism the party formally still espouses.

Two decades of economic reform had raised living standards, created an economy of varied forms of ownership and generated disparate levels of wealth -- "circumstances far different than those the founders of Marxism faced and analyzed," Jiang said.

"Under these circumstances, whether or not one has wealth or how much one has cannot crudely be used as the standard for whether that person is politically progressive or backward," he said.

"What is important is the state of political ideology, how wealth was obtained, and how it is managed and utilized and what contribution has been made to socialist modernization," he said.

Jiang devoted a large section of his address to the "Three Represents" theory, which analysts say is his effort to keep what is formally a workers and peasants party relevant in the era of multinational firms, entrepreneurs and a shrinking state sector.

The theory holds that the Communist Party represents the interests of advanced productive forces, advanced culture and a wide sector of the population.

With official statistics showing that workers and peasants -- upon whom the pain of economic reform has fallen most heavily -- now make up just over 49 percent of the party's 64.52 million members, Jiang reached out to traditional supporters.

He said economic and technological change in China "did not change the importance of the working class." He also stressed the need for the party's "absolute control" over the military.

He urged the party faithful to recognize that "achieving Communism is a very, very long process."

Jiang is expected to intensify the focus on broadening the party's support base and policing itself to fight corruption in the 15 months leading up to the 16th Communist Party Congress late next year.

The gathering is expected to see Jiang and many other top leaders step down to make way for the "fourth generation" of Communist rulers, following Mao, economic reform architect Deng Xiaoping, and Jiang and his contemporaries.



Jiang Places Himself Next to Mao, Deng,
Vows to Strengthen Party

Agence France Presse, July 1, 2001

Chinese President Jiang Zemin Sunday put his leadership on par with the late Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping by vowing to build a strong and modern Communist Party (CCP) capable of leading China well into the next century.

In a speech marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the CCP, Jiang expounded a broad agenda for building a "democratic dictatorship" more responsive to the modern needs of a population in full throes of capitalist market economic reforms.

While praising Mao for unifying China and establishing the People's Republic in 1949 and Deng for opening up and starting the economic reform program, Jiang offered up his own blueprint for making China a "modern and prosperous" country during this century.

"Long live our great motherland, long live the great Chinese people, long live the Chinese Communist Party," Jiang said to thunderous applause from the gathered delegates at the cavernous Great Hall of the People in central Beijing.

In the 90-minute speech, Jiang, dressed in a western suit with a red tie, said the "great historical tasks" facing the party would be to continue the nation's economic development and modernization, reunify the country and maintain global peace.

The president and party boss further reiterated Beijing's refusal to renounce the use of force in reunifying the province of Taiwan and in an implicit jab at the United States, vowed to fight "global hegemonism and power politics."

After a 5,000-year history, the CCP has allowed the Chinese people to finally become "the masters of their own country" and lead them to "great historical achievements," Jiang said.

While calling on upcoming Chinese leaders to never forget the party's past mistakes, Jiang himself did not address the catastrophic years for tens of millions of Chinese during the "Great Leap Forward" or the "Great Cultural Revolution" under Mao's rule.

He vowed to fight "money worship" and "personal gain" within the party, and was roundly applauded for pledging to strictly investigate corruption in the party "without tolerance or leniency."

"All party members must be clean and just and withstand the tests of reform... and the tests of power, money and material gains," he said.

While playing lip service to "Marxist-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought and the theories of Deng Xiaoping," Jiang spent much of his speech explaining his own theory of the "three represents" which maintains the CCP represents the production forces, culture and the interests of the people.