Chapter 85







Taiwan's Opposition to Shift China Stance

Plan for Confederation With Mainland Reflects Evolving Public Opinion on Island

By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, July 9, 2001

BEIJING, July 8 -- Taiwan's main opposition party is poised to endorse the idea of creating a confederation with China, a major policy change that would intensify an already fractious political battle on the island between proponents of unification with China and those who want independence.

On Saturday, the Nationalist Party issued a policy paper on relations with China that argued that the best option for Taiwan would be to form a confederation under which both entities would maintain their central governments and control their own diplomacy, national defense and internal affairs.

Nationalist officials said they expected the policy to be approved by the party's Central Standing Committee this week and by its national congress at the end of the month. The policy would then become the party's official platform for legislative, mayoral and county magistrate elections in December.

The policy, proposed by party leader Lien Chan, who was defeated in last year's presidential election, is the furthest any major Taiwanese political organization has gone in proposing a union with China. It constitutes a serious challenge to Taiwan's president, Chen Shui-bian, who before taking office had advocated independence, and illustrates how far parts of Taiwan's society have come in the past year toward accepting the proposition that unification with Beijing is inevitable. The percentage of Taiwanese who say they could accept the "one-country, two-system" arrangement under which China regained possession of Hong Kong from Britain in 1997 is reportedly the highest it has been in years -- about 33 percent, up from 23 percent last December, according to a survey by the United Daily News.

The Nationalist move also presents a challenge for the Bush administration. President Bush has said he will base his Asian policy in part on forging stronger ties with Taiwan, backed by a multibillion-dollar weapons sale designed to free the island from worrying about forced unification with China for years. The action by the Nationalists indicates that at least one major political entity on Taiwan is actively preparing for that eventuality.

The Nationalists, who fled the mainland after their defeat by Communist forces in 1949, governed Taiwan until last year, when Chen became the first outside candidate to win the presidency. Until this weekend, the Nationalists' policy was essentially to stall for time and maintain the status quo, neither rejecting unity with China nor doing anything to further it.

A combination of factors contributed to the new Nationalist policy. First, there is a sense that the democratic, self-governing island is adrift; it lacks political leadership and its economy has sunk to its lowest point in 19 years. At the same time, China's economy continues to grow and attract not only Taiwanese investment but Taiwanese immigration.

About 50,000 Taiwanese companies manufacture goods on the mainland, with total investment of more than $45 billion. An increasing number of influential Taiwanese say the way to improve Taiwan's economy is to forge closer ties with Beijing.

Second, since losing power, the Nationalists have attempted to portray their party as the only one that can improve ties with Beijing and have criticized Chen, who has adopted a cautious policy toward Beijing. The Communist government here has helped to bolster that impression, inviting high-ranking Nationalist officials and legislators to Beijing. The "confederation" plank is another part of that program, although some analysts in Taiwan wondered whether Lien was going too far in extending an olive branch to Beijing.

It's not clear whether Lien's gambit will succeed. In an interview in March, President Jiang Zemin said China could not accept a confederation, and other officials have rejected the idea that Beijing and Taiwan are equals. Beijing maintains that Taiwan is part of China and has threatened to invade the island if it declares independence.

A large percentage of Taiwan's 23 million people, including former president Lee Teng-hui, are still extremely wary of close ties with Beijing. Lee opposes reunification and in recent weeks, he has all but thrown his support behind Chen and encouraged talk among his supporters within the Nationalist Party about forming a splinter party.

The new policy was unveiled by the National Policy Foundation, a Nationalist Party research group, and presented by Su Chi, the former head of the Mainland Affairs Council, the government agency that first set Taiwan's policy toward the mainland under Lee.





















  相對地,中共有六十二個陸軍師,總數約一百七十萬名,海軍陸戰隊五千名,軍艦七百七十艘 (其中約有六十五架潛艇) ,總噸數九十萬五千噸,作戰飛機三千六百架。












Japan plans for China-Taiwan clash

Monday, July 9, 2001 at 09:30 JST

TOKYO - Japan will prioritize rescuing Japanese nationals in Taiwan if the island becomes involved in a conflict with China, Defense Agency chief Gen Nakatani said Sunday.

Asked what Japan will do if China and Taiwan clash, Nakatani said in a meeting with residents in Kuwana, Mie Prefecture, that Japan's actions would depend on the circumstances.





Calls for history text revision rejected

Japan Today
Teruaki Ueno
Monday, July 9, 2001 at 18:30 JST

TOKYO - In a move that has angered South Korea and is certain to infuriate China, Japan on Monday rejected calls for major revisions to a history textbook that critics say whitewashes Tokyo's wartime atrocities, Japanese officials said.

South Korea warned of tougher action to protest against the Japanese government's approval of the junior high school text, which Seoul says justifies Japan's invasion of much of Asia in the early 20th century and glosses over war crimes.

"We cannot accept the results of the Japanese government's review of the textbooks," Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Han Seung-soo was quoted as telling Japan's ambassador to South Korea.

"We would take tougher measures to deal with the issue, while continuing to push Japan to make changes to the books," a ministry official quoted Han as telling the Japanese ambassador. The official gave no further details.

A ministry spokesman said it had not yet worked out concrete steps to take.

But Japanese and South Korean media said South Korean President Kim Dae-jung was expected to refuse to meet senior officials from Japan's three ruling coalition parties who arrived in Seoul on Sunday.

The history book approved by Tokyo in April has strained Japanese diplomatic ties, especially with China and South Korea, who have both demanded extensive revisions.

"We greatly regret the result, which reflects a clear disregard for the concerns and interests of the Korean people," South Korea's foreign ministry said in a statement.

Japan told South Korea and China on Monday that the textbook contained no "clear mistakes" in its descriptions of modern and contemporary history, Japanese Education Ministry officials said.

Seoul says the book fails to explain the plight of 100,000 "comfort women", most from the Korean Peninsula, forced to provide sex to Japanese troops during World War Two.

It objects to Japan's justification of its 1910-1945 occupation of the peninsula as necessary for stability.

Seoul had urged Japan to act to resolve the thorny issue ahead of the two countries' staging of next year's World Cup soccer finals.

The decision was likely to enrage China, with whom relations are already strained by trade spats and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's controversial pledge to visit the Yasukuni Shrine for Japan's war dead.

If local education authorities in Japan choose the book from among eight newly approved junior high school history books, it would be used from April 2002, the start of the Japanese school year.

Tokyo has said the textbook, which was written for school-children aged 13 to 15, does not represent the government's official view of history.

Education Minister Atsuko Toyama said Tokyo had taken seriously the South Korean and Chinese requests for revisions and examined them "fully and sincerely within the framework of Japan's textbook screening system".

An earlier revision of the book excised a reference playing down the scale of the Nanjing Massacre, in which China says as many as 300,000 civilians died when Japanese troops overran the eastern city in December 1937.

But a screening panel left in other controversial sections, including parts that describe Japanese troops as braving "death with honour".

On Saturday, South Korea's Foreign Ministry said the government would continue to push Japan to make changes to the book, adding that two-way ties would be seriously hurt if Tokyo refused to cooperate.

South Korean television said that Seoul would take various measures, including delaying the opening of its market to previously banned Japanese products.

Japanese history textbooks, periodically updated under a screening system by the Education Ministry, have aroused fierce debate at home and in Asian countries invaded by Japan in the first half of the 20th century.

"Starting with the World Cup to be co-hosted by Japan and South Korea, we would like to make further efforts to realise relations with our neighbours appropriate for the 21st century, by further deepening exchanges in education, academic, sports and cultural fields," Education Minister Toyama said. (Reuters News)




U.S. rejects China's tab of US$1m for spy plane


The United States has no intention of paying a US$1 million bill China has submitted for the three months a Navy reconnaissance plane spent on Chinese soil, a State Department official said.

The plane made an emergency landing on the Chinese island of Hainan on April 1 after colliding with a Chinese military aircraft. It was disassembled and returned to the United States this week.

A State Department official, asking not to be identified, said Friday the expenses were exaggerated.

This came a day after Rear Adm. Craig Quigley, a Pentagon spokesman, said the administration was prepared to reimburse China for reasonable costs.

The costs were related mostly to support provided by the Chinese government and local businesses while a Lockheed Martin recovery crew was on Hainan.

The disassembled plane was flown to Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Georgia on Thursday.

Zhang Yuan Yuan, the spokesman at the Chinese Embassy, said he had no idea where the US$1 million figure came from. He said the two sides will hold talks to decide on an appropriate compensation figure.

A senior State Department official said the figure was based on a fax sent by Chinese officials to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. The fax was several pages long and contained an itemized list of the charges, he said.

The downing of the plane initially caused acrimony between the two countries but both have seemed eager in recent days for a more productive relationship.

Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage noted Friday that China has been more accommodating lately partly because it is interested in successful trips to China by Secretary of State Colin Powell later this month and by President George W. Bush in October.

As an example of Chinese cooperation, Armitage noted that Beijing has moved closer to the administration's position on a new system of "smart sanctions" for Iraq that would allow greater flows of civilian goods while tightening up military-related imports and smuggling.

Earlier, China had been aligning itself with Russia's opposition to the administration plan.

The Washington Post reported Friday that China softened its position after the United States dropped its objections to more than US$80 million in frozen Chinese business deals with Iraq.

"I don't think the Chinese are swayed by US$80 million," Armitage said, suggesting that China has higher priorities on its agenda.

In New York, China's U.N. Ambassador Wang Yingfan was asked about the newspaper's report.

"I don't think that that's a kind of trading off like that," he said. "We have our principles, and we have discussed with U.S., and on the basic items we finally agreed. Certainly, I think they have tried to meet with our concern about this."
