Chapter 98














轉服解放軍? 中共統戰瞄準國軍退職軍官









































  中共說一套做一套,可惡到了極點,在其所控制的中國網路信息中心 China Internet Information Center,就批評日本政府的大中國擴張論,認為日本人批判中國的擴軍計劃,是干涉他國內政,而對台佈署攻擊的M族飛彈,更明確的指責日本政府沒資格談論此事,因為凡是中國與台灣的關係,純為中國的家務事,中國要如此對付台灣,則是外國人不可碰觸的問題。


"China Threat" Masks Japan's Military Expansion

Japan's newly released Defense White Paper is warning of the "China threat" again in an attempt to justify its own military expansion, the Liberation Army Daily said in three separate articles on the issue recently.

On July 6, Japan's parliament, the Diet, passed the 2001 Defense White Paper. While bearing similar content to previous documents, the new paper carries exaggerations of the military threat posed by China.

Japan's 1999 Defense White Paper devoted considerable space to the development of China's military strength. It expressed its concern over China's warships that it said had appeared in the waters around the island of Diaoyu.

In contrast, the 2001 paper harped on about the so-called "China threat" by exaggerating China's military strength.

The paper said a 17-per cent jump in military spending by China goes "beyond the needs of defense," despite the fact that China's military spending is only 30 percent of Japan's and the increase is mainly aimed at paying rises for the country's 2.5 million servicemen.

The paper even wrongly claimed that China has targeted its missiles at Asian countries including Japan.

Japan made the claims because it wants to distract people's attention and provide excuses for its help in the development of the Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) system, the newspaper pointed out. Its actions would cast a shadow over Sino-Japan relations, it commented.

Japan's Defense Agency went further in tarnishing China's image by claiming that China boasts 100 medium-range ballistic missiles whose range covers the whole of Asia including Japan. It even said that China had accelerated the deployment of short-range ballistic missiles which targeted Taiwan.

The motive behind Japan's renewed cries about the "China threat" is clear: On the one hand, Japan is attempting to mislead the world into believing that China is the source of instability in Asia. Its TMD system jointly developed by Japan and the United States is only a countermeasure against "threats from China."

On the other hand, it wants to shift people's attention from Japan's military expansion which has invited condemnation from Asian countries.

Instead of investigating its past wrongdoings inflicted on Asian people during World War II, Japan kept expanding its military might including upgrading the quality of its Self Defense Forces (SDF), developing sophisticated high-tech weaponry and reinventing its SDF into a national defense force.

Currently Japan has the world's second largest military budget for its ground, air and maritime forces.

Its maritime and air defense spending, in particular, has expanded rapidly.

Japanese Defense Chief Tsutomu Kawara announced last May that the SDF will introduce personnel-transport aircraft with longer ranges to its fleet so it can be used in evacuations and peacekeeping operations abroad.

The Defense Agency is considering adding three or more transport aircraft, each capable of carrying 200 people and flying 10,000 kilometers without the need for refueling.

Japan's Maritime SDF has also been armed with four guided missile destroyers, which are amongst the best in the world.

According to the newspaper, by the year of 2010, the Maritime SDF will possess 30 large destroyers with a tonnage of over 4,000 and 14 jumbo conventional submarines with a tonnage of 2,700.

Before 2015 two aircraft carriers with a tonnage of 40,000 each will be built, which are able to accommodate E-2C early warning planes and fighters.

Furthermore, Japan is building up its air force to have the capability for long-range offensives. It has some 40 F-2 fighters. By the year 2010, the number will be increased to 140, along with 210 F-15 planes, four S-767 early warning planes and dozens of mid-air refueling tankers.

The article questioned Japan's development of its large-scale military strength and said it does not serve its self-defense purposes. Japan aims to play a bigger military role in global affairs.

Japan's military co-operation with the United States to develop TMD system is a case in point.

To secure a bigger say in global affairs and remove the blockades on its road to military expansion, Japan has set a target of amending its pacifist Constitution and restoring its right of collective self defense, which is denied by its 1947 constitution.

Originally, Japan planned to amend its constitution in 10 years, but it is now poised to implement this plan ahead of time, most likely within five years.

Predictably, to serve its own military ambitions, Japan will look for more excuses, the newspaper said.

China, as an important country in the world, has been implementing an active defense strategy. It has been moderately developing its military might. Its military operations are conducted in line with international law.

As for China's military deployment targeting Taiwan, this is a domestic matter, the newspaper said. It aims to target Taiwan's pro-independence forces. Japan is not in a position to comment on China's internal affairs.

The article said Japan and China both have obligations to promote mutual development and safeguard world peace.

Sound Sino-Japanese ties are not only in the fundamental interest of the two countries, but also conducive to world peace and development.

Japan's military expansion under the cover-up of the "China threat" theory will do nothing but harm Japan and Asia's future development, the newspaper warned.
(China Daily 07/18/2001)




Officials, scholars warn about tactics used by Beijing

Publish Date: 07/20/2001
Story Type: National Affairs;
Byline: Myra Lu

ROC officials and scholars engaged in image building on two separate occasions this month as they warned Chinese people in the international community about Beijing's attempts to exploit public sentiment in Taiwan. They did so by informing overseas Chinese communities about mainland China's political tactics aimed at influencing Taiwan's democracy.

Chang Fu-mei, minister of the Cabinet's Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, spoke at a meeting of overseas Chinese in Japan July 14. She stressed that the ROC is willing to discuss the so-called "one China" issue, but does not accept the PRC's unilateral definition of the term to mean the communist-controlled mainland.

The event was organized to provide an alternative viewpoint to a separate conference that touted Chinese unification to overseas Chinese communities. This conference also took place in Japan.

Chang said that the pro-unification conference was instigated by Beijing and was designed to polarize the cross-strait issue into one of independence vs. unification. "Their goal," the OCAC minister said, "is to create the false image that all Chinese people around the world opt for a union between Taiwan and the mainland." "But the main issue between the two sides involves the differences in their political systems, rather than a simple dichotomy of unification or independence," Chang explained.

An official with the Mainland Affairs Council pointed out during the meeting that no single political party has the right to chart the future of Taiwan's people because the island is a full-fledged democracy. "It is an undeniable fact that neither side of the Taiwan Strait belongs to the other. The mainland expresses a rather narrow view when it equates Taiwan's will to decide its own future with support for independence," the official said.

In fact, the island's growing democracy has opened the door to a massive wave of discussion on cross-strait development. In Taiwan, each citizen is entitled to his own views, and his stance on the issue deserves respect. Beijing, however, seems incapable of understanding the workings of a free society, according to a group of local scholars.

At a recent seminar held in Taipei, political analysts expounded on the effect Taiwan's democratization has had on cross-strait relations. Hosted by the Taiwan Research Institute, a local think tank, the forum revealed a popular view shared by officials that while the government pursues a more open policy toward the mainland, the public should likewise exercise its own judgement concerning what information it chooses to believe.

It has been pointed out that, as Taiwan's mainland policies have become more flexible, the island has witnessed an outflow of capital to the mainland. Businesspeople in search of higher profits have urged the government to relax its trade policy even further, since mainland-bound investment involving sensitive high-technology research is still forbidden.

Experts have also made note of the increasing number of politicians from the opposition camp paying frequent visits to the mainland, meeting with high-ranking communist officials. The Kuomintang, which lost its mandate to the Democratic Progressive Party in the 2000 presidential election, appears particularly eager to open a dialogue with Beijing, as the party's higher-ups were barred from traveling to the other side while they were still in power. Now that they are the opposition, however, Beijing has opened the doors in a thinly veiled united front tactic aimed at sowing dissent on the island.

Byron Weng, a professor of public administration at National Chi Nan University, said that under such circumstances, Beijing could use its huge market and the vast amounts of New Taiwan dollars tied up in mainland investments as leverage to force through its political goals by luring the island's public into accepting a lower international status for themselves.

Weng added that people should be wary of the mainland's "capitalist" tactic--using businesspeople to support pro-unification politicians or political parties in Taiwan.

Joseph Wu, a researcher at National Chengchi University, noted that Taiwan's democratization has served to push the island's disparate political parties toward finding some common ground on mainland policy. As an example Wu cited the same claim, made by politicians across the political spectrum, that Taiwan's people hold the key to their own future.

Because of its insistence on ignoring Taiwan's democracy, the mainland has made faulty political mover the past year. These include the opening of direct shipping and trade links between Taiwan's offshore islands and the mainland's southeastern coast, allowing banks to set up branch offices in the mainland, and creating postings in Taiwan for reporters from across the strait.

Ironically, the relaxation of policies meant to safeguard national security for the sake of making political goodwill gestures, coupled with a downturn in the local and global economies, have contributed to a diminished confidence in Taiwan's society and a public opinion that is slightly more inclined to favor unification. Lin thus predicted that the mainland would seek to interfere in the island's politics by playing on changes in public views, and he cautioned against heightened cross-strait tension.

Echoing a similar perspective, Wu said it would be a debasement of Taiwan's democracy if the pro-unification groups on the island try to unite with Beijing in harassing Taipei.


  台灣若成為一國兩制的體系,中共會針對台灣的戰略地位做調整,成為中共亞太防線的黑棋, 簡單而言,中共會運用台灣擁有的精良美式武器來對付美國,把台灣做為決戰區,當然台灣人成為焦土,指日可待。大家想一想,中共吸收台灣軍官幹什麼?以前清朝亡於降將,台灣亦可能絕滅於賣國賊,但是可惜的是,古今中外凡是降將皆沒有一個好下場。