Chapter 99



China Sets Date for Scholar's Spy Trial

Associated Press
Saturday, July 21, 2001; Page A20

BEIJING, July 20 -- An American University scholar accused of espionage will go on trial here next week -- just days before Secretary of State Colin L. Powell arrives for a visit aimed at improving strained relations.

Bai Xuebiao, a lawyer for sociologist Gao Zhan, said the trial is scheduled to begin Tuesday. The timing suggested China did not want Gao's case to cloud Powell's visit.

China's detentions of Gao and other scholars and business people with U.S. links have added to tensions between Beijing and Washington. The trial will come one day after Clark Randt takes up his post as U.S. ambassador to China.

Gao was detained at Beijing's airport Feb. 11, during a family trip to China. Chinese authorities held her 5-year-old son, a U.S. citizen, for 26 days, without notifying the U.S. Embassy, as required under a treaty. Her husband was also detained.

Bai said he was heartened by a court's decision on July 14 to deport rather than jail Li Shaomin, a scholar who was convicted of spying. However, Li is a U.S. citizen. Gao is a Chinese citizen and a permanent resident in the United States.

Prosecutors alleged that Li spied for Taiwan. But Bai said Gao's indictment does not mention Taiwan. Gao denies the charges.






  中國政府最近停刊整頓了一些所謂出現政治問題的報紙,同時處罰了有關記者和編輯。其中,南京《經濟早報》因刊登一篇諷刺江澤民給上海過多優惠而冷落深圳的文章被勒令停刊整頓。鄭州的《大河報》由於刊登揭露地方政府腐敗問題的文章,主編受到懲罰,副主編被解雇。廣西民辦報紙《廣西商報》也被勒令停刊。據悉,該報的報道引起當地官員的不滿。 廣州的《南方周末》報因報道法制不健全導致系列殺人事件消息,兩名資深編輯被停職。據報道,目前全國各地的記者和編輯已被指示重新上課,以加強對共產黨在媒體中的作用的認識。


  金鐘:"第一,社會不穩定仍是一個潛在的危機。第二,北戴河會議上開始啟動第三代領導人向第四代領導人的權力轉移,其中有 我們現在還看不到的內部矛盾。在國際方面,布什政府的對華政策趣於強硬,李登輝和陳水扁被允許過境美國並受到歡迎和禮遇,這些造成他們心理上的不安全感,這種不安全感就投射到社會最敏感的一個部分,那就是新聞、對新聞報道的控制。"



  布羅塞爾(Vincent Brossel): "Since 99, the Chinese authorities..."










  布羅塞爾(Vincent Brossel): "This is a new fact..."







  另據【路透社】報道,中共最近在一個向全國傳達的文件中威脅說,任何一家報紙和雜誌如果在報導中明顯越線,那麼就將立即關閉,或吊銷營業執照。在這之前,當局的紀律處罰是分三個階段進行的,首先是警告,然後是停刊整頓, 屢次犯錯的則被關閉。



U.S. Academic Says She Didn't Spy for Taiwan

By Philip P. Pan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, July 19, 2001; Page A24

BEIJING, July 18 -- American University researcher Gao Zhan appeared to be in good health and denied she was a spy for Taiwan during a meeting with her Chinese lawyer last week, the lawyer said today.

The meeting was Gao's first contact with the lawyer, Bai Xuebiao, since State Security Ministry agents detained her on Feb. 11 as she was leaving Beijing to return to Washington. Bai said the government allowed him to meet with Gao for 2 1/2 hours at a ministry detention center on July 10. He said prosecutors formally indicted on her on espionage charges Monday and could bring her to trial as early as next week.

The developments suggested China may be preparing to release Gao, 41, a U.S. green card holder, before Secretary of State Colin L. Powell's visit to China on July 28, or soon after his visit, in a gesture intended to signal the Chinese government's desire to improve relations with the United States.

On Saturday, a Beijing court convicted U.S. business professor Li Shaomin of spying for Taiwan and ordered him deported. The court could do the same to Gao, but her prospects are less certain. Unlike Li, a naturalized U.S. citizen, Gao is a Chinese citizen. She moved to the United States in 1989 and was waiting for citizenship when she returned to China to visit her parents.

Gao and Li are among several Chinese-born U.S. citizens or permanent residents detained by Chinese police in recent months whose cases have become sore points in U.S.-China relations. During their first phone conversation earlier this month, President Bush pressed Chinese President Jiang Zemin for their release and some members of Congress have urged him to cancel his October visit to China if Beijing does not respond.

Gao's case in particular has angered U.S. officials because Chinese authorities also detained her husband, Donghua Xue, and their 5-year-old son, Andrew, for 26 days. Andrew, a U.S. citizen, was separated from his parents and held in a state kindergarten, and China failed to notify the U.S. Embassy of his detention as required by a bilateral agreement.

Bai said Gao asked about her family during the meeting last week and was eager to see them again. He also said she appeared in good spirits and was being held in conditions better than those in other Chinese jails.

Gao's husband met today in Washington with Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) and Clark Randt, Bush's nominee for ambassador to China. Randt said that Gao's release was at the top of his agenda and that he would raise it in meetings with Chinese leaders if she were not freed after trial, Xue said.

Staff writer Spencer S. Hsu in Washington contributed to this report.



China 'lures Taiwanese ex-officer'

Saturday, 21 July, 2001

The Taiwanese Government says it is investigating a local newspaper report that a retired Taiwanese military officer defected to mainland China and is now serving in the People's Liberation Army.

The newspaper the mass circulation China Times quoted intelligence sources as saying that former Lieutenant-Colonel Liu had been promoted by the Chinese to the rank of colonel, serving in China's army in the Nanjing military zone for the last year.

Colonel Liu was reported to be one of a number of Taiwanese veterans who have joined the People's Liberation Army - most are said to have been assigned to military teaching establishments.

The newspaper said it believed his recruitment was part of a plot by Beijing to lure retired Taiwanese soldiers with offers of promotion and family settlement.





























  《基督科學箴言報》23日說,受到美國談話節目主持人溫弗雷(Oprah Winfrey)的啟發,"實話實說"節目為通常不公開談論的題目打開一個窗口。它為普通中國人對各種事情表達真實感情提供了機會,從物價上漲、網上約會到與配偶的問題。


















China Signs $2 Billion Deal To Buy Russian Fighter Jets

Aircraft to Strengthen Beijing's Ability to Attack Taiwan

By John Pomfret
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, July 20, 2001; Page A27

BEIJING, July 19 -- China has signed a contract with a Russian aircraft manufacturer for another batch of ground-attack jets, Russian news reports and diplomats said, in a move that would allow China's modernizing armed forces to improve their ability to launch an assault on Taiwan.

Russian news reports and diplomats said Chinese officials signed the contract with the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association to supply upward of $2 billion worth of Su-30 MKK ground-attack planes. One report, by the Russian Tass news agency, put the number of jets at 38.

Another report, by Russia's Military News Agency, said the factory's 5,000 workers would be working overtime until 2003 to fulfill the terms of a foreign contract. In 1999, China concluded a $1.8 billion deal for 40 Su-30s. So far, 10 are believed to have been delivered.

The Su-30 will provide China's air force with a potent ground-attack element to complement the Su-27 fighter that China first purchased from Russia in 1992, analysts said. So far, Russia has delivered between 70 and 100 Su-27s to China, and the two countries are currently co-producing the fighter in an aeronautics factory in Shenyang, China. Ten are believed to have rolled off that production line.

News of the contract came after China and Russia concluded on Monday their first treaty since their military alliance of 1950 that collapsed 10 years later. China's President Jiang Zemin and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, signed the treaty on the second day of Jiang's four-day visit to Russia, the second of four summits scheduled between the two leaders this year.

The treaty contains provisions for military technology cooperation but falls far short of the previous, ill-fated alliance. After it collapsed, relations degenerated into sporadic border clashes in the 1960s and 1970s.

The new treaty, which has a duration of 10 years, commits Russia and China to unite wherever possible to work against "hegemonism," which analysts say is a code word for the United States. Moscow also reiterated its support for China's stance on Taiwan: that the island of 23 million people is an inalienable part of China, and China has the right to attack Taiwan if it declares independence.

Jiang's delegation did not include senior weapons procurement officials, diplomats said, so the deal was signed either before or just after he left.

China's modernization of its military is of concern to the United States because it is aimed at Taiwan, an island 100 miles off China's coast that the United States issomewhat vaguely committed to defending. The United States is most concerned with a buildup of China's missile bases opposite Taiwan, but other areas of Beijing's military modernization, specifically its air force and navy, are also of concern to Washington, Western diplomats said.

Ken Allen, a former U.S. Air Force officer and an expert on the Chinese air force, said the purchase of the Su-30s was even more significant than China's decision in 1992 to buy the Su-27 fighters. The reason is that China has now obtained a sophisticated ground-attack aircraft after years of relying on its 450 A-5s, a slightly redesigned MiG-19 with no ability to defend itself and a short range.

"China had tried for years to make the Su-27 into a ground-attack aircraft and it didn't work," Allen said. "The Su-30 gives them a long-range, air-to-ground attack aircraft. That's arguably more important than having the Su-27."

Allen said that combined with the Su-27, the Su-30 could constitute a potent threat to Taiwan. The Chinese could use the Su-27 to attempt to gain air superiority and use the Su-30 in its primary role as a ground-attack aircraft.

However, Taiwan's air force also has potentially powerful countermeasures: U.S.-built F-16 fighters, French-built Mirage 2000s and a Taiwanese-designed fighter.

Allen said the Su-30 deal also marked another major step toward increasing China's dependence on Russian military technology. Russia is China's biggest foreign arms supplier and China now constitutes Russia's biggest arms market -- accounting for between 30 percent and 50 percent of Russia's foreign military sales, according to a recent report by the Interfax news agency.

An example of this dependence is the Su-27 co-production arrangement. The fighters are assembled in Shenyang, but the parts are made in Russia. And there is little sign that Russia is willing in the near future to transfer the technology needed to manufacture important parts of the plane, such as its avionics and engine, in Shenyang. And, most important, jet fighters need to have their airframes overhauled, usually after about 800 hours of flight time, and this can only be performed on the Su-27s and Su-30s in Russia.

"This means that China is going to be shipping the pride of its air force back to Russia," said an Asian diplomat. "Think about it. No wonder China is so interested in ensuring good ties with Moscow."

The pair are believed to be negotiating a deal to provide China with an airborne early warning radar system as well as advanced in-flight refueling technology.

China has concentrated its military buildup on ensuring that it will have military superiority in the Taiwan Strait. The Pentagon has predicted that the military balance will begin to shift between 2005 and 2010. China's purchases, particularly of Kilo-class submarines, Su-27s, Su-30s and Sovremenny-class destroyers equipped with Sunburn supersonic anti-ship missiles, are designed, analysts say, not to simply threaten Taiwan but to make U.S. commanders in the region hesitate to engage China in a fight if China attacked Taiwan.

Allen said the sale is also another indication that China's plans to create an indigenous ground-attack aircraft, called the F-10, are far behind schedule.