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Press Release
June 4, 2001

Tiananmen Mothers Speak

To commemorate the twelfth anniversary of the bloody June Fourth, 1989 Massacre, Tiananmen Mothers call upon all people of conscience to continue the demand for accountability of the tragic event. Human Rights in China firmly supports the Tiananmen Mothers, a group of families of victims headed by Ding Zilin, in their search for justice. Rising from grief and despair, the Tiananmen Mothers write, "We support all economic reforms that would bring prosperity to the Chinese people... but strongly oppose stagnation and regression in the political arena; we are against the refusal to reassess the 1989 Tiananmen movement and the June Fourth incident in the name of maintaining stability."

Full text of English translation:

We are victims of the massacre of twelve years ago.

We are a group of mothers brought together by our common fate: our children were killed or wounded because of their involvement in the Tiananmen Democracy Movement.

In the course of the past twelve years, we have mourned in darkness and struggled in a sea of tears. We have been overwhelmed by fear and despair. We have been assailed by rumors and indifference. But, finally we have stood up, just where our sons and daughters fell.

Today, our bodies are still a mass of scars, difficulties still block our path. As our search for justice continues, some courageous mothers, members of our group, have left this world. However, we are no longer helpless and numb with pain; we are no longer just tearful mourners railing against heaven and man. Since we have stood up, we will not lie down again. We are weighed down by tremendous pain and grief, but we no longer bear hatred and hostility in our hearts, we feel a sense of justice and responsibility.

For the past twelve years, we have lived with the fear in our hearts that a moment of indolence would make us forget the loss of our loved ones and the brutality of their killers. We have been profoundly grateful to those who reached out to help us and touched by their simple expressions of concern and sympathy. We realize that all the help we have received demonstrates the morality, conscience and love of humanity. Without the strength we have gathered from this sense of conscience, and the warmth of this love, our group would not have been able to continue to exist until this day. And it would not have been possible ever to achieve justice.

On this occasion of yet another June Fourth Anniversary, we want to express our deepest gratitude to all the friends who have sympathized with and supported us. Let us never forget them! To remember them is as important as remembering those who have harmed us.

Today, all those who sympathize with and support us can take great comfort in the knowledge that as a result of the unremitting efforts of compatriots in China and overseas and the solidarity of those people in the world who love freedom and uphold justice, the government's attempts to cover up the truth about June Fourth has failed. The identity of those who bear criminal responsibility for the bloody massacre has been revealed to the public eye; their names will live forever as symbols of infamy in the annals of history.

In all these years, we, the Tiananmen Mothers, have devoted ourselves to one most important task: documenting the massacre and seeking accountability for it. Almost every single one of us has put in great efforts towards this end. Part of this effort has been published in the booklet published in 1994 by the Hong Kong magazine, The Nineties, Ding Zilin: List of June Fourth Victims, and the book published in 1999 by Human Rights in China, June Fourth Massacre: Testimonies of the Wounded and the Families of the Dead. In this latter publication, we made public the names of 155 victims and more than 60 injured (since then, we have discovered more victims in both categories) as well as a great deal of information in the form of photographs and testimonies from surviving family members and from those injured.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the group of people of conscience in China represented by Mr. Zhang Liang and American friends including Mr. Andrew Nathan for their role in producing The Tiananmen Papers. Their concerted efforts made possible the publication of the English- and Chinese-language versions of the book. This large volume of documents showing the decision-making processes in the high-level meetings that led to the bloody massacre provides further understanding of the fateful events of June Fourth, bringing us closer to the historical truth. It is also important to acknowledge the help of many activists and witnesses, some anonymous, in supplying evidence and eye-witness accounts. One recent account, written under the pen name Yu Yuan, is from an ordinary college student, who described in vivid detail how a tank ran over more than a dozen students at Liubukou. To this day, as the Chinese Communist Party still refuses to acknowledge this historic crime, we call upon all the participants involved in June Fourth to contribute to these independent efforts to document the facts, creating an outpouring of people's testimony about what happened.

We are convinced that this people's campaign to document the facts, to collect physical evidence, documents and testimony and present them to the public, will inevitably put the perpetrators of this tragedy into the position of defendants, eventually making possible a reassessment of the June Fourth incident in the not-too-distant future. This process, we hope, will achieve a just resolution to the still-unresolved issues of June Fourth on the basis of objective facts. We also believe that this would make an invaluable contribution to the progress of liberalization and democratization of the Chinese society, economy and polity.

Here we want to state clearly to those of sense in the Chinese Communist Party, the government and the top leadership: we support all economic reforms that would bring prosperity to the Chinese people, including marketization and reform of property rights based on principles of fairness and justice. However, we oppose stagnation and regression in the political arena; we are against the refusal to reassess the 1989 Tiananmen movement and the June Fourth incident in the name of maintaining stability. The progressively greater exposure of the truth about these events has made it untenable to avoid such a reassessment. In the twelfth year since June Fourth, we are especially opposed to the unrelenting political repression and brutal suppression of independent dissident activities, including the persecution of popular religious beliefs and practices, such as Falungong. We object to the continuing restrictions imposed on expression, publication and belief and censorship of the press and the Internet, policies which deprive us of our civil rights and freedoms. We find the way the exercise of free expression and thought is criminalized an absurdity.

We also oppose using protecting state sovereignty and upholding national dignity as excuses for rejecting and dismissing the international community's valid criticisms of China's poor human rights record, which are based on humanity's agreed moral standards and universally-accepted principles. We believe that now is the time to begin fundamental changes to these domestic policies which go against the global trend and the principles of human civilization. If the ruling authorities continue stubbornly to resist such change, putting their selfish personal interests and those of a single party above all and disregarding a favorable opportunity to make this shift in policies, then our country and our people will encounter further disaster. History will prove that such inaction constitutes a new crime against the people.

In short, we appeal to all those compatriots inside and outside the country who are sincerely concerned about the fate of our country and the Chinese people: in the past century, we have endured exploitation and humiliation by the West. This past should not be forgotten. But, at the same time, now that we have the chance to approach the world today with a new attitude, to embrace the future and step into this new century, we must not let the burden of past humiliation act as a barrier to our progress. We need quickly to adopt a mature approach, and embrace the modern world with the clarity and rationality of an open mind, disregarding the nationalist incitements of unreasonable dictators intent on retaining their power. We need to maintain state power and uphold ethnic dignity without violating the rights and dignity of the individual. Otherwise, we would only be refining the shackles of the people and never become a free and respected member of the world family.

Last, but not least, we would like to reiterate our collective responsibility as mothers. Although we each have our own different social position, living environment, political and religious beliefs, our love for our sons, daughters, for all children, and our wish for peace and tranquility are the same. We also share our aversion to might, violence and killing, and our sympathy for the weak and the victimized, because all this comes from a very basic motherly instinct. Even if we don't have anything to our names, even if we are not able to accomplish very much, we still have that motherly love. It is this kind of love that unites us as a group and leads us along the road towards justice. It is also this kind of love that lends us dignity and confidence to join the struggle of all those around the world who seek freedom, democracy and human rights.

Today, we see this love as a type of responsibility. With this quality, we hope we can appeal to the conscience of the people, dispelling hatred and distrust among people, and changing the misunderstanding that still lingers in our minds about the value of life and of individual people. We believe this great love stems from the source of life. The responsibility it confers on us makes us stronger and wiser. It will turn our world into a better and more humane place where we can bring violence and killing to an end.

The unfortunate Chinese people have shed too many tears, piled up too many regrets. We have a responsibility to contribute our efforts towards ending this miserable history. Although our situation remains very difficult, we have no reason to be pessimistic or to despair, because we believe justice, truth and love will eventually triumph over might, lies and tyranny.

The Tiananmen Mothers Campaign-Victims of June Fourth and Victims Family Members:

Ding Zilin, Zhang Xianling, Zhou Shuzhuang, Li Xuewe, Xu Jue, Du Dongxu, Song Xiuli, Yu Qing, Guo Liying, Jiang Peikun, Wang Fandi, Yuan Kezhi, Duan Hongbing, Yin Min, Zhao Tingjie, Qian Putai, Wu Dingfu, Sun Chengkang, Yang Shiyu, Kuang Diqing, You Weijie, Huang Jinping, He Tianfeng, Meng Shuying, Yuan Shumin, Liu Meihua, Xie Jinghua, Zhou Shuzhen, Ma Xueqin, Kuang Ruirong, Zhang Yanqiu, Zhang Shusen, Yang Darong,
Liu Xiuchen, Shen Guifang, Xie Jingrong, Sun Ning, Wang Guoxian, Zhang Junshen, Yuan Changlu, Wang Wenhua, Jin Zhenyu, Meng Jinxiu, Yao Furong, Sun Xiuzhi, Meng Shuzhen, Tian Shuling, Kou Yusheng, Wang Guirong, Tan Hanfeng, Sun Hengyao, Zhou Yan, Li Guiying, Xu Baoyan, Liu Chunlin, Di Mengqi, Yang Yinshan, Guan Weidong, Gao Jie Suo XiunU, Liu Shuqin, Wang Peijing, Wang Shuanglan, Zhang Zhenxia, Zhu Zhidi, Yao Ruisheng, Liu Tianyuan, Pan Muzhi, Huang Dingying, He Ruitian, Chen Shuzhen, Zhang Yaozu, Bao Yutian, Ya Weilin, Hao Yichuan, Xiao Changyi, Ren Jinbao, Lin Jingpei, Tian Weiyan, Yang Zhiyu, Qi Guoxiang, Li Xianyuan, Zhang Caifeng, Wang Yuqin, Han Shuxiang, Cao Changxian, Fang Zheng, Qi Zhiyong, Feng Youxiang, He Xingcai, Liu Ren An, Li Shujuan, Xiong Hui, Han Guogang, Shi Feng, Zhou Zhigang, Pang Meiqing, Huang Ning, Wang Bodong, Zhang Zhiqiang, Zhao Jinsuo, Kong Weizhen, Liu Baodong, Lu Yubao, Lu Masheng, Qi Zhiying, Fang Guizhen, Xiao Shulan, Ge Guirong, Zheng Xiucun, Wang Huirong

A total of 111 signatures

May 27, 2001

New York, Xiao Qiang (212) 239-4495
Hong Kong, Sophia Woodman (852) 2710-8021
Geneva, Beatrice Laroche, (336) 08 80 34 26

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Human Rights Situation in China and the Abuse of Judicial Psychiatry


Human Rights In China (HRIC) is deeply concerned about the growing number of dissidents subjected to forced incarceration in mental facilities, without trial or independent evaluation of their mental state, merely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and association. Such treatment constitutes an abuse of psychiatry, and runs counter to basic principles of international human rights law.

The article by Robin Munro on this topic, just published in the Columbia Journal of Asian Law, presents material from many official sources indicating that this practice has clear sanction from both professional psychiatrists and the security services. The material indicates that this form of psychiatric abuse may be far more widespread than has hitherto been realized. This is deeply disturbing, and calls for a strong response from the international community.

Below is a list of some cases of individuals known to have been detained in psychiatric institutions for what appear to be solely political reasons. We believe these people are being detained merely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and association. They have been denied the right to a fair trial and to an independent medical evaluation. HRIC is concerned about their personal safety, and demands their immediate and unconditional release.

victims of Psychiatric abuse

CAO MAOBING, an electrician at the Funing Silk Factory in Jiangsu Province, was forcibly committed to the Yancheng City No. 4 Psychiatric Hospital on December 15, 2000, 24 hours after he gave an interview to the Voice of America, in which he discussed his attempts to form an independent labor union. Cao had helped to organize strikes to protest against corruption in the factory and the lay off of more than half of its 2,000 workers. In November 2000, more than 300 workers in the factory signed a letter of protest after not receiving their wages for more than six months. Cao is not permitted to receive visits from family or friends, and his family and fellow workers have been instructed by the authorities not to speak of his situation to the media. During the New Year's holiday he began a hunger strike demanding to be allowed to return home to his family. Shortly after beginning the hunger strike, Cao was force-fed pills and given electric shock treatment. He is currently being held in a single room with over twenty psychiatric patients. [related press releases in Chinese]

WANG WANXING, veteran democracy and human rights activist, was returned to a psychiatric facility in November 1999. Wang had already spent over seven years incarcerated in Ankang Hospital, a Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB) psychiatric facility, after a 1992 attempt to unfurl a banner in Tiananmen Square commemorating the June Fourth massacre. Authorities told his wife that he was suffering from "political monomania." On August 19, 1999, Wang was released for a three-month "trial period." As this came to an end, Wang told hospital authorities of his plan to hold a press conference to speak out about his confinement. Consequently, Wang was recommitted to Ankang Hospital. Wang has never been given a trial or other hearing, nor has there been any independent evaluation of his mental state. [Interview with Wang Wanxing]

WANG MIAOGEN, a labor activist, has been forcibly held in a psychiatric hospital since April 27, 1993. Wang was committed to the hospital, which is run by the Shanghai PSB, to prevent him from disrupting the Asian Games in May 1993. Because Wang has no family (he is an orphan) to advocate on his behalf, his conditions in the hospital are especially dire. Fellow activists who have visited Wang say he is held in filthy conditions and given inadequate food and water.

XING JIANDONG was incarcerated in Shanghai's PSB-run Ankang Psychiatric Hospital on September 13, 1993. Xing was deported to China in August 1992 after a failed attempt to win political asylum in Australia. Xing was detained on September 7, 1993, outside the Australian Consulate in Shanghai, where he had staged a series of sit-ins to protest alleged violent mistreatment by Australian authorities during his detention there. First served with a seven-day administrative detention order, Xing was then forcibly committed. Xing was allegedly tied to a bed for three days and three nights, then locked up with mentally-disturbed patients. His current situation is unknown.

HUANG JINCHUN, a judge in Beihai, was reportedly put into a psychiatric hospital in November 1999 and forced to take narcotics for refusing to renounce his belief in Falungong. Huang was detained in September for joining hundreds of Falungong practitioners in Beijing to protest the government's crackdown on the spiritual movement. He was fired from his job on November 8 for refusing to sever his ties with Falungong, and one week later two policemen took him from his home to the Longqianshan hospital in Liuzhou. Huang reportedly displayed no symptoms of mental illness either at work or after being sent to the hospital, but medical personnel gave him daily injections of a narcotic that left him sleepy and muddled.

XUE JIFENG was forcibly committed to the Henan Xinxiang City Psychiatric Hospital on December 17, 1999. This was apparently a punishment for attempting to register the Zhengzhou Worker's Association. Although Xue was released from his most recent detention on June 20, 2000, the fact that he was forced to spend six months in an institution although neither he nor his family believe he is suffering from any kind of mental illness is a matter of grave concern. [More information]

WANG HONGXUE, who was active in a series of 1997 open letter campaigns calling for political reform, was threatened with psychiatric confinement in December 1997. Police summoned Wang's wife and parents to the Bengbu City PSB in eastern Anhui Province and informed them that authorities believed Wang was suffering from schizophrenia. The officers threatened to place Wang in a psychiatric hospital, saying that they would make sure his employer-a textile factory infirmary-would pay for a long-term stay. Police also directly confronted Wang. Ultimately, he was not committed because his family refused to say he was mentally ill and because Wang made his fear of psychiatric confinement public through HRIC. More recently, Wang was briefly detained in 1999 for his membership in the Anhui branch of the China Democracy Party.

SU GANG, a 32-year-old computer engineer, was first detained by the security department of his workplace for refusing to renounce Falungong. After traveling to Beijing on April 25, 2000, to protest the ban on the group, he was arrested again, and on May 23, his employer approved commitment papers that authorized the police to take him to a mental hospital. According to Su's father, Su Dean, doctors injected Su twice a day with an unknown substance. Although he had been healthy before entering the hospital, when Su emerged a week later, he could not eat or move his limbs normally. On June 10, he died of heart failure. An official at the institution confirmed to the Washington Post that Su had been held there.

Copyright c 2000 Human Rights in China
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3309, New York, NY 10118, U.S.A.
Tel: 212-239-4459 Fax: 212-239-2561





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Powell Urges China to Take Action on Human Rights

by Elaine Monaghan
Monday, July 23, 2001 11:36 a.m. EDT

TOKYO (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell played down China's moves toward ending spying cases against two U.S.-connected academics, saying Monday Beijing has to do more to earn a seat beside the world's democracies.

Powell was making a brief stop in Tokyo ahead of a five-day sprint through Asia.

Human rights was part of the U.S. agenda with China "and just removing one or two cases that might be high-profile cases for the moment isn't enough," he told reporters on his plane.

Powell was likely to face questioning about the future of some 50,000 U.S. troops in Japan after a U.S. airman was indicted for raping a woman on the southern island of Okinawa.

Kyodo news agency said the mayor of Okinawa visited U.S. Kadena Air Base Monday to call for a curfew after three arrests of Americans in two days -- for an alleged car theft, an arson attack and an incident of vandalism.

Powell did not address the idea of a curfew -- though U.S. officials say they want to reduce their "footprint" -- and he said the incidents were no argument for removing the troops.

"We will do everything we can to instruct our youngsters as to how to behave as guests in Japan, and especially in Okinawa, but there will be these occasional incidents," he said.

"I don't think it is possible for us to remove our presence from Okinawa and I don't think that is the position of the Japanese government," he added. "Our security arrangement is really a bulwark of our relationship with Japan."

Powell was due to fly from Tokyo to the ASEAN regional forum, Asia's key security group, which is meeting from July 24 to 26 in Hanoi, Vietnam, in what will be an emotional return for the soldier turned diplomat to the land where he fought 30 years ago.

A major topic will be the situation in Indonesia, where Indonesian lawmakers have elected Megawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of the country's founding leader, as the fourth president in as many turbulent years, sacking her disgraced predecessor Abdurrahman Wahid for incompetence.

News of Wahid's removal had not emerged when Powell spoke to reporters but he released a statement before leaving Washington saying the United States was "deeply concerned" at the leader's declaration of a state of emergency and plan to suspend parliament.

From Tokyo Powell flies to South Korea for a day Friday and to Beijing on Saturday, where he will be preparing for a visit later in the year by President Bush.

An immediate issue for Powell will be detentions of several U.S.-linked scholars, including Chinese-American academic, Li Shaoming, convicted of spying last week and ordered deported.

A lawyer for U.S.-based scholar Gao Zhan, accused of spying for Taiwan, told Reuters in New York on Friday that she would stand trial next week on charges of collecting intelligence.


Powell said he hoped Gao would be free by the time he got to Beijing, but this was not enough as China had other human rights problems. These include Beijing's treatment of followers of the Falun Gong movement and alleged violations of religious freedom strongly criticized in Washington.

"There are other people who have been detained and there are other people who could be detained tomorrow," Powell said.

"We're looking for a more basic change in their human rights attitudes and positions," he said, giving a preview of part of his message to the Chinese officials he will meet in Vietnam and Beijing.

"We think it would be better for their society, it would be better for their standing in the international community as part of becoming a fully fledged member of the international community," he added.

Critics of China's human rights record hope the recent decision to award Beijing the 2008 Olympic games will spur it to its record.

China hopes to gain economically from hosting the Olympics and it is poised to enter the World Trade Organization, thanks to U.S. support.

But Powell said China had to think about more than becoming part of the international community, despite the theme of economic transformation that he said would be a common thread on his Asian trip.

"The international community is not just an economic community, it's a community of human rights, it's a community of the individual rights of men and women. It's a community of increasing democratization, if you want to be a fully-fledged member of it," he said.

Powell said he would meet Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi Tuesday to show support for economic restructuring and to encourage "aggressive action" toward reaching its goals.

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