Chapter 102   




  這篇NEW PARTY的笨蛋論就是賣台大論,請參考吧!











  ── 秦漢以降,中國從來就是一個維持統一,或追求統一的國家!統一,是所有中國人靈魂深處的DNA,是中華民族得以生存發展迄今的原動力,這是歷史上的一個中國!

  ── 一九四九年迄今 , 兩岸暫且分立 ! 但兩岸所有的中國人都認為,中國只有一個,大陸和台灣都是中國的一部分,這是現狀下的一個中國!

  ── 未來統一後,一個中國,絕非是中華人民共和國! 一個中國,必須是兩岸尊嚴對等,共同議定國號、國旗、國歌的一個新的大中國!


   ── 一九四五年,台灣即已回歸中國 , 迄今仍由一九一二年即已創建之中華民國政府所統治!其地位自大不同於殖民地歷史背景之港澳,當然無從接受「一國兩制」!

   ── 一九四九年迄今,無論政治 、 經濟 、 社會乃至文化各方位, 台灣已漸次形成一個「有台灣特色的中國先進文化代表區」!這個先進代表,必須優先,不能貶抑;因此,一國三制,必須是台灣優先的一國三制!




JULY 25, 2001

Falungong student sets fire to himself

BEIJING - A 19-year-old member of the Falungong spiritual movement committed suicide by dousing himself with alcohol and setting himself on fire, state press reported yesterday.

Mr Luo Guili, a student in the Chinese provincial capital of Nanning, Guangxi province, died on July 2 after his self-immolation protest a day earlier, the China Daily reported.

This follows the suicide bid by five followers of the group in January on Beijing's Tiananmen Square, in which two people died.

There was another reported self-immolation suicide in Beijing in March.

China's central government has made draconian efforts to wipe out the group, which it banned two years ago as an 'evil cult'.

Self-immolation is regarded in China as an extreme form of protest and seen as a last resort to oppose the crackdown despite Falungong teachings opposing suicide.

'It is just another fabrication. We are opposed to all form of killing including suicide, because committing suicide is a sin,' said Falungong spokesman Sophie Xiao in Hongkong.

'How come these so-called suicides never happen outside China?' she asked, adding that Beijing was inventing suicides by Falungong members to cover up the deaths of more than 250 practitioners who have died in detention since the crackdown began in July 1999.--AFP



Falungong on the defensive within China

JULY 25, 2001
By David Hsieh

BEIJING - Having captured the bid to host the 2008 Olympics, the Chinese authorities have now raised the decibel level in their fight against the Falungong.

The current campaign is being waged in the official press, on central television as well as in the form of exhibitions sponsored by the highest echelons of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the State.

The latest exhibit, titled Oppose Cults, Uphold Civilisation, at the Military Museum began two days after the successful Olympics bid and will run until the end of the month.

In the two years since the banning of the radical Falungong qigong sect, the Chinese authorities have adopted a carrot-and-stick approach towards diehard Falungong followers.

Meting out lengthy prison sentences to the ringleaders, the crackdowns have been swift and harsh.

The Falungong network outside of China claims there were 250 deaths due to police brutality, more than half occurring in the past six months.

The attempted mass suicide by hanging (using torn bed-sheets) at the Wanjia laojiao (re-education through labour) institution in Harbin on June 20 claimed three lives.

While Beijing security officials declined to comment on the death toll outside the capital, they did confirm three suicides in custody in Beijing.

They also validated foreign claims that about 10,000 Falungong followers have been sent to laojiao or laogai (reform through labour) institutions throughout the country.

That is about one-fifth the number of practitioners who have been arrested and/or detained for short periods, said Falungong groups abroad. In Beijing, nearly 2,000 practitioners have been sent down for laojiao or laogai for terms ranging from six months to three years.

Beijing security officials applaud the system for its high success rate in converting cult followers, claiming a recidivism rate of only 10-15 per cent.

But they denied the use of torture and widespread violence against internees as alleged by Falungong groups.

'In my opinion, violence is ineffective against the Falungong because we are dealing with beliefs,' a security official stated, adding that instances of violence occurred most often during the initial arrest.

Since violence has proven ineffective, the watchword is now 'education' in dealing with the 'brainwashed'.

For those Falungong followers who have not committed any offences under the civil and penal codes, 'study groups' or 'conversion classes' have been organised by various units to great effect.

In Beijing, dozens of such classes have been formed in the comfort of guest houses or hotels and they are usually located near laojiao institutions.

Groups of as many as 100 are kept completely segregated for up to three weeks at a time accompanied day and night by 'tutors', many of whom are recruited from the ranks of the recently-converted.

Conversion rates at such classes are said to be even higher than at the laojiao institutions.

In these classes, the authorities treat Falungong followers with kid gloves, ever vigilant they may resort to suicide or some other desperate act. 'Treat them as a parent would a child' and 'Treat them like a doctor towards his patient' have become the guiding slogans.

A responsibility system is in place for heads of government departments across the country.

Falungong groups claim that over 600 followers have been sent to mental institutions. For the authorities, it is often very difficult to commit practitioners because relatives are reluctant to sign release forms.

In China, there is a strong stigma against committing loved ones to institutions even if they are seriously ill.

A Falungong sympathiser, speaking under conditions of anonymity, accused the authorities of sinister deeds.

He said: 'The CCP is using drugs against us. On TV, some practitioners are repenting like zombies. They have also sacked people from their jobs without benefits.'

But he admitted that his movement is on the defensive and has been driven underground.

He commented: 'On the surface, the network has been broken. But, it has always been a loose network.

'Everyone practises secretly at home.'

He disclosed that, apart from the few who are able to communicate with brethren abroad via the Internet, practitioners mainly pass messages by word of mouth, never using the Internet or telephone.

Prominent cult fighter Sima Nan estimates that some 10,000 diehards are still active in the mainland underground.

While declaring the Falungong to be a spent force nationally, a Beijing security official acknowledged that the authorities are fighting a protracted war.

'It will take some time to eradicate the remaining diehards but their organisation defies conventional definition,' he said.

'While we cannot eliminate them fully, they are no longer able to amount any major campaigns.'

The security officer emphasised that de-programming and publicity against cult practices, coupled with the promotion of ethics and morality along with scientific knowledge, are the key to refilling the spiritual vacuum experienced by Falungong practitioners.

He reaffirmed that the laojiao system and the conversion classes were effective means to deal with cults.

Mr Sima asserts that most important is the use of the law against cults.

Earlier this month, the China Anti-Cult Association, in conjunction with the China Law Society, held a national symposium of leading anti-cult and legal experts to propose that a law be made in China based on the anti-cult 'About-Picard law' passed two months ago in France.