Chapter 103   



Rep. Ackerman Introduces APEC Resolution
24 July 2001
1st Session
H. CON. RES. 194

Expressing the sense of Congress to encourage full participation in the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.


July 24, 2001

Mr. ACKERMAN (for himself and Mr. CHABOT) submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations


Expressing the sense of Congress to encourage full participation in the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum.

Whereas the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation forum meets annually to afford leaders of APEC's twenty-one members the opportunity to discuss mutual interests in economic security and expanded commerce;

Whereas this year's APEC forum is scheduled to be held October 19-21, 2001, in Shanghai, China, and will be attended by President George W. Bush and President Jiang Zemin;

Whereas Taiwan enjoys a robust trading relationship with the United States, importing significantly more goods from the United States than does the People's Republic of China;

Whereas Taiwan possesses the seventh largest trading economy and ninth largest gross domestic product in the APEC consortium, contributing significantly to economic stability and commercial expansion across the region;

Whereas bilateral trade and direct investment across the Taiwan Strait has dramatically increased in recent years;

Whereas Taiwan's democratically elected leaders have offered to meet for dialogue with leaders of the People's Republic of China at `any time, any place on any topics';

Whereas it is demonstrably in the national security interests of the United States for the leaders across both sides of the Taiwan Strait to engage without precondition in a peaceful dialogue on the basis of mutual respect; and

Whereas the United States Trade Representative stated publicly on June 5, 2001, in Shanghai that the personal participation in this year's APEC forum of Taiwan's democratically elected president, Chen Shui-bian, `would be a constructive step': Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress supports the initiatives proposed for direct dialogue without precondition between leaders on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and specifically endorses the proposal for full participation in the October 2001 Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum by President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan.


























US 'willing to consider' missile plan

KEEPING THE PEACE: A senior official with the US State Department said a joint US-Japan-Taiwan missile defense system as proposed by president Chen could be a good idea

July 26, 2001
By Charles Snyder

The Bush administration would be willing to consider the feasibility of President Chen Shui-bian's (陳水扁) recent suggestion that the US, Taiwan and Japan jointly develop a missile defense system, a senior State Department official said.

"I think President Bush has made it clear in some of his earlier remarks that the defense of Taiwan is something we regard as very important and [such a joint missile defense] could be an element of it," said John R. Bolton, the under secretary of state for arms control and international security affairs.

Bolton was speaking with reporters at a briefing at the State Department's Foreign Press Center. His comments came in response to the question of whether the administration would be willing to look into the "feasibility or possibility" of such a system.

"And, it's something that as our research and development continues for navy theater-wide and other missile systems, that obviously, I'm sure, we'll be in consultation with the authorities in Taiwan about," he said.

Chen made the suggestion in an interview last week with the Washington Times, in which he compared the military threat China poses to Taiwan to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, in which President Kennedy successfully prevented the Soviet Union from deploying nuclear missiles on that island nation 145km from the Florida coast.

In the interview, Chen said that increased missile deployment by China across the Taiwan Strait was the reason Washington and Tokyo were conducting research on development of missile defense systems.

"I believe peace in the Taiwan Strait is the key to overall stability in the Asia Pacific Region," he said. "So, maintaining peace in the Taiwan Strait and avoiding a PRC threat against Taiwan is something that the US, Japan and Taiwan must jointly deal with in a manner of division of responsibilities and cooperation."

Chen also called for closer cooperation and exchanges between the military forces of Taiwan and the US, including greater training of Taiwan military personnel by America. Bolton noted that the question of missile defenses came up in April, when the US and Taiwan representatives conducted their annual arms sales session in Washington.

At that time, the Bush administration decided on a robust sales package to Taiwan valued at some US$4 billion. Included were four Kidd-class destroyers, up to eight diesel submarines, 12 P-3C Orion submarine-hunting aircraft, minesweeping helicopters, surface-to-air missiles, torpedoes and amphibious assault vehicles.

But the package notably excluded the four AEGIS destroyers with advanced radar-based anti-missile systems that many military analysts feel could form the basis of an eventual theater missile defense system.

Regarding future arms sales Bolton said, "I think a lot depends, obviously, on what Beijing does. Noting again Powell's trip to Beijing on Saturday, he said, "I think it's important to see what comes out of that."

"The president and others have made it clear that they value the relationship with Taiwan," he said, recalling that right after the arms sales announcement Bush indicated that he preferred to move away from the annual spring sales ritual to an ongoing, year-round dialogue. Such a dialogue, Bolton said, "is over the long term going to be much more productive."




北京申奧成功  新黨支持者有人想搖五星旗


  挾著共、新談判所帶回來的超人氣,新黨除了在黨部召開記者會,會後黨部更是聚集了新黨支持者,包括新黨權委會召集人謝啟大、新黨大老王建烜 、高新武、台北市副議長費鴻泰都與支持者守著黨部的電視螢幕,黨部裡人聲鼎沸,每個人都期待著這一刻到來,一位新黨支持者還一點都不像是開玩笑的向旁邊的同伴問,「欸,待會要是北京申奧成功,我們是要搖五星旗還是國旗呀?」

  就在等得焦急不耐時,黨部裡鎖定好CCTV台的電視螢幕終於出現「我們贏了!」的字眼,在場的新黨支持者與政治人物莫不喜極而泣、相互擁抱,黨部工作人員也立刻換上準備好的紅布條掛上,布條上寫著「北京申奧成功,兩岸共享光榮」;當場,除了工作人員端出一個三層大蛋糕,王建烜 、謝啟大等人更是開香檳慶祝,並在黨工的帶動下,大合唱起「中國一定強」,整個新黨黨部呈現一片歡騰現象。甚至,當謝啟大、王建烜等人對北京申奧一事做回應時,在媒體記者群裡,赫然發現一位拿著「中國中央電視台」麥克風的記者穿梭人群中,認真地收集新黨支持者對北京申奧成功的看法。
