July 11, 2000 --- To: Trent Lott, Denny Hastert

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
July 11, 2000

Dear Mr. Trent Lott,
Mr. Denny Hastert,

July 6, 2000 ---

A summit of Russia, mainland and three Central Asian states agreed Wednesday to create a joint anti-terrorist center to fight cross-border incursions by Islamic extremists and drug traffickers.

The so-called ¡§Shanghai Five¡¨ group also presented a united front against U.S. domination in world affairs during a one-day summit in the Tajik capital.

The five heads of state, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, agreed to set up the anti-terrorist center in the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek to prevent a repeat of an armed Islamic incursion in Central Asia.

The Shanghai grouping was set up originally to resolve border issues but its focus has shifted as regional leaders fear a threat to their stability due to a rise in Muslim extremism.

Those concerns were highlighted last summer when four Japanese geologists were taken hostage in south Kyrgyzstan by armed Muslim rebels who sought to create an Islamic state in neighboring Uzbekistan.

The center ¡§will allow us to successfully, effectively fight those cross-border incursions like Islamic extremism, religious extremism and drugs,¡¨ said Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev.

Uzbek President Islam Karimov, who has expressed an interest in joining the grouping, hailed the presence of mainland China and Russia in the Shanghai Five, saying it lent the group weight.

¡§The presence of the two powers is not only a guarantee of security and peace but also rebuff to the spread of terrorism,¡¨ he added.

The Afghan civil war also featured prominently during the talks.

Afghanistan, which shares a 2,000 kilometer (1,200 mile) border with Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, is blamed for destabilizing the former Soviet states and spawning the spread of Islamic extremism, arms and drug trafficking across Central Asia.

Russia last month threatened to carry out air strikes against Islamist bases in Afghanistan, where Moscow believes fighters are being trained to fight in the Chechen war.

Moscow has blamed Islamic extremists based in Chechnya for a spate of apartment bomb attacks in Russia last September which left 292 people dead, and for two deadly incursions into southern Russia that summer.

President Vladimir Putin has portrayed the on-going crackdown in Chechnya, now in its ninth month, as an anti-terrorist operation and has since used every international forum to advance cooperation in the field.

In a joint end of summit declaration the five leaders called for the settlement of the conflict through peaceful means and with the help of the United Nations.

The declaration also backed Moscow¡¦s opposition to any breach of the landmark 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty arms control agreement, which Washington is seeking to revise.¡@

A summit of Russia, mainland China and three Asia states agreed to create a joint anti-terrorist center to fight cross-border incursions by Islamic extremists, religious extremists and drug traffickers.

In a joint end of summit declaration the five leaders called for the settlement of the conflict through peaceful means, and with the help of the United Nations.

Moscow has blamed Islamic extremist based in Chechnya. Beijing has blamed Tibet extremists based in India, and the Islamic extremists based in Turkey. Every leader condemns extremist but no one can self-repentance over human rights.

It is very ridiculous the ¡§Shanghai Five nations¡¨ set up its internal, anti-human rights issues on international affairs, it so called the purpose of world¡¦s peace.

In our view; that the means of terrorists is what? Who is terrorist? Religious believers is extremists? Why the people would become a terrorist?

We want the U.N. peacekeeper is real effective force for peacemakers¡¦ use over international law. Clearly speaking; U.N. would never serve for power countries but for humanitarism¡¦s work.

In Taiwan the army would add a land to air striking capacity to its arsenal by the year 2005 and that the military on the whole would be able to better arm itself in the future. If the battle should be decided in outlying area of Taiwan soil that is the best choice of defense.

Why? The Taiwanese people has the worrisome anxiety for preparing to war¡¦s thoughts, because the new president Chen¡¦s warming gesture was rejected by Beijing authority to do the so-called ¡§watch his action, listen his words¡¨.

Everyone knows that Chen¡¦s manner was good enough than former President Lee and gave Beijing to much gestures which hurting the minds of Chen¡¦s stuck supporters.

Reported July 4, 2000 ---

Chen went on to say that he believes the United States can play a role as ¡§ balancer, stabilizer, and persuader,¡¨ but added that playing such a role would still require careful consideration from the U.S. government.

In my personal view; Taiwan is the best strategical point in Asia-Pacific region and U.S. interests. We think that many American people are ignorant about this military irreversibility.

The U.S. is the most important guarantor of Taiwan¡¦s freedom. The U.S. has not failed to support the island when threatened by hostile actions from across the Taiwan Strait, but the U.S. is not the only country that is concerned with preserving the peace and freedom of Taiwan. Other regional nations, for example Japan and Australia, are also close allies of the U.S. and are likely to be drawn into a larger or smaller extent into any defense of Taiwan.

Australia, for example, has had it made clear that its alliance with the U.S. extends not only to the defense of Australia, but also to the defense of the alliance¡¦s vital interests in Asia, including Taiwan. The word the U.S. has put out to its allies is --- if the going gets rough, you will be expected to make a contribution.

Many people are unclear about what the ROC stands for now, in the post-Kuomintang era. The victory of the Democratic Progressive Party¡¦s Chen Shui-bian has strengthened Taiwan¡¦s credentials as a democratic nation, but many people overseas, even those sympathetic to the ROC, remain confused about what the Republic of China on Taiwan stands for. In the old days, it might have been simple --- Free China versus Communist China --- but most ordinary people overseas are confused about what Taiwan stands for. What it stands against --- the People¡¦s Republic of China --- is also less clear. The PRC has a strategic influence that cannot be ignored.

Face Taiwan security we must beef up our early warning system stepping up capability and facilities quickly. That how to prepare to intercept incoming missiles is island¡¦s most important issues. Mainland China¡¦s M-class missiles are a great threat to Taiwan national security.

In Taiwan side; the armed forces will not adopt any offensive military action unless the Chinese communists launch an attack that¡¦s defense principle of Taiwan military routine.

We worried that the defense strategic tactics need spend much money on strengthening its personnel training to maintain its superiority, without well trained pilots high-performance warplanes will be of no avail.

Opposition parties urged to cooperate

July 7, 2000 ---

Lee Yuan-tseh, president of the Academia Sinica, yesterday urged opposition parties to put aside their antagonism and work together to break the standoff across the Taiwan strait.

¡§The election is over, everybody should assist each other for the island¡¦s development and overcome the hostility of the election period,¡¨ said the Nobel-winning Lee.

The remarks came hot off the heels of an open letter issued by the Nobel laureate in response to widespread criticism of his rile as the convener of a cross-strait advisory body.

In the letter, he challenged opposition parties to give up party-centered behavior and join the multi-party group to help thaw icy relations across the Taiwan Strait.

Both the Kuomintang (KMT) and the People First Party (PFP) dismissed the scholar¡¦s appeal and have refused to recommend candidates for the group.

The proposed multi-party group has come under fire for usurping the role of existing bodies that deal with cross-strait relations, such as the National Unification Council, which President Chen Shui-bian vowed not to abolish in his inauguration speech.

The new task force aims to forge a domestic consensus on cross-strait issues.

Lee¡¦s role as convener has also come under attack from opposition lawmakers. Many see the head of Taiwan¡¦s leading research institute as taking on too many extracurricular activities.

Lee also serves as head of a body overseeing reconstruction after the 921 arthquake.¡@

¡§I wish to do my best for Taiwan¡¦s society and citizens, what grounds are these to call for my resignation?¡¨ he said yesterday.

In the open letter, Lee said he is willing to step down if a more suitable person is found.

¡§I took on the task as I wanted to contribute to peace across the Taiwan Strait. I will resign if the president sees fit to find a more suitable person.¡¨

President Chen said via his spokesperson Chan Chun-hsiung that he considers Lee the best person for the job.

Over 30 DPP legislators signed a petition throwing their weight behind Lee, dubbing him ¡§Taiwan¡¦s conscience.¡¨

The new government is expected to save a significant amount of government expenditure as public construction planes have long been plagued by gangster involvement and official corruption.

Of course the new government has received great pressure from the legislature, where the majority opposition lawmakers have sought to replace the cabinet¡¦s social welfare schemes with their own proposals that require further expanses.

The new government has inherited a huge debt from the former ruling party is short by around NT$100 billion for the next fiscal year¡¦s budget. Many officials in new government are going on their old way, the instead of new ministers or few chief staffs still messed with uncontrollable middle and low officials.


On the other hand; new government should has new education on its officials.

July 7, 2000 ---

President Chen Shui-bian lashed out at mainland China yesterday, saying it was creating obstacles to cross-strait dialogue tossing our established channels of communication.

Speaking to a visiting group of lawmakers from the United States, Chen said Beijing was ignoring the efforts made to set up talks between the two governments¡¦ semi-official liaison offices, choosing instead to meet separately with political party delegations and other individuals.

The remark was apparently in reference to an approaching mainland visit by New Party legislators, as well as the proposed trip by Legislative Yuan speaker Wang Jinpying and others.

Chen said that this policy offered a slim basis for building dialogue between the two cross-strait rivals and called for a return to using the Taipei¡¦s Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and Beijing¡¦s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait (ARATS) as the main channel for talks.

The SEF and ARATS, found in 1991 and 1992 respectively, serve as the only government-sanctioned negotiating bodies between the two sides.

The mainland has twice severed links between the two: first in 1995 to protest then President Lee Teng-hui¡¦s visit to the United States, and again last year to voice disagreement over Lee¡¦s ¡§two state theory¡¨ demanding equal status for both sides.

Chen also bemoaned what he said was Beijing¡¦s ignoring of repeated goodwill gestures by the new government.

Taipei has expressed a willingness to discuss any topic, including previously avoided political ones or the re-establishment of direct transportation, trade and other links still outlawed here, he said.

Chen added that the ROC side is ready to begin talks at any time and this clearly means the ball is in Beijing¡¦s court.

He said Taiwan is willing to continue to be patient with the mainland, trusting the notion that ¡§even the most stubborn will eventually nod their head.¡¨

The president went on to express his gratitude to the U.S. Congressional delegation for their visit.

The group, made up of House of Representative members from both main parties, met with Chen to discuss cross-strait and international issues before heading on to meet officials on the mainland.

Chen told the delegation leader, Rep. Mark Souder that he and others at the Presidential Office were touched by Souder¡¦s remark that they could not visit mainland China without first coming to Taiwan.

Force Taiwan toward the edge of war.

In Taiwan; President Chen lashed out at mainland China (July 6, 2000) saying it was creating obstacles to cross-strait dialogue tossing out established channels of communication.

Beijing made a choice to meet separately with political party delegations and other individuals that ignoring of repeated goodwill gestures by the new government.

Chen added that the ROC side is ready to begin talks at any time and this clearly means the ball is in Beijing¡¦s court.

Intransigence is a purpose to get peace for both-sides? Who is the real troublemaker?

The Minister of National Defense sponsored a seminar (July 6, 2000) on the proposed establishment of a mechanism for military exchanges across the Taiwan-Strait. The proposition is a test for Beijing¡¦s reaction that is a dream of Taiwanese people.

In my personal viewpoint; Chinese communist will push Taiwan toward the border of war in which the so-called ¡§civil war¡¨ would attack again that is Chinese internal affair. It is only a trick to say by Beijing; those who could help Taiwan are interfering with China. At the same time; after a series of Beijing¡¦s scornful, contemptuous attitude toward Taiwan goodwill gesture that igniting defense reaction on Taiwanese people --- anxiety, angry, depression, and war-nightmare.

U.S. crisis and world¡¦s chaos

About Putin and CIS-the leaders of 11 other former Soviet Republics, it revealed the same viewpoint: ¡§it is dangerous, they could have serious consequences if they upset the balance of power¡¨ that focus on the U.S.¡¦s missile defense system.

May 26 1972 Russia-United States made a deal of anti-Ballistic Missile treaty in which Putin has the right to reject suspected American¡¦s motivation in defense system. Despite the projection would work or not, poor Russia that struggling for internal affair of economy which people want stability over military and earn more much money. In short; the strong United States would let Russia¡¦s people lost their face and self-esteem.

In my view; it needs concern about defense mechanism more than defense system. On the other hand; mainland China voiced and warning strong opposition to the U.S. plane, saying that would lead to an arm race. Beijing has objected even more adamantly to Taiwan being included in the U.S. defense system, saying that would be a blatant interference in China¡¦s internal affair.

In Taiwan side that Beijing used its political and military power to pressure world¡¦s countries, despite human rights and freedom of speak, out of international law for expanding weapon¡¦s business to rough states or countries of concern.

How to defense U.S. is not only for American worry?!


Yours Sincerely,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation



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