July 20, 2000 --- To: Trent Lott, Denny Hastert

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
July 20, 2000.

Dear Mr. Trent Lott,
Mr. Denny Hastert,

God will not look you over for medals, degrees, or diplomas, but for scars.

President Chen Shui-Bian called for unity within the government in the face of recent major upsets in both domestic affairs and Taipei-Beijing relationship.

Chen said that only by working together can the country remain prosperous and strong, and he denounced recent roadblocks to unity such as the ongoing tug of war between the executive and Legislative Yuan, and the rush to see which political party can reach Beijing first and open up new channels of communication while circumventing existing ones.

All Taiwanese people don't want the country damage simply due to the transfer of political power, as to a new Taiwanese, every parties should support new government to face the difficulty in recent problems that related whole island's survival, if Beijing can not trust President Chen that's out of reasons the other political party opposed Chen, just the Beijing teaching.

If some people has lived at Taiwan in favor of democracy and free speaking, enjoying his prosperous life, but doing betray to Taiwanese people for getting his political advantage over the sensitive Taiwan-strait issue that is a public enemy of our nation. Taiwanese people must keep their eyes on the issue of cross-strait.

Tensions between Beijing and Taipei have been simmering since Chen Shui-bian and his pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) swept to power in presidential elections in March.

Chen has eased tensions a bit by avoiding the provocative moves of predecessor Lee Teng-hui and by extending a series of olive branches to Beijing. Beijing angrily froze bilateral talks with Taipei last July after Lee demanded political parity.

But Beijing has shrugged on Chen's overtures while insisting that talks cannot restart until Taipei embraces its uncompromising "one China" principle that there is but one China --- the People's Republic of China- and Taiwan is party of it.

Chen flatly rejects that, saying "one China" can be on the agenda of talks but not the precondition.

Meanwhile, Beijing has used every opportunity to drive home its insistence that the Taiwan issue is no business of the G-8.

"It's simple --- Taiwan is China's internal affair," said a senior government official when asked about the summit. "It's obvious communist China does not want to internationalize the Taiwan issue," said Chiu Kun-shuan, director of the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at National Chengchi University in Taiwan.

"Its strategy is to first establish itself as a global superpower, which will make it easier to resolve the Taiwan problem at a later date," he said.

Beijing, which views Taiwan as a part of China and has threatened to attack if it declares independence or drags its feet on reunification, faces a crossroads in Taiwan policy as Chen rejects its demands and its threats scare the region.

Some diplomats say new mainland thinking on Taiwan could emerge this summer when top communist leaders hold their annual policy retreat at the seaside resort of Beidaihe.

With their silence on Taiwan, the G-8 countries --- minus Russia which fully backs Beijing's hard line --- are missing a chance to temper Chinese behavior, the analysts said.

"If the Taiwan issue is discussed at the G-8, Japan will have a more influential role to play," said Taiwan's Chiu. "I don't understand why it let go of this opportunity."

Inoguchi underscored a dangerous mismatch between G-8 goals and actions on mainland China-Taiwan relations.

"The Japanese and other capitalist governments are interested in pacifying China's belligerence, yet they endorse Beijing's position."

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody. Every countries concerned about Taipei-Beijing relations that would ruin the peace and stability of Asia-Pacific region.

Beijing could insistence that the Taiwan issue is no business of the other countries, it means world's globalized order and international law are no business of the other countries also.

In Taiwan side; we hope mainland China makes positive response to our olive branch. If Beijing continues to the nations of the world in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as to mainland China has been recently accused of helping newly nuclear Pakistan to build a missile factory, that world peace were not only big business with Beijing but also destroy world's peace.

Taiwan faces profound and wrenching question that is world's problems in which no reason to say it was China's internal affairs again.


Yours Sincerely,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation



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