Diplomatic Confrernce on Taiwan's future
Date:Sunday,March 12,2000
Place:Tati Cultural & Educational Institute
N0 2,Lane 207,Win Shing S. 3th Rd., Man
Tun District
Taicung, Taiwan, ROC
10:00~10:20 Introduction
10:20~11:20 Let us understand the meaning of
TRA---Taiwan Relations Act(台灣關係法)
SC---Shanghai Communique(上海公報)
TSEA---Taiwan Security Enhancement Act(台灣安全加強法)
11:20~12:20 The Path of President Lee's Taiwan diplomacy in politics
12:20~12:50 Llunch and Coffee time
13:00~14:00 Grass root's political diplomacy in our foundation
14:10~15:10 Conclusion and Implementation
註:一.For Taiwan 正式參與成員 請全程以英文交談
二.列席人員自由交談 不限英語 |