July 31,1997---Kenenth Starr

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, ROC.
July 31, 1997.


Dear Mr. Kenneth Starr,

We always say that:"strike down a giant is very easy, give a 'sexual harassment!'" If President Bill Clinton's private life was found of scandal something for a long time ago, OK! He is President now, let us a chance to beat him, is that all right?

If President Bill Clinton's hard work in American welfare and have a good relationship with countries that made world better than before, then let him a tough on offenders for a reason of scandal? Democratic country as America can forgive for a President Bill Clinton; Clinton is "God", "sage"?

Everyone made mistake; no one is perfect; but repentance can pure the wicked anything. Let us forget the post of President; urge President Bill Clinton to finish the President's duty. Responsibility made us confusion in moral and politics which people can handle the key of justice. Watch and lookout President's doing in the future. Don't stay at the time of error.

We don't know about you and Mr. Bill Clinton. Whether Clinton is innocence or not; he is a President of USA, just on time on duty.


Sincerely yours
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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