Feb 21 1998---Al Gore

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
February 21, 1998.

Dear Mr. Vice President Al Gore,

It is our pleasure to say something to you.

Arkansas, Feb, 18-

President Bill Clinton's lawyers have asked a judge to toss out Paula Jone's sexual harassment lawsuit, saying such a move would protect future presidents from frivolous litigation.

Two U.S. senators vowed to push for congressional passage of a bill to protect celebrities from aggressive reporters and photographers.

On Asia economic crisis and Gulf on critical condition, Clinton's right for world peace is a junk? We think about the public right and responsibility is the best important to "private morality".

Personal lawsuit for personal care; public right and president's duty cannot be twisted by "president's lawsuit".

It is good for democratic nation to respect the human right. But; just on time on position, on responsibility, on whole electorate. We heartily wish Clinton have a "on duty's time" for his period of president's term of office.

President Clinton is a good president, just doing his responsibility to U.S.. On his president's position, Clinton acts competent for a job.

The term of president to prevent from lawsuit is necessary.



Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation



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