May 26,1998---Al Gore

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
May 26, 1998.

Dear Mr. Vice President Al Gore,

The resounding "yes" that people in Northern Ireland voted on Sunday(May 24, 1998) was a heartening event to all peace-loving people. The "yes" vote has reminded us of the situation here between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

It has clear signs that it will not end soon. Is the achievement of peace really so hard for the Chinese? Or are the Chinese less interested in peace? Both side of Taiwan Strait will learn from the Northern Ireland vote, "people's power can choice the last end".

Let us to remind of U.S. democracy; the powerful Senator heading the probe into whether illegal campaign cash from communist China influenced the Clinton administration's polices toward Beijing, called Saturday(May 23, 1998) for the President to cancel his planned mainland China trip.

"I think he ought to reconsider that trip seriously" Senator Fred Thompson, Republican chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, said on CNN television. "The President made some decisions that benefited not only the Chinese, but some domestic companies, at a time when both the Chinese and domestic companies were funneling large sums of money into his campaign" Thompson said.

Asked if there was evidence that illegal contribution swayed the White House, Thompson said "in terms of conclusive proof of anything like that, the answer is "no"".

Reports that the Clinton administration overruled the U.S. Defense and State Departments by easing satellite export restrictions to mainland China in 1996 have caused a furor in Washington.

May it be good for "U.S. people" to vote "yes" or "no" for such kind of sensitive issue. Only for "business"; ignore "security" everything only money working. May be ruinous by nuclear weapons' crisis in the near future, the arsenals of the former Soviet.

Union are for sale'.No matter how dangerous the buyer!

India's nuclear tests reminded the world that the dangers of a nuclear-arms race have not gone away.

"Loose nukes" from the former Soviet Union could be exploded by terrorists. Democratic Russia is a far more troublesome story. India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia' are inflammation at seek of nuclear weapons.

On the same reason; democratic United Stated would do make deal with mainland China, because of "not only for business"?

It is a good time to consider what is people's will.

Well, our members and I respect your government! we need your support!



Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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