Prelude |
自序 國民民間外交,其被世界各民主國的重視性大於政權外交,或國與國的外交,是民主時代的主流,本會因應台灣前途所作的努力,集冊公諸於世,乃是藉此 “ 拋磚引玉”,希望各位有心愛國之士,誠心竭力為台灣福祉盡國民外交的行動,本會行文,皆非英文專家所撰,文法常有不逮,然而言之有物,引申各媒體報導,有事實紀錄。 其中或有節錄“報評”, 亦請海涵,無非是一心一意為台灣民眾打開生存之路,在此懇求各位能利用各種資訊管道,向各國媒體、世界領袖,紓放台灣人民的心聲,共謀國本。
財團法人 台灣大地文教基金會 董事長 楊緒東
中華民國 九 十 年 一 月 一 日
Prelude Democratic nations in the world value their people-to-people diplomacy more than their political diplomacy with other nations, which is also the dominating trend of the democratic era today. Taiwan Tati Cultural And Educational Foundation has been strive for Taiwan’s prosperous future by sending letters to political leaders around the world. As these letters are being edited and published to the public today, we hope to rouse up patriotic sentiments in you and to have you participate in the promotion of people-to people diplomatic relation for the sake of Taiwan’s welfare. Although they are not written by persons who are very well-versed in English and grammatical errors in them are unavoidable, but the author quotes from major medium reports and real life events; his words certainly have a point. When newspaper commentaries are being quoted from time to time, it is not aimed to do anything but to open up another path that leads to a brighter future for Taiwanese people. Here the Foundation pledges everyone to make use of every informative medium available to make our voices heard by media and leaders of other countries, hence improve Taiwan’s status in the world stage. Taiwan Tati Cultural And Educational Foundation President Yang Hsu-Tung
January 1, 2001. |