Sep. 21,1998---Trent Lott, Madeleine Kobel Albright, Al Gore, Kofi A. Annan

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Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation
B16F, No.3 Ta-Tun 2St.
Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
September 21, 1998.

Dear Mr. Trent Lott,
   Mrs. Madeleine Korbel Albright,
   Mr. Vice President Al Gore,
   Mr. Kofi A. Annan,

Please help Taiwan voice to our world after "three no's". This is the important way for finding real Taiwan.

ROC President Lee Teng-hui has expressed appreciation for the public support for the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize.

According to the office, Lee appreciates the public support for his nomination this year but will not comment on the issue, as the Norwegian Nobel committee is still screening the nomination list. This is Lee's second nomination for the prestigious international award, although he was been recommended for nomination each years for the past several years due to his contributions to Taiwan's democratization over the past decade.

Democracy, said to be the worst political system except all the others, is not only the best security guarantee for Taiwan, but also the hope for mainland China's 1.2 billion people. According to Richard Bush, chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan has aptly pointed out: "That a Chinese society like Taiwan with an authoritarian system could in relatively short period of time become a full democracy while preserving social stability gives hope that the same process of change can occur in mainland China."

Taiwan is a model for mainland China, but in our world, Taiwan was strangulated by communist China; as if Taiwan is a "troublemaker" ofcross-straits' peace talk.

Obviously; "it is easier to submit to communist China than giving a warm hand to democratic Taiwan".

Taiwan strived for its survival in our world with democratic system, and keeping vigorous economic institution. That's worthful miracle in the world over past decades.

However; Taiwan is worth supporting.



Sincerely Yours,
Yang Hsu-Tung.
President of
Taiwan Tati Cultural
And Educational Foundation


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