Nuclear Weapons in Taiwan

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 Nuclear Weapons in Taiwan

In an autobiography released Jan. 5, 2000, former chief of general staff Hau Pei-tsun revealed the details of Taiwan’s abortive nuclear weapons program and the United States eventually successful effort to stop it.

However, Hau suggests in the Feb. 13 entry that “unofficial research” may have continued despite President Lee’s signing of the memorandum brought by dean.

That’s a small number of scientists won’t give up their achievements is natural and not necessarily incompatible with our non-nuclear policy. Really, do we have to kill these scientists before America will be put at ease?” Hau writes.

We believe that all proposals regarding the future of Taiwan are worth discussing as long as they fulfill the will and the interest of the Taiwanese people. At the same time, any creative resolution would have to be based on the two-states reality. The disputes across the strait can be solved only if the two sides are standing on equal footing.


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