UpPrelude Essence of the Ritual AssemblyGrassroots Diplomacy in Taiwan Contents1 Contents2 Contents3 Contents4 Taiwan Forum Reply
June 1, 2000 --- To: American 100 Senators & 435 Representatives
June 6, 2000 --- From: 歐洲外委會委員Chris Patten 回函
June 13, 2000 --- From: 美國總統Bill Clinton 回函
June 14, 2000 --- From: 聯合國人權委員會主席 Mary Robinson 回函
June 15, 2000 --- To: Karl Falkenberg
June 16, 2000 --- To: 國內政府首長
June 21, 2000 --- From: 行政院新聞局局長鍾琴道長
June 22, 2000 --- From: 行政院人事行政局局長朱武獻道長
June 22, 2000 --- From: 中央銀行總裁彭淮南道長
June 22, 2000 --- From: 考試院院長許水德道長
June 22, 2000 --- From: 行政院研究發展考核委員會林嘉誠主任委員
June 22, 2000 --- From: 行政院原子能委員會主任委員夏德鈺道長
June 23, 2000 --- To: 100位來自49個國家的青年領袖
June 23, 2000 --- From: 行政院經濟建設委員會主任委員陳博志道長
June 26, 2000 --- From: 內政部部長張博雅道長
June 26, 2000 --- From: 國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會楊德智主任委員
June 27, 2000 --- From: 原住民委員會尤哈尼.伊斯卡卡夫特主任委員
June 28, 2000 --- From: 總統陳水扁先生
June 28, 2000 --- From: 行政院勞工委員會主任委員陳菊道長
June 29, 2000 --- From: 教育部部長曾志朗道長