parrots Beijing's line on Sep 17, 2004 A
guerilla meeting with the UN media After
a last-minute decision to avoid confrontation with UN officials, the UN press
corps proceeded with a videoconference with Chen Shui-bian at a nearby hotel,
where Chen said that exclusion from the UN was unjust and dangerous for the
Jenkins, friends from the New York press corps, ambassadors of Taiwan's allied
nations to the UN, ladies and gentlemen: Greetings to you all. I
am very pleased, on the second day of the convening of the 59th UN General
Assembly, to be able to send you my greetings via videoconference. I
remember that a little more than 10 years ago, my wife and I had the opportunity
to visit the UN headquarters. I will never forget that when the UN staff saw
that my wife was handicapped and confined to a wheelchair, they immediately made
arrangements to prioritize our tour in a show of respect for the disabled and
disadvantaged. That experience also left me with a deep admiration for the
principles expressed in the first chapter of the Charter of the UN, that is,
"to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the
principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other
appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace." Peace,
respect, equality and amity are the core values on which the UN was established.
They are also important assets, which have enabled the UN to sustain human
civilization from the time of its founding to today. As a member of the
international community, Taiwan has faithfully performed all duties and
responsibilities set forth by the UN. We also play an indispensable role in such
areas as the global economy and trade, peacekeeping efforts, humanitarian relief
and even the consolidation of democracy. Discrimination
free and democratic country like Taiwan deserves to be treated properly and with
respect by the international community. Unfortunately, this was not the case
last year, when Asia was hit by SARS, originating in China, and the people of
Taiwan had to face the epidemic without the timely attention of the
international medical system. Even when Taiwan included this delayed attention
as a reason behind our bid for observer status in the World Health Assembly,
Chinese officials responded with senselessness and discrimination, retorting:
"Who cares about you?"
free and democratic country like Taiwan should not be the "missing
piece" in the UN's Principle of Universality. Taiwan's absence in the UN
has left its 23 million people without an internationally acknow-ledged identity
and has turned them into international vagabonds, victims of political
apartheid. Distinguished
guests and friends from the press, the UN General Assembly is currently in
session. On Aug. 10, the representatives of 15 of Taiwan's diplomatic allies
jointly submitted a motion for Taiwan's participation in the UN to the
secretary-general. The motion asks that the UN General Assembly acknowledge the
right of Taiwan's 23 million people to representation in the UN system and adopt
appropriate measures to realize this right. I
would like to emphasize here that General Assembly Resolution 2758 dealt only
with the People's Republic of China's (PRC) right to representation in the UN
and its subsidiary organizations; it did not grant the PRC the right to
represent the people of Taiwan in the UN and its subsidiary organizations.
Taiwan is Taiwan. Taiwan cannot and will not fight for the right to represent
"China." Taiwan is a land of 36,000km2, and it deserves representation
for the 23 million people who live here. Clear
violation Regrettably,
Resolution 2758 is wrongly interpreted to justify Taiwan's exclusion from the UN
family and thus deprive the basic rights of Taiwan's 23 million people to take
part in UN efforts and activities. This exclusion is a clear violation of both
the Charter of the UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as
other international human-rights principles. Moreover, it presents a great irony
for the UN's Principle of Universality. Taiwan
today has a fully capable government and a pluralistic and democratic political
system that safeguards human rights. Per capita income has reached US$14,000.
Foreign exchange reserves have exceeded US$230 billion. It is the world's
15th-largest trading nation and conducts effective relations with other members
of the international community. Taiwan maintains formal diplomatic relations
with 25 UN member states. It is also a member of numerous international bodies,
including the World Trade Organization. Taiwan
has been active in making constructive contributions to the maintenance of
global peace and world order. From countering international terrorism to
providing humanitarian relief, from the pursuit of reconciliation across the
Taiwan Strait to the promotion of stability in the Asia-Pacific region, Taiwan's
efforts have been wit-nessed by the international community. At the end of
August, I made a point of visiting Pearl Harbor during my stopover in Hawaii.
Prior to this visit, I announced the cancelation of the Sept. 9 Han Guang
military exercise in order to convey a friendly message of peace in the Taiwan
Strait. Urgent
need The
historical lesson of Pearl Harbor inspires profound and serious reflection on
war and peace. It is indeed necessary for a democratic country to maintain basic
defense capabilities. For Taiwan, which faces a clear and constant military
threat from a non-democratic country, the need to strengthen our defense
capabilities is especially urgent. I have always believed, however, that peace
offers the best path towards sustainable development for Mankind, and democracy
is the only road that leads to peace and stability. I
solemnly declared in my second inauguration speech on May 20 this year that I
will invite the governing and opposition parties in this country to join with
representatives from all sectors of society to establish a committee for
cross-strait peace and development. Together, we will draft the guidelines for
cross-strait peace and development, and pave the way for a new relationship of
cross-strait peace, stability and sustainable development. Should it accept
Taiwan, the UN would certainly provide a most effective international monitoring
mechanism for the development of a framework for peace and stability between the
two sides of the Strait. Indeed, it would be able to exercise decisive influence
on peace in the Taiwan Strait and the security of the Asia-Pacific region. I
would like to remind the Beijing authorities that Taiwan's pursuit of UN
participation does not challenge the PRC's place in the UN. Beijing must
understand that prior to the unification of Germany, both East and West had UN
membership. In Korea, both North and South are presently UN members, and this
does not hinder their pursuit of unification on the Korean peninsula. Rancor
the persistent obstruction of Taiwan's participation in the international
community only serves to further alienate Taiwan from China, and causes rancor
on both sides. This by no means benefits the normalization of cross-strait
relations. Taiwan has once again extended an olive branch of peace, and it is my
sincere hope that the other members of the UN will acknowledge the legitimacy
and strong aspirations of Taiwan's 23 million people in seeking to join the UN,
and support in the General Assembly this year the motion for Taiwan's
participation in the UN. In
the recently concluded Athens Olympic Games, Taiwan's athletes made history by
winning two gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze. For a country as
small as Taiwan to rank 31st among participating nations in terms of gold medals
is remarkable and exceptional. However, limited by international politics, we
are forced to use the name "Chinese Taipei" at all related events
instead of our official title of the "Republic of China," or Taiwan.
That a gold medalist from Taiwan is forbidden to sing his national anthem and
salute his national flag is both sad and regrettable. If only the nations of the
world could put themselves in Taiwan's place! I wish they could understand the
situation of the Taiwanese people, and give us their staunchest support. In
closing, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to [UN Correspondents
Association]president Jenkins and all of our friends there from the media. This
opportunity for me, as the incumbent president re-elected by popular vote in
Taiwan, to speak out to the world symbolizes the unwavering resolve of
democratic Taiwan to participate in the UN and international affairs. I hope
that I will have the chance to meet you at the UN. I further wish that, through
the arrangements of the UN Correspondents Association, I can engage in a public
debate on the issue of Taiwan's participation in the UN with the Chinese leader
Hu Jintao. Media
questions Anthony
Jenkins, Expresso>: In the UN, it is given that the legal status of
Taiwan is settled, in other words, that you are a part of China, the UN accepts
the principle that peoples can secede from the nation to which they belong if
they did it on a peaceful basis. That was how Slovakia split up from
Czechoslovakia. Therefore, the analysts here, diplomats here, say that it would
be okay for Taiwan to become independent, but that has to be negotiated with
Beijing. And to bring the issue here to New York serves no purpose other than to
antagonize Beijing, to make the tensions across the Strait worse, and to
heighten some sort of military tension. How do you respond to these criticisms? Chen:
As I said in my opening remarks, Resolution 2758 of the UN General Assembly did
not give the PRC the right to represent Taiwan in the UN and its subsidiary
organizations. This point is clear. Secondly, we believe that our quest to join
the UN is not aimed at provoking China. We are not seeking to represent China in
the UN. Instead, Taiwan is Taiwan. And we are hoping that the aspirations of the
23 million people of Taiwan to participate in international organizations can be
taken seriously by the UN, which upholds the principle of universality. As
I mentioned, during the SARS epidemic last year, many people, many individuals
were quarantined. We hope that the 23 million people of Taiwan are not
politically quarantined or isolated from participation in the UN. Of
course, it would be simplest to resolve the issue of Taiwan's participation in
the UN between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. But we believe that this
issue is not only an issue involving the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is
an important international issue. I
have just quoted Chapter I of the UN Charter, highlighting the principles of
universality and equality. The aspirations of the 23 million people of Taiwan
and their hope from the bottom of their hearts must not be ignored by the
international community. With
the exception of the Vatican, all nations that want to join the UN have the
right to join. Only Taiwan is an exception and excluded. This is extremely
unfair. Ian
Williams, The Nation: President Chen, you mentioned the example of the
two Germanys and the two Koreas. Do you consider that UN membership for Taiwan
would preclude in any way future discussions about reunification, if that's what
the people on both sides were to desire? Chen:
That is precisely the reason why I have utilized the examples of the two
Germanys and the two Koreas. Their simultaneous participation in the UN did not
affect eventual unification. Both East and West Germany were members of the UN
before we saw a unified Germany. Their separate memberships did not prevent the
unification, and the same applies to the Korean Peninsula. Both North and South
Korea are in the UN and this does not affect their quest for the unification of
the Korean Peninsula. In
my May 20th reelection inauguration speech this year, I mentioned that the 23
million people of Taiwan, including myself, can understand why the Beijing
authorities have to persist in the principle of "one China" due to
historical sentiments. We can fully understand their feelings. But why can't the
Chinese turn around and understand the Taiwanese people's aspiration to join the
international community? We hope to see some mutual understanding. I
also mentioned in my inauguration speech that, as long as the people of Taiwan
agree, we would not rule out any possibility of a kind of relationship between
the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in the future. We believe that with Taiwan's
participation, the UN can become the best platform for peace and development
across the Taiwan Strait. The UN platform will bring the two sides closer, not
further apart. Benni
Avni, The New York Sun: Mr. President, to follow up on Mr. Jenkins'
question about negotiation with China, China doesn't recognize you, doesn't
think you have the right to exist as a nation. Is there any political incentive
for China to negotiate anything with you, including joining the UN, or any other
question like that? Chen:
We cannot imagine in a democratic country like the US, where the freedom of
speech and the freedom of press are respected 100 percent, that a democratic
leader who wants to speak to other democratic countries on behalf of his 23
million citizens can be prevented [from doing it] and hindered. There
are many things that are hard for us to imagine. For example, that in such a
pluralistic and diverse country, when the leader of Taiwan wishes to address a
free press in New York City -- for example to an audience of the UN
Correspondents Association in the UN headquarters -- why China has to engage in
such oppressive behavior. Only undemocratic, dictatorial and authoritarian
countries would seek to deprive the right of others to speak. The Beijing
leadership can refuse to accept the content of my speech, however, they cannot
deprive me of the right to speak. I
believe that the issue of Taiwan's participation in the UN is not Taiwan's own
issue; it is not an internal issue across the Taiwan Strait. Rather, it is an
important international issue worthy of attention. That
is why I sincerely hope that the UN Correspondents Association can arrange or
provide an opportunity for me to publicly debate this issue with China's leader,
Hu Jintao. Evelyn
Leopold, Reuters: What threats of cutting off power and electricity have
come from China, as the president just mentioned? If either of you has any
information, we would love to know. Also, the General Assembly resolution, Mr.
President, doesn't say that China should represent Taiwan. But it does say that
Taiwan, then under [former president] Chiang Kai-shek, had to leave all UN
agencies, which is [the] interpretation that the UN is using. Chen:
There are many regrets over not being able to hold this videoconference in the
UN headquarters due to pressure. However, ... for this, I am truly grateful to
have this opportunity to speak to you outside the UN headquarters on free and
democratic US soil. And
again, I want to reiterate that the UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 did not
deal with the question of China's right to represent Taiwan's 23 million people.
And I bring up this important question, hoping that we do not continue to see
Beijing's distortion of this resolution. We
do not hope to see the Beijing authorities using fists to pressure us, threaten
us and ignore our presence. That is why I am calling for a public debate on this
issue. I believe that the truth will prevail. Tony
Lin, Chinese Television System: I have a question indirectly related to
this press conference. Several days ago in Athens, the first lady of Taiwan was
issued the "highest VIP card" by the Interna-tional Paralympics
Committee, which was then canceled. Do you think that event has anything in
common with this particular press conference? And do you think you can do
anything to prevent that from happening again? Do you feel frustrated? Chen:
China's suppression, boycotting and hampering of Taiwan are ever-present. Taiwan
suffered from Beijing's suppression even as we battled the SARS epidemic. Now,
my wife did nothing more than lead our national team to the Paralympics to
support and encourage our nation's athletes, but even this is subject to the
same pressure. Why is it that China is not willing to spare even sports,
athletics and the disabled? My
wife, Wu Shu-jen, prior to leaving Taiwan, was issued an NPC [National
Paralympic Committee] card by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) in
line with the appropriate procedures. I have no doubt that this is true. It
clearly says here on this card that my wife, Wu Shu-chen, is the leader of the
national team from Chinese Taipei. I
also have here in my hand an invitation letter, dated Nov. 10 of last year. This
is a letter from the International Paralympic Committee to my wife, clearly
addressed to her as the "ROC First Lady." They are aware of her
position, that she is the wife of the president, and they invited her to attend
the Paralympic Games. The letter mentions that if there were a high government
official leading the delegation, it would help raise the visibility of the
disabled athletes as well as promote concern and understanding for the disabled
within society. However,
we regret that upon my wife's arrival in Athens, the IPC took away what they had
granted. The reason, according to our understanding, is Chinese pressure. The
IPC now says that the leader of the national team to the Paralympic Games has to
be the president or the secretary-general of the local Paralympics committee,
and my wife, as honorary chairwoman of the committee here in Taiwan, is not
qualified. Looking
at the Athens Olympic Games, however, we see that the leader of the US
delegation was respected former president George Bush, though he is clearly not
the chairman of the US Olympic Committee, nor is he the secretary-general. And
at this year's Paralympic Games, the leaders of the teams from Australia and New
Zealand, for example, are not the chairmen, presidents, or secretaries-general
of their home Paralympic committees. So this is clearly a targeted,
discretionary action taken to suppress Taiwan. As
we all know, my wife is paralyzed from the waist down. She has been in a
wheelchair for the past 20 years. If someone in her position is not qualified to
lead the delegation, then who is? We deeply regret that the IPC has bowed to
Chinese pressure to oppress Taiwan and discriminate against the disabled. Marc
Carnegie, Agence France-Presse: You've spoken very comprehensively about
what you think UN membership for Taiwan might be able to achieve in terms of
relations with the mainland and in terms of other crises like SARS. I wonder
what you think UN membership for Taiwan might be able to achieve in terms of
other regional issues, such as the nuclear issue with North Korea and other
crises that directly affect the region?
believe that if Taiwan can become a member of the UN, we can make the greatest
contribution to regional peace, security and stability. We are very concerned
about the Korean peninsula issue and the North Korean nuclear crisis. However,
North Korea is a member of the UN, and currently there are six-party talks on
this particular issue. On
the South China Sea issues, all the ASEAN member states along with the US, Japan
and China are concerned and involved in the dialogue. In terms of the Taiwan
Strait, Taiwan is key to the peace, security and stability of this region.
However, Taiwan cannot be absent in the dialogue to resolve this issue and to
create stability and security in this region. All parties around this region,
including the US and Japan, are concerned about the peaceful resolution of the
cross-strait issue. They also encourage and would like to see peaceful dialogue
to resolve this issue. In the resolution of any issue, the two sides involved
have to be on an equal footing. This is an important principle. Taiwan is one
side of the two sides across the Taiwan Strait, and we must be treated fairly. I
believe that if Taiwan can become a member of the UN, under UN monitoring
mechanisms, then the cross-strait issue can be resolved peacefully. He
Hongze, People's Daily: Mr. Chen, you have spoken repeatedly about asking
for dialogue with Beijing leaders, right? But we had a dialogue in 1992, and we
all understand why at that time we could have a dialogue. Do you think that we
can return to the basis of 1992 and resume that dialogue? Also, you mentioned
the two Germanys and two Koreas. It's very clear that both Germanys and both
Koreas pursued unification, and they admit that they are one nation and one
people. Do you think that now you still pursue the unification of the two sides?
And do you still admit that the people on both sides are one people? Chen:
We believe that both sides across the Strait must engage in dialogue on the
existing foundation. The 1992 consensus was mentioned. I do not believe that
there was a consensus in 1992. However, there was a dialogue in 1992. This is
the truth. In 1992, there was a cross-strait dialogue. This was a very good
experience. With or without a consensus on both sides, everyone was able to sit
down and talk. We all hope to be able to use this model to solve cross-strait
discrimination. But
I want to emphasize that even without a consensus in 1992, there was an existing
foundation, and we hope that this foundation can also provide for the resumption
of dialogue. At the end of August, I transited through Hawaii and visited Pearl
Harbor. There I mentioned that 59 years ago, the US and Japan were at war with
each other, but today they are the best of friends and partners. If even enemies
can become friends, then do the people on both sides of the Strait, sharing a
common cultural and ethnic background, really want to be enemies? We
hope that across the Taiwan Strait we can establish a peace and stability
framework for interaction, and we hope to build consensus in Taiwan to establish
guidelines for cross-strait peace and development. Across the Taiwan Strait we
want not only peace but also development. I especially mentioned in my May 20
inauguration speech that as long as the 23 million people of Taiwan agree, we
will not rule out any possibility in seeking to establish relations in any form
whatsoever. Patricia
Ugalde, Grupo Nacion: A question regarding the support of our countries
for Taiwan to be part of the UN. It has been said in the past that Taiwan offers
political support rather than economic aid, and there have also been some
scandal issues about international administration of debt money in our
countries. Does Taiwan plan to give economic aid instead of political support to
get other countries to support Taiwan for the UN? Chen:
Costa Rica is an important ally of Taiwan and we are grateful for the support
and friendship expressed by the government and people of Costa Rica to the 23
million people of Taiwan. We firmly believe that the diplomatic relationship
between Taiwan and Costa Rica is not based only on financial and economic
cooperation, but rather on our shared values of democracy, freedom, human
rights, peace and other universal principles. Taiwan
was once a recipient of foreign aid and now that we are capable we must
contribute and repay to the international community and play out our
responsibilities. So to our friends and allied nations such as Costa Rica, we
are concerned about the welfare of the people and the economic infrastructure of
the country, and if there is anything that Taiwan's people or government can do,
we are always willing. This
is an edited version of the text issued by the Presidential Office.
parrots Beijing's line By
Lee Long-hwa The
vassals of Beijing -- UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and his timid
administration -- are once again hiding behind Resolution 2758 instead of
protecting the UN Charter for freedom and universal human rights. One might
expect Beijing to use Resolution 2758, because communist dictators can never
truly understand the rule of law. But one should have much higher expectations
of the world's supposed watchdog of liberty and justice. Instead,
the UN has become the watchdog of political correctness, complacence,
appeasement and timidity. One good word of chastisement from Annan might shut
Beijing up. But Annan's continual pandering to Beijing has emboldened the
communist tyrants to use every means to crush Taiwan's very existence. The
complicity of the UN in this racism, oppression and imperialism is an indictment
of its anachronistic existence. Either it acts the part of an organization
designed to protect humanity against naked aggression -- such as that of Beijing
against Taiwan, Tibet and the many hundreds of millions oppressed throughout
China -- or it should fold its tent and go home. A
recent example of Beijing's heavy-handed and highly public oppression of Taiwan
is its attempt to prevent public discussion on Taiwan's application for UN
membership through an international group of reporters at the UN. What kind of
truly independent and freedom-loving association would bar 23 million people
from having a voice in order to argue why they should be allowed to have a
voice? But Beijing has relentlessly used the UN as a mouthpiece for its
repressive communist dictatorship policies, and Kofi Annan has become Beijing's
favorite parrot. International
reporters sought to hold a video conference with President Chen Shui-bian to
discuss Taiwan's application for UN membership. "Not on our premises,"
cried the UN Secretariat, citing Resolution 2758, as though it is a legal bar to
anything and everything Taiwan will ever do. Annan and the rest of the world's
pandering minions have used the charade of the "one China" policy to
the same extent. They are doing the dirty work of Beijing, preventing any
discussion of its repression, oppression, tyranny and imperialism. Beijing used
the same means to suppress all discussion of its policy of eugenics in Tibet,
using the old "internal matter" argument -- code at the UN for
"leave us alone this time, and we'll leave you alone next time." As
for Resolution 2758, it says nothing about Taiwan or the 23 million people of
Taiwan. It merely states that the People's Republic of China represents China,
and the "representatives of Chiang Kai-shek" do not. The resolution
does not state that Taiwan is China, nor part of China. Taiwan has not claimed
to represent "China" at the UN or to replace it or dispossess it. In
the hopelessly convoluted world of global politics, China, by its threats to
bomb Taiwan, has prevented Taiwan from even declaring it is not China, and does
not represent China. Were Taiwan to change its Constitution to state this
emphatically, China would attack Taiwan for "seeking independence."
And the UN would look on, chastising Taiwan for being provocative. The
international community appears paralyzed by the catch-22 Beijing has created to
squelch any dissent. For
Beijing to assert that Resolution 2758 prevents Chen from speaking to the UN is
reprehensible enough. But for the UN Secretariat to state it demonstrates that
it is merely the mouthpiece of communist China. How tragic. One
cannot be surprised by this turn of events. Instead of leading the world
organization with strength and conviction for what is right, Annan has
steadfastly done nothing, steering a neutral course to avoid conflict in every
case. How
can the UN be proud of anything when black Africans are raped and murdered in
Darfur every single day while the UN sits around and debates the definition of
"genocide," millions of Tibetans are targeted by Beijing's policy of
eugenics and 23 million people in Taiwan are excluded from the world under a
legal interpretation of a UN resolution provided by dictators who hold absolute
power in a country where there is no rule of law? Edmund
Burke said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men
do nothing." Kofi Annan is the paradigmatic example of this inherent truth.
Under his leadership, the UN will never "be all that it can be." His
tenure at the UN cannot end too soon. Lee
Long-hwa United States
12th bid for UN membership fails By
Melody Chen Taiwan's
12th bid to enter the UN failed after the UN General Assembly decided on
Wednesday not to include a proposal considering Taiwan's representation in the
body in its agenda. The
proposal, entitled "The Question of the Representation of the 23 million
people of Taiwan in the United Nations," submitted by 15 of Taiwan's
allies, was discussed in the first General Committee meeting of the 59th session
of the UN General Assembly in New York on Wednesday. One
hundred and fifteen countries spoke on the issue, with 21 of them speaking in
Taiwan's favor. China mobilized 93 countries to speak against the proposal.
Discussion on the issue lasted four hours. After
more than 90 speeches -- the vast majority against putting Taiwan on the
assembly's agenda -- President Jean Ping of Gabon asked the assembly's General
Committee if there were any objections to not including the issue for discussion
in this year's General Assembly. When
none were voiced, he banged his gavel, and the request was rejected without a
vote. "At
the first General Committee meeting this year, among all items considered, the
one concerning Taiwan took the longest time to discuss, with the largest number
of countries participating in a fervent debate," said Minister of Foreign
Affairs Mark Chen at a press conference explaining outcome of the proposal bid. Noting
that the lengthy and heated discussion of the proposal demonstrates that
Taiwan's bid continues to draw extensive international attention, the minister
expressed deep regret that the proposal was rejected. "However,
we are not discouraged. We have done just what is right. The international
community will eventually respond positively to our appeal for justice and
peace," Chen said. Last
year, China mobilized a record-high number of countries, 104, to speak against
Taiwan's bid, whereas 24 of Taiwan's allies spoke in favor of it. This
year, four of Taiwan's allies, Kiribati, Panama, Haiti and the Dominican
Republic, did not speak for the proposal. The Holy See, an observer in the UN,
does not have the capacity to speak in the General Assembly. Kiribati,
though a UN member, did not send a delegation to the assembly. New leaders just
took over Haiti and Panama, and they are still forming new diplomatic policies,
said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "The
US remained silent throughout the discussion. Big EU nations, such as France,
Germany and the UK, opposed to our bid. However, the UK, though it spoke against
the proposal, spent some time acclaiming Taiwan's democratic achievement,"
Chen said. Panama's
ambassador to Taiwan Jose Antonio Dominguez explained that his country did not
speak on behalf of Taiwan because Panama's new ambassador to the UN is still
building contacts. "We
will continue supporting Taiwan. We will continue strengthening the relationship
between the two countries," he said. The
ministry said although China mobilized all its diplomatic resources, "many
countries that do not share diplomatic ties with us expressed to us, in a
private fashion, their sympathy and support. President
Chen Shui-bian thanked the country's allies for their firm support of Taiwan's
efforts to join the UN and the World Health Organization. Speaking
at a banquet celebrating the 183rd anniversary of the Independence Day of
Central America, hosted by embassies of Taiwan's allies Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras, the president vowed Taiwan would try its best
to be a responsible member in the international community. "We
will continue to do so with courage and determination," Chen said.
steps toward a UN seat Taiwan's
12th bid for UN membership was rejected by a vote of 94 to 21 at the 59th UN
General Assembly session yesterday, once again failing to make it onto the
assembly's agenda. Although the nation still remains outside the world body, its
new strategies and tactics were a breakthrough compared with those of the past,
and they deserve our praise. The
national title used was an obvious change. In the joint proposal by our 15
diplomatic allies -- entitled "The Question of the Representation of the 23
Million People of Taiwan in the United Nations" -- the nation is called the
"Republic of China (Taiwan)" in the first paragraph, but is referred
to as "Taiwan" in the rest of the text. When
the nation launched its first UN bid some 12 years ago, the name used was the
"Republic of China." In the past few years, this was amended to the
"Republic of China on Taiwan." But the change this year, to the
"Republic of China (Taiwan)" only in the first paragraph, shows the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has adjusted Taiwan's national title in
accordance with the political situation at home and abroad. President
Chen Shui-bian also moved into the frontline this year, holding a video
conference with the UN Correspondents' Association (UNCA) to give the world his
opinion about Taiwan's 23 million people being blocked from joining the
international community. Breaking
with past practice, Chen this year directly attacked UN Resolution 2758, which
recognized the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the representative of the
people of China. Chen promoted a legal separation of Taiwan and China, saying
that "Taiwan is Taiwan, and Taiwan neither can nor will compete for China's
right to representation." The
president stressed that Resolution 2758 has been misused to block Taiwan from UN
participation, depriving Taiwan's 23 million people of their basic human right
to participate in UN activities. He said this not only violates the UN Charter,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights
principles, it also mocks the UN's principle of universality for membership. Noting
that both East and West Germany had enjoyed UN membership and that this had not
prevented their eventual unification, and that North and South Korea's separate
seats in the UN do not stop them from pursuing unification, Chen asked that the
international community allow both sides of the Taiwan Strait to be UN members,
thus making the UN a platform for cross-strait negotiations. The
Government Information Office also engaged in an international ad campaign
publishing ads entitled "UNFAIR," bringing the issue directly to the
international community and highlighting the unfairness of the UN's political
isolation of Taiwan and its people. Chen also broke the back of China's
incessant suppression of Taiwan by his unprecedented conference with
international media during which he emphasized Taiwan's appeal to join the UN.
These events show that the government's tactics are becoming more layered and
flexible. In
a US presidential election year, no one wants to see any major changes, so it is
not surprising to once again see Taiwan's bid to enter the UN end in failure.
Despite this, the increased visibility and discussion of Taiwan's UN membership
in the General Assembly, and recognition regarding the misuse of Resolution 2758
is heartening; it marks a significant step forward on Taiwan's road to UN