Former Chen adviser
Wu suing over ¡¥persecution¡¦
By Chris Wang / Staff reporter

Former presidential adviser Wu
Li-pei speaks at a press conference in Taipei yesterday, announcing that he is
suing two prosecutors and two judges he says abused their authority through
malicious prosecutions.
Photo: Wang Min-wei, Taipei Times
Former presidential adviser Wu Li-pei
(§d¿C°ö), who was found not guilty in a money-laundering case, yesterday filed
lawsuits against two prosecutors and two judges for what he called their abuse
of judicial powers and political persecution.
Accompanied by his lawyers, Wu filed lawsuits against former Special
Investigation Division (SID) prosecutors Chen Yun-nan (³¯¶³«n) and Tsai Tsun-hsi
(½²©vº³) for malicious prosecution and judges Tsai Shou-hsun (½²¦u°V) and Lee Ying-hao
(§õ^»¨) for malicious accusation.
¡§The lawsuits may not end up with the results I want, but it¡¦s imperative for me
to stand up against the prosecutorial abuse and political persecution after the
Chinese Nationalist Party¡¦s (KMT) return to power in 2008,¡¨ Wu told a press
conference before filing the lawsuits at the Taipei District Court.
The former presidential adviser said that he was subpoenaed as a witness in
another case, but ended up being indicted on money-laundering charges ¡§simply
because the prosecutors said I had a close relationship with former president
Chen Shui-bian (³¯¤ô«ó).¡¨
The prosecutors appealed the case without any new evidence until ¡§a judge with a
conscience¡¨ cleared the charges against him in October 2011, three years after
he was indicted, Wu said.
¡§Those who abused their judicial power should be held accountable,¡¨ he said.
The lawsuits were part of an effort by a group of self-proclaimed ¡§judicial
victims,¡¨ who said they were victims of political persecution aimed at former
officials of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration, to highlight
the necessity of judicial reform.
There have been at least 14 cases in which one or more former officials in the
DPP administration were charged with corruption, but were later found not
guilty, the group said.
The group has named 17 prosecutors in five cases so far and said they would
continue to file lawsuits in the coming weeks.
Former DPP legislator Wu Ming-min (§d©ú±Ó) filed lawsuits accusing three
investigators in the Ministry of Justice¡¦s Investigation Bureau of subornation
of perjury last week in Taichung and former Tainan mayor Hsu Tain-tsair (³\²K°]),
who has been found not guilty in a corruption case, is scheduled to file a
similar lawsuit on April 1.