Lawmakers protest A-bian
relocation, disrupt session
RIDICULING: Lawmakers argued over the relocation
of Chen Shui-bian and KMT lawmakers¡¦ imitation of a former DPP chairman, which
DPP lawmakers called ¡¥disgraceful¡¦
By Shih Hsiu-chuan / Staff Reporter

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)
legislators supporting a referendum on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant wear
bamboo hats and signs reading ¡§The people decide¡¨ face Democratic Progressive
Party legislators holding up bird cages as a symbol of what they see as the
severely restricted referendum act, in the legislature yesterday.
Photo: CNA
The abrupt transfer of former president
Chen Shui-bian (³¯¤ô«ó) from a hospital in Taipei to a prison hospital in Greater
Taichung disrupted the legislative session yesterday, with Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP) and Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) lawmakers occupying
the floor to boycott the meeting.
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers had planned to request a vote in an
attempt to push through the government-backed proposal to stage a national
referendum on the fate of the controversial Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in New
Taipei City¡¦s (·s¥_¥«) Gongliao District (°^¼d) at the session.
The DPP planned to propose an immediate halt to the construction of the plant, a
motion the TSU and the People First Party supported.
At 3pm, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (¤ýª÷¥) announced that the session was
adjourned until Tuesday next week.
Lawmakers engaged in a fierce exchange of words over the relocation of Chen
Shui-bian and several KMT lawmakers¡¦ mockery of former DPP chairman Lin I-hsiung
(ªL¸q¶¯), who previously led several round-the-island walks campaigning for a
referendum on the nuclear plant.
With douli, or bamboo hats, on their heads and placards bearing slogans used in
Lin¡¦s campaign meant to resemble the clothing of Lin and his followers in the
campaign, KMT lawmakers Wu Yu-jen (§d¨|¤¯), Yen Kuan-hen (ÃC¼eùÚ), and six others took
a short walk on the floor.
KMT Legislator Alex Tsai (½²¥¿¤¸), in the same costume, sat on the ground,
mimicking Lin, who staged various sit-in demonstrations in front of the front
gate of the legislature to push for the enactment of a referendum act.
While they were performing the imitation, some DPP lawmakers became irritated,
with some shouting words such as ¡§shameless¡¨ and ¡§nasty.¡¨
DPP lawmakers placed several placards in bird cages with the name of the
Referendum Act (¤½¥Á§ë²¼ªk) in Chinese characters to highlight the flaws in the
legislation, one of which was the required turnout of at least half of the
electorate for a national referendum to be considered valid.
¡§The KMT should offer Lin I-hsiung an apology. When the bird-caged Referendum
Act was passed, he launched a campaign demanding the KMT make revisions to the
law. Now the KMT ridicules him in such a disrespectful manner. It¡¦s
disgraceful,¡¨ DPP Legislator Tuan Yi-kang (¬q©y±d) said.
KMT legislative caucus whip Lai Shyh-bao (¿à¤h¸¶) was trying to remind the DPP not
to forget the spirit and ideals advocated by Lin.
Not long after Premier Jiang Yi-huah (¦¿©y¾ì) proposed the referendum, Lin has
voiced opposition to the plan, which he called a ¡§prank.¡¨
Lin said that the referendum proposal was ¡§full of political calculations,¡¨ and
¡§a cheap trick and a prank that plays the public for fools.¡¨
The Referendum Act laid down ¡§unreasonable and strict¡¨ regulations that made the
passage of referendums ¡§almost impossible,¡¨ Lin said.