Chen Shui-bian tells
why he attempted suicide in Taichung Prison
June 9, 2013 By: Michael Richardson

Chen Shui-bian in happier times
visiting the United States
Credits: Getty Images
Dr. Chen Shun-sheng made his third visit
to Chen Shui-bian at Taichung Prison since the former Republic of China
in-exile¡¦s president was abruptly moved two months ago. Dr. Chen released his
interview report with Chen Shui-bian on June 5 where the former leader describes
what moved him to attempt suicide last weekend.
The suicide attempt was Chen Shui-bian¡¦s second try in as many months. On the
day Chen learned he was going to be moved to Taichung Prison from his locked
psychiatric room at Veterans General Hospital in Taipei, Chen attempted to hang
himself on a doorknob inflicting a 6 cm wound on his neck. On Sunday, Chen tried
to hang himself with a towel from a shower fixture at the prison according to
the ROC Ministry of Justice.
Dr. Chen¡¦s translated account of his interview with Chen Shui-bian follows:
¡§President Chen, while stuttering badly, told me and other visitors his
thoughts. I could tell from his words his devotion to Taiwan, his expectation to
his fellow DPP members, and his unmistakable disappointments.¡¨
¡§Chen points out that it is a very tough mission to achieve Taiwan Independence.
Chiang Kai-shek and his son imposed "Republic of China" over Taiwan. President
Lee called it "Republic of China on Taiwan". Meanwhile, President Chen took
three steps, starting with "Taiwan is Republic of China", then "Taiwan is not
China", and then the final step, "Taiwan and China are two different countries
across the Strait." His last step angered both China and the United States.¡¨
¡§The actual actions Chen took to abolish "National Unification Policy" and to
seek "UN and WTO Memberships in names of Taiwan", made the US, China, and deep
blue people enraged, leading to his current imprisonment.¡¨
¡§Chen knew that he could not achieve Taiwan Independence during his terms but he
would like to build a foundation and a momentum, so that his successors could
continue to push and to complete it. However, he is disappointed and saddened
that DPP and its presidential candidates all abandoned it and chose to steer
clear of it. He worries about the future of Taiwan and understands the hopeless
situation of his, both driving him into deep depression.¡¨
¡§As a psychiatric doctor, I was able to listen to Chen¡Kto know first-hand why he
attempted suicide. This is why I wrote this report so that Taiwanese will
understand him.¡¨
¡§All other visitors heard the same statement as I reported here. The prison
authority also recorded the whole conversation.¡¨
¡§When Chen was discussing Taiwan's future and politics, he kept on talking even
though he was stuttering badly and his right hand was trembling uncontrollably.
When the topic turned to his illness and his appetite, he told us that he ate
everything sent to him by his supporters. When we asked him what he ate for
lunch, he replied that he did not bother to remember these daily trivia because
he had better use for his badly reduced memory capacity.¡¨
Chen Shui-bian is serving a lengthy prison sentence for alleged corruption
following a controversial no-jury trial. Chen has been imprisoned since shortly
after leaving office in 2008 and was confined to a tiny punishment cell at
Taipei Prison where Chen¡¦s health and spirit were broken. All of Chen¡¦s doctors,
the government doctors and his volunteer medical team, support medical parole
for Chen because of his deteriorating condition.
Ma Ying-jeou, Chen¡¦s successor, refuses to consider medial parole for Chen, so
the former president continues to suffer and waste away in his isolated
cellblock while planning ways to take his own life.
Translation assistance by Jay Tu