prosecutor-general, abolish SID: foundation
By Chen Tzu-wen and Jason Pan / Staff reporter, with staff writer

A delegation led by Judicial
Reform Foundation executive director Lin Feng-jeng, left, chairman Chiu Hei-yuan,
center, and board member Joseph Lin gathers in front of the Control Yuan in
Taipei yesterday, requesting the Control Yuan to investigate Prosecutor-General
Huang Shih-ming and abolish the Special Investigation Division.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times
A Judicial Reform Foundation delegation
yesterday urged the Control Yuan to investigate Prosecutor-General Huang Shih-ming
(黃世銘) on charges of abuse of power and authorizing secret wiretapping.
The delegation also called for abolishing the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office
Special Investigation Division (SID).
Gathered in front of the Control Yuan, the delegation was headed by foundation
chairman Chiu Hei-yuan (瞿海源), board member Joseph Lin (林永頌) and executive
director Lin Feng-jeng (林峰正).
“Prosecutor-General Huang claimed that he was acting in accordance with Article
44 of the Constitution in reporting to the president regarding the alleged
illegal lobbying of Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平). However, that
article concerns how to handle the president calling a consultation in case of
disputes between two or more branches of government,” Chiu said.
“However, how can Huang represent the Executive Yuan? His action is a serious
violation of the Constitution. We demand that the Control Yuan investigate this
thoroughly,” Chiu said.
The delegation also said that no one must interfere in the judicial process, and
all those involved in the illegal lobbying case should be investigated,
including Wang, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus whip Ker Chien-ming
(柯建銘), former minister of justice Tseng Yung-fu (曾勇夫) and High Prosecutors’
Office Head Prosecutor Chen Shou-huang (陳守煌).
“According to the principle of legislative self-discipline, the investigation
into the conduct of Wang and Ker should be done by the Legislative Yuan’s
Discipline Committee,” Lin said.
He said that since both men are members of political parties, both parties
should investigate their conduct, under the principle of responsible politics.
“If they are found guilty, then they must bear all political responsibility,
executive power responsibility and even criminal liability. There is no room for
ambiguity on this matter,” Lin said.
The delegation’s request and statement was accepted by Control Yuan member Yu
Teng-fang (余騰芳).
In a press release, the foundation called for major reforms in six areas of the
judicial process.
These included passing legislation on illegal lobbying, abolishing the SID,
establishing checks and balances on prosecutors to prevent selective
prosecution, establishing a mechanism to allow public participation in the
judicial process, reforming the prosecutorial system and prohibiting
investigative units from carrying out wiretapping to “fish for evidence.”