New justice minister, Huang grilled
on wiretapping
By Rich Chang and Shih Hsiu-chuan / Staff reporters

Prosecutor-General Huang Shih-ming,
left, looks on as Luo Ying-shay, who earlier in the day replaced Tseng Yung-fu
as justice minister, answers questions as she attends a legislators¡¦ inquiries
conference at the parliament in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Mandy Cheng, AFP
Prosecutor-General Huang Shih-ming (¶À¥@»Ê)
yesterday came under fire in the legislature over the wiretapping of the
legislature¡¦s central telephone exchange by the Supreme Prosecutors¡¦ Office
Special Investigation Division (SID), but Huang and the Ministry of Justice¡¦s
Investigation Bureau, which carried out the wiretapping, insisted that no
conversations were recorded.
The legislature¡¦s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee yesterday
changed its meeting schedule by inviting Minister of Justice Lo Ying-shay (ù¼ü³·)
and Huang to answer questions about the wiretapping controversy.
The committee in the evening passed a resolution that all cases probed by the
SID involving wiretapping should be suspended, calling for a moratorium on any
new investigations until the matter is resolved.
Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Liao Cheng-ching (¹ù¥¿¤«) told Lo: ¡§You
said, before assuming office today, that the SID might not have intended to
wiretap the legislature¡¦s number. How could you reach such a conclusion before a
task force [formed by the ministry on Sunday to look into the matter] has
started its investigation?¡¨
¡§Do you mean to say Huang and the SID did not make mistakes in the wiretapping
controversy?¡¨ Liao asked.
Lo said that wiretapping experts had told her that ¡§if you applied to wiretap
one number, you are not capable of wiretapping other numbers.¡¨
¡§Of course the SID committed wrongdoings. It took a month of wiretapping the
legislature¡¦s switchboard before it realized all records were blank, and it also
failed to check that the telephone number was correct, thinking it was a
personal number, as the division claimed,¡¨ she said.
Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Pan Men-an (¼ï©s¦w) asked Taipei
District Court president Wu Shui-mu (§d¤ô¤ì) how long the court allowed the
division to wiretap the legislature¡¦s central exchange number, one month or four
¡§The SID is right that the number was wiretapped for one month,¡¨ Wu said.
DPP Legislator Wu Ping-Jui (§dªÃèû) asked Investigation Bureau Director Wang Fu-lin
(¤ýºÖªL) whether the bureau, which carried out the wiretapping of the legislature¡¦s
number, was able to record conversations from that number.
Wang said there are 30 telephone numbers in the central exchange. If the bureau
wanted to wiretap all telephone numbers, it needed to adopt ¡§a special method¡¨
by changing computer orders, but in this case, the SID only authorized the
bureau to wiretap one telephone number.
Wu Ping-Jui said that Huang and Wang were both still lying to the legislature.
DPP Legislator Kuan Bi-Ling (ºÞºÑ¬Â) asked how many disks the division took from
the Investigation Bureau containing the records of the wiretapping.
Wang said 20.
She added that Huang lied in saying that no conversations were recorded on those
20 disks.
Responding to calls for his resignation for bugging the legislature, Huang said
he has apologized for mistaking the switchboard number for the cellphone number
of one of DPP caucus whip Ker Chien-ming¡¦s (¬_«Ø»Ê) aides.
¡§If the investigation concludes I made mistakes, I will shoulder the political
responsibility,¡¨ Huang added.
Meanwhile, at a KMT caucus meeting, KMT Legislator Lee Ching-hua (§õ¼yµØ) proposed
that a resolution be adopted by the caucus to demand Huang¡¦s resignation.
¡§It is truly a regretful situation that Huang¡¦s abuse of wiretapping power has
fueled public distrust in the government¡¨ and ¡§brought humiliation to the
country¡¦s democracy,¡¨ Lee said, adding that he and Huang had been classmates at
the College of Law at National Chengchi University.
Huang should offer to resign to ¡§save himself some dignity,¡¨ while the KMT
should act in a responsible manner to urge Huang to step down, Lee said.
The KMT caucus meeting did not decide on Lee¡¦s motion.
KMT Legislator Ting Shou-chung (¤B¦u¤¤) demanded that Premier Jiang Yi-huah (¦¿©y¾ì)
apologize to the public for the alleged irregularities in wiretapping.
In a statement, People First Party legislators Thomas Lee (§õ®ä»¨) and Chen Yi-chieh
(³¯©É¼ä) issued three demands: that the legislature establish a special commission
to investigate the matter, that officials involved in the surveillance of
telephone conversations be referred to the judiciary for investigation, and that
chief officials who lie about the alleged irregularities step down.
In related news, in an interview with BCC Pop Network yesterday morning, Jiang
said wiretaps make everyone uneasy whether they are up to something illegal or
not, but it is a means to crack criminal cases even in a democracy.
Jiang said the government would not tolerate illegal wiretapping and would
examine the system to limit law enforcement agents¡¦ use of wiretaps.
The tapping of the legislature switchboard should not lead to the conclusion
that SID should be abolished, Jiang said.
¡§This was two different issues,¡¨ Jiang said, adding that the government was
willing to review the system on which the SID was established to ensure the
independence of the judiciary, Jiang said.