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More vedio & photo (2008 Folk School)
新聞報導 -
作者 Aries   

in Korea

This video was made by Adrain (from Taiwan), Group E, who conducted a photography workshop for the 2008 GAHRFS.

Although I did not join the Picnic & Solidarity, but I had a great time in 518 Foundational, especially Youth Drama...thank everyone, everything. n_n~

Extended Reading:
Slide show (From Folk School)
Aries's photo (From Taiwan)
Adrain's photo (From Taiwan)
Jiranan's Flickr (From Thailand)
Sokunthea Facebook (From Combodia)
獻給你的進行曲 (March for Thou)

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最後更新 ( 2008-08-26 )
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