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Video: Red Festa (2006)
新聞報導 -
作者 Aries   

Red Festa

這個影片是韓文發音,但可以很清楚看到,518基金會嚐試以各種類型的活動,來吸引各年齡層人士的注意,2006年的Red Festa活動中,有當年屠殺場景的重演、演唱會、歷史資料重現、影片欣賞、各類遊戲活動等,5月份這個特別的季節裡,光州市錦南街都會封街5-6天,值得參考的影片,請見Video: Red Festa (2006)

Red Festa is a May 18 Festival for the Youth, and it is an event in which the young reenact scenes of the May 18 Democratic Uprising by using red and exercising their creativity, hosted by Youth Committee for the May 18 Festival...

All articles is in Thet Din's Refection on Red Festa 2008

Extended Reading:
Red Festa
The May 18 Memorial Foundation
Perspective on China-Review and think of democratization of Korea (韓國民主化歷程回顧與思考)

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最後更新 ( 2008-08-28 )
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