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作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師   

20120311 告別核電大遊行,點擊上圖可看更多照片


看電視上的政論節目,有某主持人,強調停建核四之後每日損失 670 萬元,現 在已經有 108 天了,已損失上億元…等等。這些人真是無知,我們之所以支持廢核立委,是因為這些人還能愛台灣這一小小土地。



日本建許多核電廠,卻人人自危,百姓怨氣連連,聽說核電可以減少 CO2 的污染,而為何日本近五年間的總計,其 CO2 的排放量,增加約3.2倍左右,其原因何在?此乃是大量用電的結果,使得一般工業或民間反而排出更多的 CO2。



反核是先知先覺的行動,可不是政治鬥爭的一種手段,在台灣每座核電廠的棟距,皆緊密相連,依安全性評估,核電廠每棟之間的距離必須不少於 500 公里,而周邊直徑3公里內不得有人居住,台灣如此之小,現在的核廢料每日不斷累積,在無法擴展陸地面積的情形之下,台灣一旦建核電廠一座,就消失一塊可以再利用的“生地”,而一般電廠工期短,廢料容易處理,土地可馬上再運用,其所產生的回收利益,才是合乎環保要求。每年國際的能源會議,還有那個國家敢大聲推銷開發核電廠?事實上對核電廠還有興趣的國家,比較落後,勞動人口多,不注重人權與落實環保工作。現在台灣宣傳廢核,是為子孫留活路,乃極其大功德之事,若說每日會因停建核四日損 680 萬元,何不拒絕興建?不建可以吧!這些損失的罪過,理應由擁核立委來承擔。

有許多朋友擔心兩岸關係,認為台灣人要民主又要安全,想建立台灣非核家園 的大夢,卻常常被對岸的 M 族飛彈驚醒,但是又有核電續建的厄夢,真是神經病 ,如果 M 族飛彈打到核電廠或核廢料場,才是大滿貫。

先進國家皆有限制工業用電政策,為了讓產能外移,本國研發淨化國土,百姓幸福,台灣已經不能再做國土破壞,想想看,台灣生病人口比例世界第一,而癌症為十大死亡率之首,此與國土不淨有關,何不鼓勵高污染工業到國外設廠,台灣成為 know-how center,即學術、研究、發展、企劃,專門人員的培育中心。


捷克的確受到奧地利、德國反核電人士的封鎖國道,其等政府人員亦出面商談 “核電廠關廠與安全檢查”的背書,可是核電廠仍然準備發電,此發電廠本身安檢 的結果亦不合格,常常自行當機,依反核團體的指控,該等核電廠雖然做了不少修 改設計與安全設施,還是無法減少其無法逆料的危險性,故反核電的團體,還是會持續做有效的抗衡。

Austrian Activists' Protests Against Czech Nuclear Plant Continue

TEMELIN, South Bohemia, Feb. 1, 2001 -- (CTK - Czech News Agency) Austrian opponents of the controversial new Czech nuclear power plant at Temelin plan to continue protesting against it, Josef Puehringer from the Upper Austrian Platform against Nuclear Danger told CTK today after having visited the Temelin plant with dozens of activists.

“Our disagreement with Temelin and our resistance to it continues. The question of whether or not in the soonest period blockades of border crossings will continue so far is not on the agenda of the day. Nonetheless, blockades remain one of the forms of our protests,”Puehringer said.

Last year, some Austrian anti-atomic activists' demonstrations were accompanied by blockades of Czech-Austrian border crossings. The Austrian activists' visit to the nuclear power plant took place shortly after the governor of the Ceske Budejovice region in which Temelin is located, Jan ahradnik ( Civic Democratic Party, ODS), had visited the plant.

Austrian opponents of Temelin are continuing to call for the operation of the plant to be kept on hold for sixth months for an internationally supervised assessment of its impact on the environment to be carried out. Puehringer today rejected Zahradnik's statement that the agreement on Temelin made at talks in Melk, Austria between Czech Premier Milos Zeman and Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel was being realized. “We don't know whether and how concretely any agreements between Schuessel and Zeman are being met. We don't have any information about this. ”

“I am surprised and I wonder what Mr. governor [Zahradnik] is basing his claim on,” Puehringer said. Opponents of Temelin from both the Czech Republic and Austria today were given a tour of the Temelin nuclear power plant. Before being shown the plant, they were given a lecture by staff at the plant's information center.

Temelin has so far cost nearly 100 billion Czech crowns since it began being built during the communist regime. Despite strong opposition and protests by environmental groups and also questions that have been asked by some about its ability to make profit to recover construction expenses, the Czech State Authority for Nuclear Safety (SUJB) issued a permit for Temelin to begin being put into operation in October, 2000, following numerous previous delays of its launch.

Since its launch was started in October, the plant's reactor has repeatedly been unexpectedly automatically shut down by its own installed safety systems, though plant staff has claimed this is nothing unusual. Staff at Temelin, which has temporarily been stopped due to recent problems, have predicted that repair work in the primary circuit, where the reactor is located, will be finished already next week so that the reactor can be restarted.

Repair work on turbines in the secondary circuit of the plant is, however, not expected to be completed until the middle of February.

Czech Protesters Block Temelin Plant Entrance

PRAGUE, Feb 12, 2001 ---

(Reuters) A group of demonstrators blocked the entrance to the Czech Temelin nuclear power plant on Monday just hours after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) began a safety inspection of the Soviet-designed facility.

The CTK news agency reported that some 30 environmentalists occupied the main entrance to the plant for just over an hour around lunch time to protest about technical problems at the plant, which has had operations halted several times in recent months.

The blockade ended at 1207 GMT without incident, it added.

The IAEA mission --- with experts from many countries including the U.S., France, Britain, Germany and Russia --- is expected to finish its inspection on March 1.

Temelin has been the focus of a bitter diplomatic row between Prague and Vienna.

Fiercely anti-nuclear Austria says the Soviet-designed Temelin station, built some 50 kilometers ( 30 miles) from the Austrian border and which began operating last October, is unsafe. It has threatened to block Prague's bid to join the European Union unless its demands for full safety inspections are met.

The Czechs say the plant, which has been upgraded with western control systems, is safe. In December, Czech Prime Minister Milos Zeman and Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel agreed another safety inspection would be carried out.

A number of incidents since test operations started have heightened concerns over the plant.

Most recently, testing operations at the plant were stopped in mid-January over a problem with steam pipes in the plant's secondary, non-nuclear circuit.

Plant owner CEZ has said it hopes to renew testing on February 20 once the problem is repaired.

Temelin has one operating 981-megawatt reactor and one under construction.

依照歐洲反核聯盟的說法,可以做為台灣參考:他們說,台灣 921 地震是天然災害,而興建核電廠則是製造人為災害,若大地震加上人造核電廠雙層災害,台灣此小小彈丸之島,就可昇華為“極地”。


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