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新聞報導 -
作者 Jack Healey/台灣e新聞 翻譯   


傑克希利 華府人權行動中心

由於受到流感病毒感染,我無法前往探望被監禁的台灣前總統陳水扁,並調查他可能受到侵犯人權的待遇。在我缺席的情況下,我的人權小組進行了調查。成員包括漢斯·華爾 (Hans Wahl),他對國際監獄標準和人權具有相當豐富的經驗,以及哈瑞丁勤時(Harreld Dinkins),一位研究東亞和東南亞地區的人權專家。由於事態緊急,不能拖延到我完全康復,我們決意按原定計劃完成這項人權任務。

人權小組已提交的報告並不令人鼓舞。陳被監禁的條件相當苛刻。雖然值得關注的問題相當多,目前最刻不容緩的是:陳水扁需要立即獲得全面和公正的醫療保健。他已經被報導的健康問題令人不安,可寫成一張很長的病單,然而最近又發現一個 4mm x 4mm的大腦中風栓塞,隨後更發現超過十個腦栓塞。很明顯證明,他的健康已嚴重惡化。然而這些診斷得之不易。即使他數月前已突然出現口吃及言辭不連貫的症狀,也要經過數週或數月積極交涉才能獲得診斷。由於陳水扁沒有獲得獨立監督的醫療保健,他的病情已經惡化。



我可以得到的唯一結論是,當權的台灣政府試圖對陳水扁進行政治報復,這項報復可能導致他死亡的風險越來越大。根據人權小組與陳先生直接見面的觀察,他的認知功能障礙持續惡化,極可能變成永久性殘疾。對台灣而言,這將成為一塊可恥的污點,台灣幾十年來人權保護的成就,就要被馬政府似乎恣意進行的人權大退進 (A Great Leap Backward) 所摧毀。


Illness and Treatment:
Curing Human Rights Neglect in Taiwan

Jack Healey, the Founder of the Human Rights Action Center

Due to a flu infection, I was unable to travel to investigate the detention of Taiwan's former president, Chen Shui-bian, and possible human rights violations in detention. In my absence, the investigation was conducted by my team: Hans Wahl, with considerable experience on international standards for prisons and human rights, and Harreld Dinkins, with considerable experience researching East and Southeast Asia. Unfortunately with a flu infection, all that could have been done was to wait for the infection to resolve and for me to recover. It was imperative to move forward with the mission.

The reports the team has submitted are not encouraging. The conditions of Chen's detention are grim. Though there are a number of areas of concern, at the moment one comes immediately to the fore: Chen Shui-bian needs immediate access to complete and impartial medical care. On the disturbingly long list of health concerns that have been reported as needing attention, it is the recent discovery first of a 4mm x 4mm infarction in his brain and the subsequent discovery of over ten other infarctions that contributes to the sense that his medical conditions are grave and worsening. Even the discovery of these conditions was won only after weeks and months of attempts to get a diagnosis that might explain the sudden appearance of stuttering and halting speech that Chen began exhibiting a few months ago. Without access to independently supervised medical care, Chen's condition has been worsening.

During the visit by Mr. Wahl and Mr. Dinkins, there were meetings arranged with several civil society groups and government offices. Particularly due to meetings arranged with Minister of Justice Tseng Yon-Fu and President of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan's legislature) Wang Jin-pyng, there seemed to be some agreement on the need to grant access to a more complete medical facility and to a diagnostic team composed by all sides and observed by all sides of Taiwan's political divide. Across the political spectrum and in environments from Taipei to Kaohsiung, there were chances to talk to people who had political supporters and opponents of Chen Shui-bian to ask their opinions on his access to medical care. Out of hundreds of people asked, there were those who had a range of opinions on issues from performance given in various political offices to the charges levied against him, but every single one agreed that there should be access to sufficient medical care given to all prisoners, including Mr. Chen.

What happened? Chen Shui-bian was transferred to the Veteran's Hospital for evaluation. While the hospital enjoys a reputation for good facilities, the tests were conducted without the ability of independent observers to be present and the results have not been made available to family. How can this be sensible? Good medical evaluations that are credible in the eyes of the international community and Chen's family should be in the interest of all. Medical records should be for Mr. Chen and his family to decide where and how to share. The lack of adhering to these minimal standards would be cause for concern in any case. In this case, results can't be seen as credible and thus no treatment can be credible. In the balance lies the worsening health and possible death of Chen Shui-bian.

The only conclusion that I can currently draw is that the current government of Taiwan is attempting to levy a political punishment on Chen Shui-bian that includes a high and increasing likelihood of death. Based on reports from the team visit with Mr. Chen directly, it may already include a worsening and permanent disability that might include cognitive impairment. What a shameful stain this is becoming on Taiwan, with decades of achievement in human rights protection getting increasingly overshadowed by this Great Leap Backward that the Ma administration seems to be endorsing.

With my flu infection, the best medical advice was to wait for recovery and to watch for complications. With Chen Shui-bian, the game of wait-and-delay may result in a permanent injury or death and has almost certainly caused complications. On the concern of the strokes alone, for the good of the all of Taiwan's peoples, delays are making things worse. We call on the Ma Ying-jeou government to meet international human rights standards and to grant Chen Shui-bian independent and unbiased medical evaluation now and without delay. Don't play politics with a human life. Provide complete access to independent medical evaluation and care for Chen Shui-bian now. There is a cure for human rights malaise in Taiwan and this is the first step.


The Huffington Post / Jack Healey

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source: 台灣e新聞

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最後更新 ( 2012-10-01 )
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