
20140516 Lawmakers force delay to review of economic zone bill
Taiwan Impression -
作者 Taipei Times   

Lawmakers force delay to review of economic zone bill

Staff writer, with CNA

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislators Huang Chao-shun, center, and Liao Kuo-tung, left, speak in the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The review of a bill on the development of free economic zones was stalled again yesterday at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei due to what the chair of the review session called “scorched-earth” tactics by opposition lawmakers.

During a joint committee session held to review the bill, legislators from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) occupied the podium in protest.

They demanded an apology from Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Huang Chao-shun (黃昭順) — the session’s chair — who they accused of having committed procedural violations a day earlier by preventing some opposition lawmakers from speaking and adjourning the session irregularly.

On Wednesday, the session was brought to a standstill amid filibuster attempts by opposition lawmakers, who say the project will increase China’s influence.

Huang said DPP lawmakers demanded that the meeting be adjourned in the morning and the afternoon on Wednesday because they did not want to review the bill.

She accused the DPP and the TSU of using a “scorched-earth” strategy, before announcing a recess yesterday morning.

When the session resumed, lawmakers from ruling and opposition parties argued over the microphone, before Huang announced an extension of the session until midnight.

No progress was made on the bill yesterday morning.

source: Taipei Times

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