
首頁 arrow 活動報馬仔 arrow 抗議台灣人遭受酷刑–請願運動(英、日、漢語)
新聞報導 -
作者 挺扁聯盟總部   

Chen Shui-bian petition campaign

Dear friends :

As you will know from press reports in Taiwan, the medical condition of former President Chen Shui-bian has seriously deteriorated recently.  He was treated in a hospital for a week, but was then returned to prison.  We decided to do a petition campaign to get him released on medical bail.  Click the following links to download two petition letters.



Please print them out as follows: Print the one addressed "Dear Member of Congress" out ONCE for your House member and print the one addressed "Dear Senator" out TWICE for your two Senators. Then fill out all three petitions.

Indeed, we encourage you to make copies and have them signed by your friends, family and fellow Taiwanese Americans.  So, f you plan to ask 50 friends in church to sign the petition, you prepare 50 copies of the "Dear Member of Congress" petition and 100 of the "Dear Senator" petition.

After you have collected all filled-out petitions, put them in an envelope and send them to:

Chen Shui-bian petition campaign
552 7th Street S.E.
Washington DC 20003


Mark Kao, President FAPA

source: FAPA

抗議台灣人遭受酷刑 – 請願運動


抗議台灣人遭受酷刑 – 請願運動


John Hsieh/Jeff Geer/TakaAki Imada/CK Chen







阿扁的醫師認為,他健康惡化是導因於,長期被隔絕陽光、缺乏運動、及不規律作息。不像其他坐牢者,能夠每天在監獄工廠作業八個小時,而他只被允許每天30分鐘戶外放風。如此的監禁條件,已明顯違反聯合國制裁囚犯的最低要求,每位沒受顧在戶外工作的囚犯,在天氣許可下,每天必須有最少一個小時的露天適當活動〈聯合國囚犯待遇最低限度標準準則第21條 (1)〉。



詳情請洽台灣人公共事務協會〈FAPA〉202-547-3686 或電郵

















Chen Shui-bian Petition Campaign

552 7th Street S.E.

Washington, DC 20003

Petition Campaign againstTaiwanese torturer

Dear Member of Congress:

As your constituent, I am writing to youtoday about the continuing incarceration of Taiwan's former President, ChenShui-bian. The case is of grave concern to me, to your Taiwanese Americanconstituents, and to Taiwanese Americans across the United States.

President Chen, who served as Taiwan’spresident between 2000 and 2008, was imprisoned on charges of corruption inNovember 2008, only months after leaving office. During the trial in 2009 and2010 many international observers, including former Harvard Law ProfessorJerome Cohen and other legal experts, identified multiple lapses in due processand other serious procedural flaws by the prosecution, raising questions aboutwhether the judicial proceedings against Chen were politically motivated.

Since the verdict in Taiwan’s High Court inDecember 2010, former President Chen has been serving out his 19-year sentencein Taoyuan County prison, where he is confined virtually 24 hours a day to adamp, undersized cell of about 50 square ft, which he shares with one othercellmate. The cell has a toilet, but no bed, desk or chair; in order to read orwrite, he must sit or lie on the floor.

I am writing you at this time because overthe past few months there has been a serious deterioration in his health andphysical condition. In early February, he and his family began petitioningprison authorities to grant a conditional release for a comprehensive medicalexam, but it was not until thirteen legislators from the opposition DPP raisedthe issue in the Legislative Yuan that Chen was allowed to go to TaoyuanGeneral Hospital on March 7, 2012. There, doctors diagnosed him with acute coronarysyndrome and significantly reduced blood flow to the heart—a potentially fatalcondition. He was taken to the Intensive Care Unit after undergoing an urgentcardiac catheterization procedure the next day.

During President Chen’s brief stay in thehospital, it was also discovered that for the last 14 months he has beenprescribed a psychiatric drug, Ativan, without his knowledge or consent. Thisdrug is known to be aggressive and can affect “chemicals in the brain that maybecome unbalanced and cause anxiety.” The exam also revealed a prostate tumor,among other undisclosed conditions.

Chen's doctors attribute his poor health tolong-term deprivation of sunlight, lack of exercise and an inactive life style.Unlike other inmates, who are able to work eight hours a day in prisonfactories, he is only allowed 30 minutes of outdoor exercise each day. Suchimprisonment conditions are a direct violation of the minimum requirements forprisoners as sanctioned by the UN. These require that "every prisoner whois not employed in outdoor work shall have at least one hour of suitableexercise in the open air daily if the weather permits" (Article 21 (1) ofthe United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners).

Concerns over President Chen's incarcerationhas been raised on a number of occasions over the past few years, both bymembers of Congress as well as by international scholars writing to currentPresident Ma Ying-jeou. However, the Ma administration has been totallyunresponsive to these human rights concerns.

I now ask you to express your deep concernsabout the inhumane treatment of former President Chen

to the US government, and to urge the UnitedStates to prevail on the authorities in Taiwan to allow former President Chenmedical bail so he can receive adequate treatment for his medical conditions ina timely manner.

Please contact the Formosan Association forPublic Affairs (FAPA) at (202) 547-3686 or for more information on thecase. Thank you very much for your support!


Name _________________________________________________________________


Address ________________________________________________________________


Date _______________________________Phone______________________________

P.S. Please understand that the wrongfuladministration of a mind-altering drug (Ativan/Lorazepam) is an unlawful typeof torture. Pharmaceutical brainwashingis defined as torture under the Torture Victims Protection Act (TVPA). This torture definition is also found under18 U.S.C. § 2340(2)(A) for severe mental pain and suffering. This criminalcategory of torture is defined by the administration of mind-altering drugs tointentionally alter victim's behavior and is calculated to disrupt profoundlythe senses or personality. If this crime is committed anywhere in the world,the United States Government has the jurisdiction to prosecute those actingunder color of law.

The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) has acongressionally-mandated policy for protecting and enhancing the human rightsof the people of Taiwan. The Taiwan prison doctors have contravened theAmerican interests in Chen Shui-bian's conditions of imprisonment in Taiwan.Within the TRA legislative history on the human rights policy, SenatorsClaiborne Pell and Jesse Helms demand it is the responsibility of their successorsto ensure the torture of the people of Taiwan is kept in check under the legalauspices of the Fourth Geneva Convention for American protection of civilianson Taiwan. When the U.S. Senate ratified the Geneva Conventions in 1955, theydid so predicated on the fact that painless Chinese brainwashing was tortureunder international law. If absolutely necessary, this congressional policymandates a convening of military commissions for the TRA human rightsprotections of the people of Taiwan by the U.S. Government.

From civil remedies to criminal penalties, itis your congressional oversight duties to enhance the Taiwan policy protectionsagainst torture. This anti-torture policy was fully implemented with CharlesTaylor, Jr. for his torture crimes committed within Liberia. It was possiblebecause of the historical quasi-colonial relationship with the United States. Iam joining with FAPA and the Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization(TCRLO) for the campaign against Taiwanese torturers of Chen Shui-bian.


Let’s see some Taiwanese-American leadership on this tortureissue!! Pharmaceutical brainwashing is torture under the Torture VictimsProtection Act and the related U.S. criminal laws on torture. “Universaljurisdiction” applies to Taiwan prison doctors for future U.S. criminaljurisdiction over them. If you can signthe attached petition with a TCRLO post-script (P.S.), we can put seriouspressure on the Taiwan government to stop their torture abuses. The Taiwanofficials are covered by the TVPA, and Chen family members can bring privatecivil suits in the U.S. federal courts for monetary damages. It could lead toevidence of criminal wrongdoing and thus the public interest in the Conventionon Torture could be applied to Taiwanese government officials. If you do notsend a clear message to Congress and Taipei, the Taiwan government will not stop the post-228 “WhiteTerror” on Taiwan now. You are the only people who can literally save Taiwanfrom the KMT abuses, and your US Congressional officials can put very seriouspolitical and legal pressures on them, too. FAPA has taken leadership on thematter, and you must respond. This is your only hope before the PRC gets theirdirty hands on your political future.

Indeed, we encourage you to make copies and have them signedby your friends, family and bellow Taiwanese Americans. So, if you plan ask 50friends in church to sign the petition, you prepare 50 copies of the “DearMember of Congress” petition and 100 of the “Dear Senator” petition.

After you have collected all filled-out petitions, put themin an envelope and send them to:


Chen Shui-bian Petition Campaign

552 7th Street S.E.

Washington DC 20003



一選良として、一筆お知らせ傍 お願い申しあげます。

陳水扁総統は2000年から2008年までの2期総統を勤め、下野後の2008年の11月に投獄されました。総統職を降りて(5月20日に新旧交代式典)からわずか数ヵ月後のことです。罪名は贈収賄汚職です。2009年から2010年の審理裁判期間中に ハーバード大学のJerome Cohen教授以下、多くの法律専門家、国際的な学者から成る観察グループによって中華民国当局の法的手続き違反、起訴手続欠陥、が指摘され、此の訴追には過失や無効があり、陳水扁の起訴は政治的な動機によるものとの疑義がもたれてきた。

(C.K.Chen Remarks: The total cases were 4,and 3 of them were re-ruled as Not Guilty. The last was depended on one keywitness favorable to the prosecution. KuChung-Rian the only witness swore to the public later that he was pressedby the prosecution to give the false perjury. The corruption by Chen Sui-bian is thefabrication by the Terror Ma Ing-jeau armed group. Yet, the court owned andoperated by KMT/ROC in exile is still exercising the Terror without anyimprovement. Chinese wants to brain wash him by drugs before the court has tore-rule him Not Guilty. CSB has been in the jail for 3 years and being druggingfor over 14 months. No oneknows the current situation.)

台湾の高等法廷は2010年12月に陳水扁氏を2年間を越す台北置所での拘留から、桃園監獄に移し、氏の19年刑期の服役継続を取り決めた。陳水扁は湿気の多い、1.3坪(50平方フィート)の、便器一つ、ベット、机、椅子皆無の部屋を、二人で共用し、読み書きは全てフローアに座るか寝て行い、室外に出る時間は、一日にわずか半時間 と、常識外の拷問並みで監禁されている事が暴露された。


陳水扁総統の獄外病院での短い診察で明らかにされた事柄は:陳氏が 彼の未知、不同意の状態の中で14ヶ月もの長期間に亘り意図的、且つ、隠密裏に投与された精神疾患治療薬Ativan (抗鬱病薬)に起因するものとのことであった。この薬は強烈な副作用があり、其の使用は習慣性となり、心身のバランスが破壊され、パニツク性障害、トラウマ性障害等の不安障害を起こし、思考の錯乱を起こし、自殺の誘引ともなる。又、前立腺肥大とその他の未公開の病状もある。


(C.K.Chen Remarks:支那人政治難民武装グループの頭目馬英九はテレビで, 数年前から私(馬)は陳水扁に惨めな死に方をさせる、「我要陳水扁死得難看」と叫び、心臓病の診断に対しても、陳水扁の心臓病の治療費は自己負担にすると馬英九は叫んだ。これは支那人のテロ行為である。台湾人への見せしめ迫害テロである。 支那人武装集団は台湾から駆逐すべきである。 
Ma Ing-jeau said on TV news time that he wanted to see ChenSui-bian dies miserably and ugly. When CSB's heart disease waspublished, Ma Ing--jeau's first response was he would order Chen Sui-bian to pay the treatment of his heart problem byhimself. The case ofdrugging CSB in jail is not the legal issue but the political issue of Killingchicken to teach monkey. It is the Terror, without question, and the Chinesebandit armed group should be expelled out from Taiwan.)。



尚、詳細は台湾人公共事務会(FAPA) 202-547-3638, or e-mail elin@ypg.fapa.orgにお問い合わせください。









追伸:心身の思考能力を変更できる化学薬品(Ativan/Lorazepam)を不当に投與するのは, 拷問酷刑である。拷問酷刑の被害者保護法 (TVPA= Torture VictimsProtection Act) は薬剤使用での洗脳行為は拷問酷刑とみなす。極度の精神的苦痛を加えるのは、拷問酷刑として米国連邦法典の第18冊の2340ページ(2)(A)に記載してある。この種の心身、頭脳の変化をする薬物投与で、意図的に被害者の改造、又はその知覚や個性の変化を計算考慮した行動の全ては、拷問酷刑といして、世界の如何なる地域にて行われても、米国は法に従い、起訴する。

台湾関係法(TRA)は米国国会の通過で成立した法律であり、台湾人民の人権の保護と増進を図る法律である。陳水扁氏の桃園牢獄での処遇、牢獄医師 (集団)の行為は明らかに米国の国益に違反するものである。台湾関係法、人権の立法歴史に鑑み、参議院議員Claiborne Pell 氏とJesse Helms氏は、その後継者に託して、台湾人民が一旦拷問酷刑の被害があれば、ジネーブ第4公約の法律保障を引用して、台湾人を保護する様求めている。 1995年に米国はジネーブ公約を批准した際、支那式の洗脳が起こり得るとの予見の下に、之を国際法上、拷問酷刑であるとした。絶対必要の場合、国会は米国政府に軍事委員会の会議を求め、米国政府は台湾関係法の台湾人民のあるべき人権の保護をすべきとしてある。 


台湾系アメリカ人のリーダ達は、この違法拷問酷刑に如何様に対処しているだろうか? 拷問酷刑被害者保護法(Torture Victims ProtectionAct=TVPA)と米国刑事法の規範では、薬剤の不法投与による洗脳行為は拷問酷刑に該当する。「世界規模の管轄権」は当然ながら、米国の台湾監獄医師拷問酷刑への刑事案件管轄権に敷衍されます。 台湾人権訴訟組織が準備した嘆願書にご賛成ご署名頂ければ、皆の力がまとまり、大きな圧力となり、馬英九当局の拷問酷刑を防止できます。台湾当局の官僚たちへにも、世界規模の拷問酷刑被害者保護法で、その企図的な暴走にブレーキが掛かります。 被害者家族の陳水扁家族は米国連邦法廷に民事訴訟で加害者に賠償の請求ができます。この行為は明確な拷問犯罪の証拠となり、拷問酷刑の全面禁止と防止となり台湾の公衆利益、且つ、世界的な大衆利益ともなります。 皆さんが米国国会と台湾の馬英九当局に明確な要求をしなければ、馬英九武装グループは、228大虐殺の後続テロを止めません。 貴方がペンを取りれば、多くの台湾人が過去、現在と未来の馬英九当局のテロ迫害から免れます。そして、貴方を代表する国会議員もまた、馬英九当局への政治的法律的厳しい圧力を掛けられます。FAPAはこの議題の中心的役割を担い、運動を起こしてます。力をお寄せください。中華人民共和国の魔手がこの件に政治的な介入をする前に、合流してください。それが、台湾人に残された、唯一つの希望です。

心より皆様のご協力をお願いします。多くの友達、家族を動員してください。若しも50人の署名が可能でしたら、米国衆議院への嘆願書を50通コピーして下さい、又100名しかない参議院議員にも、ご尽力頂ければ幸甚に存じます。 署名後の嘆願書をまとめて下記のF

Chen Shui-bian Petition Campaign
552 7th Street S.E.
Washington, DC 20003

source: 挺扁聯盟總部

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最後更新 ( 2012-04-06 )
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